No need to git gud when you can just put the game on easy mode.
No need to git gud when you can just put the game on easy mode
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That is a backstab magnet ladddddddddder
Yeah of you're a woman
>heavy weapon
>easy mode
Shitty move set. Fume is better.
>really like this meme weapon desigh
>has the most generic and boring moveset ever, and two-handed R2 some time out right went through the enemy with no damage
Kill me.
Pretty shit for PvE to be honest familia. Easily outclassed by memesword.
Absolutely wreck some serious shit for PvP tho.
Profaned or Lorian's? I love them both tb.h but I'm having trouble choosing.
Nothing is shit in PvE unless you are shit at PvE.
>straight sword and estoc shitters have a counter
>go on Sup Forums and whine about it like a bitch
m8 the moment you pick "knight" in the character creation screen you basically begin "easy mode."
get lorian's, then on your next journey get lothric's sword. go back to ludleth and you can transpose the two blades for a new weapon.
>use this
>never lose again
Get rkt
who cares you're bad anyway
who /carthus/ here
how do you beat halberds as great weapon user
they just outrange you forever
What's the most fun weapon to use?
Easy mode until people learn that you can still roll out after 2nd hit, despite it being a charge done after a single swing.
Play patiently and go for trades using your hyper armor, or switch weapons to a better match-up.
There's literally no reason to use one single weapon in pvp due to the infusion system letting you turn even an estoc or spear into a decent STR weapon.
best weapon coming through
Black Knight Glaive has a four move guaranteed combo, fucking GG with that shit.
They really need to patch that shit, it's pure fucking cancer, I fought a guy who did nothing but the 2HR1 for five minutes straight trying to set up that combo.
what is the combo?
and you lost like a bitch from the sounds of it
shit scaling
No, I beat him by abusing hyper armor, it took five minutes because he ran away and healed everytime I fucking hit him, and the BKGA is too goddamn slow to punish estus slurping.
R2, R1, L2-R2 (to finish the spin sweep).
But it's so fun sending things into the air and lighting them on fire
2HR1 > L2 > R2
May reach 1K damage easily.
Is that the one with the unreactable weapon art?
>tfw hearing people on Sup Forums complain about the estoc
Just get gud lmao if you don't like it black crystal out of my world, I'm so sick of hearing salty faggots get mad because they can't play for shit.
Lucerne has the same moveset.
Nah, the charge forward is pretty predictable if you know what it does, not to mention the R2 gives a LOT of leisure time for them to dodge, but if you can catch them out with it it's almost an instant win.
>tfw you find out the weapon you like is a meme weapon
guess im not allowed to use it anymore...
Even better combo
>how to counter gundry's
>roll 1-3 times depending on opponents combo
>hit them when they are out of stamina
but does lucerne have the same stagger on the r1?
1K damage is normal in SL120 guys.
My R1 L2 R2 combo with the twinblades is around 1300.
That's retarded. Anyone using Gundyr's will only do 1 shots. If he obviously has you cornered, he'll do 2, then move back. He will never run out of stamina.
That's assuming the opponent keeps pressing the button like a retard.
Most people follow a two swing rule, if you swing twice and can't hit the opponent, stop swinging or they'll likely try and parry you. I've never encountered a halberd player who dared to attack more than twice with how punishable those weapons are.
What weapon? Any retard can call something a meme weapon to put people off using it.
how many builds has Sup Forums completed?
i have 100 hours in the game and five characters, but only two are in NG+, and even then I'm still rounding out what I want for each of them. Faith str builds are pretty shitty, and that was my first character. Second was a str pyro, and it's fun but ima respec to just pure pyro.
the weapon you use
Every weapon is OP to you fags. Piss off already
Maybe you faggots should try a sorcerer build for once? It's really not as bad as people make it out to be, hitting someone who is in the middle of a roll straight towards you with a buffed crystal spear and nearly 1-shotting them is so satisfying, and you just switch your candle to a rapier to finish them off.
I've made a couple for funsies.
My first playthrough I went full STR with Smough's Hammer, that was pretty fun but I respeced into the Dragonslayer Swordspear.
My other characters I made specific for weapons and to fashion with them. I got a Templar looking Paladin dude with Lothric's Holy Sword, a knight with flowing armor and cloth with the Gotthard Twinswords, a pyro with the Witch's Locks (probably the most fun to play right now).
I got bored of the PvP because 9/10 it's a Dark Sword or Estoc user, it got stale to me.
Hammers, Axes, Greathammers, Greatswords, Daggers, Curved Swords, Curved Greatswords, Spears, Whips, Fists.
None of these weapon classes have a single "Op" weapon in them, and each of them has a drastic flaw that will likely keep them from ever having an OP weapon.
Honestly hammers are the worst offenders, and at this point I wish they didn't exist, after five games they still haven't made a single hammer weapon that's good in online battles. It's just shameful that they're unable to see the obvious flaw that hammers have always had, and it makes me believe that From isn't nearly as good at game design as people say they are.
i don't see dark sword being used at all really unless you're invading lower level people trying to go through PVE. on my SL 80 and SL 120 there's actually quite a lot of versatility, which is nice.
what is good about the pyro with witch's locks, is that a good weapon for a build with only faith/int?
>Cleric's Candlestick
>Scales on FAI
>Named for Clerics, ie faith users
>the enemies that use them cast pyromancies with them
>it's a sorcery catalyst, but it's no mentioned in the description and you can only find out after you make it
This weapon is a total clusterfuck
Curved greatswords are totally fine and there is nothing really wrong with greathammers either.
I like my raw reinforced club. I'm stuck at Aldritch though
That was the entire point of my post famalam.
Although I disagree that greathammers are fine, they currently lack any kind of niche as they don't have the moveset verstility of UGS or the high power of Greataxes either.
This weapon made me ragequit.
>not using just a broadsword and shield
simple but pretty fucking effective
its weapon art isn't even the fucking fireballs that the deacons use.
its a fucking torch.
Ive been invading at level 97 a ton and I still see many dark sword users. It's not hard to beat but it really punishes your mistakes and depletes your HP and estus over the course of an invasion. The damage and phantom range are brutal. That said I would rather face three dank sword wielders than 3 guys 2handing ultra weapons
Exile curved greatsword is rather op I think.
I've got 50 hours, two characters but I'm frankly sick of my current Faith character. I really want to do a 'for fun' build where I cosplay Captain Falcon and use Demon Fists and Sacred Flame and use Call Over frequently in fights.
>"Candle stick used as both sword and catalyst. "
it clearly says that it is a catalyst, which is what sorcery casting things are called in Dark Souls 3. You can clearly see this before making it.
Lacks speed and its moveset is lackluster, on top of that the damage isn't spectacular.
There's not one aspect of it that's "op"
sacred flame bug is a legitimate Falcon Punch, it does like 2000+ damage in pvp
Not to mention how stupid easy they are to party. Never lost to halberd and spears once.
Stop lying you fuck.
I'm SL 120 and all I see are Dark Sword users + Greatshields.
Bonus if I see 3v1 with all great shields, 1 with Estoc, 1 with Dark Sword, then one with a big weapon.
Why do people who run INT recommend using it so much if it scales with Faith?
Use that with a spell buff and lets see if you can even survive when it hits you twice.
Previous games called all casting items catalysts, plus literally everything else about the candlestick points to miracles.
I think you can make the demon fists work. I invaded a guy with a Havel's armor + demon fist build and he pushed my shit in. Im pretty good at PvP but I had trouble countering the speed and quick stun in that situation
I could say literally the exact same thing about any of the Ultra weapons in the game, though.
Are you implying every Ultra weapon is OP now?
>lacks speed
like all ultra weapons which it makes up for with hyper armor
>moveset is lackluster
moveset is fine
>damage isnt' that spectacular
>270 base damage when sharpened with A dex scaling
Whoops, I meant has a faith req
Not sure if it scales with it as well
You can survive an Ultra weapon with 2 hits.
I've never been killed with any Ultra in 2 hits, even with 27VIG. Never.
A good weapon though with a spell buff? Nah, I'm running away until that buff goes away. That's easily 1600 damage.
The wiki says it doesn't. Still, my question stands as to why it's the magic item of choice.
Who /butcherknife/ here?
Fully upgraded it's pretty dam good for strength builds that don't want to get fucked with weight. My only problem with it is how incompatable it is with infusion and any pyro or whatever upgrade.
Different candlestick, there is one from the archives that is just a dagger that passively boosts your sorcery damage.
Forgot pic
What's the best miracle catalyst for 35+ faith?
I've just been using the bellvine because I like the bell noise, and there doesn't seem to be a huge difference in the spell boost stat on any of the catalysts I've found so far
So is strength fucking viable or not? I just started a Warrior and this axe is fun as all shit, and I'm not a huge PvP fag. I'd like to pursue it.
>miracle catalyst
The basic battle axe should be switched for the Man-Serpent Hatchet when you can get it, as the Hatchet is literally identical stat wise, but has longer reach and deals some damage through shields.
If you're going really to the high levels, it's Yorshka's Chime. You need 60FTH though. But it is the best of the best.
>press L2 to parry
>40 luck
>Warden Twinblades
>Hollow Infusion
>Hit for 800+ damage
>Proc bleed every combo
really quick i dont want to make a thread for this
im on my 2nd run doing a pyromancy build
pyro flame scales off int and faith
what weapons/infusions scale off of int and faith so i can put those points to good use?
Dark and Chaos infusion is your friend in pyro runs
Has to compete with Saints talisman though.
is the extra damage worth the way better talisman weapon art?
I don't care how worthless Caestus are I want to start a new build right the fuck now.
Strength weapons are actually really good in PvP thanks to high burst damage (instant KO invalidates estus spam) and good hyper armor usage allowing you to always win R1 exchanges against straight sword users.
Straight sword is just brainless -- Likely dominates PvE more than PvP actually.
At 49FTH and above Yorshka's is the best. Bar none.
Lower than that and it's Saint's.
I use Yorshka's because of the damage buff. It gives +247 damage buffs on weapons. Which makes me one shot people with health lower than 1300 in invading.
I've been having a blast with this and dragon torso.
Guardbreaking shitters while invading and doing about 1,500 critical damage is fun as hell.
It's a garbage setup for actual duels though, I die in like 3 hits from a katana or +10 dark sword with 27 VIT and +2 RoP. Wearing absolutely no armour is suicide.
>sacred flame meme
Not a real fist build.
thanks unkindled
27 VIG*
Sellsword twin blades are pretty fun
Really? I just stuck with raw Astora's +8
Is infusing really better, due to split damage?
What do I give the qt anime bird?
>Sellsword Twinblades
>Lightning Blade buff
>Hit for 1200 with armor, 1800 with none.
>One shot combo
Its a KENSHIRO build. Iron Flesh and blowing up mooks with CQC is fine.