>tfw fell for the Ludwig's Holy Blade meme
Tfw fell for the Ludwig's Holy Blade meme
looks like you fell for the PS4 meme which is even worse
I used the daggers
>I fell for the Beast Claw + Beasts Embrace meme
and it's amazing
What's wrong with Ludwig's?
who boom hammer here
>he thinks there is ANYTHING wrong with MGS
lmaoing @ ur life rn.
I'll always love blade of mercy, but fuck that moonlight greatsword is GOD TIER. BB's puts DS3's shitty sword to shame.
>just killed Wet Nurse today
>get back to the dream, house is burnin and shit
>go to gehrman, tells me i can leave the dream now
>"lol no fuck that i gotta go fight the weird thing i dropped with the lever back in the nightmare"
>he throws a little shitfit and starts fighting me, kicks my shit in when he gets the half health buff
alright, what are some good strats to fight this asshole
>He's using the ultimate crutch baddie sword and still dies
Parry him
>tfw fell for the Logarius Wheel meme
Even when tricked and with a full arcane build that weapon does SHIT damage. I just stuck with tonitrus all the way until I got the parasite but then didn't have any chunks to upgrade it because I wasted them on that stupid wheel.
try staying right outside his range and go for a couple quick hits after he whiffs
What attacks of his should I parry? I'm using blunderbuss and it seems as though his spin attack and the one where he drags you in don't get affected by it at all.
moonlight greatsword, aka ludwig's holy blade
don't parry, best tip is to use flame paper to cheese him. he can whip up tornados, you can fuck him in the ass with some flames.
Nigga just go fight him again and figure it out yourself you can do it.
I....completely forgot about that one. was the go-to weapon in vanilla, but TOH MGS just took things to a whole different level. :O
nigga i cant play again till like 15 hours from now, gotta sleep and go to work, i'd rather get this done with for now so i can go play the other souls games. definitely gonna come back to replay this game because holy fuck its good
>full arcane build
the wheel is for 2:1 strength/arc builds.
Tricked Hunters Axe has a pretty good after dash poke. It's got good range and deal decent damage. If all else fails R2 spam with it though, against Gerham, you have to get the timing with it just right.
But the Hunters Axe is easy mode.
I still love it, it's basically Bloodborne's halberd.
>he's still mad that he can't play From's greatest game
How's Undertale?
Blades of mercy and Stake driver a best.
>parry someone with a boneashed repeating pistol
>Use a leaping r2 attack while they are in parry state
Feels so good
But i'm playing Dark Souls 3 and 1 right now user
Why did I laugh at this? Damn it, user.
I respectfully disagree user. Saw Spear and Hunter's Axe all the way.
I just wish I was good enough to use the Burial Blade.
best weapon in any of the souls games
kirkhammer is a close second
Meant for
Blunderbus is essentially useless. It's a lot harder to parry enemies with due to its delay, and doesn't offer any significant damage bonus over the pistol to make it worth while as a starter.
It's entire purpose is to stagger and not much else.
Always pick the pistol, then switch for the repeating pistol or evelyn when they become available.
If you've invested into bloodtinge, slap a few blood bullets in, buff with bone marrow ash, and parry like a mother fucker. You will absolutely wreck everyone.
>Blunderbus is essentially useless
Thought so too till I used it vs 2 handed wheel users.
Same user here.
I see people talk about the evelyn a lot, but I still don't have it in the store. What did I miss?
>Blunderbus is essentially useless
You don't know anything about anything at all
It and the Hunter's Pistol have the exact same startup fyi
>dark souls 2:2
Did you discover the cave in the Forbidden Woods that leads back to Iosefka's clinic?
If not, you need to circle round the hut with dog cages near the village in Woods, run through the poison swamp to the cave near the obelisk on the left hand side, climb the ladder up and scale the roof. You are now back in Iosefka's Clinic.
Explore the area and pick up the Cainhurst Summons. Return to Hemwick Charnel Lane and use the Summons next to the decorated pillar with the two roaming executioners.
Now go explore and find evelyn.
Literally the ezmode weapon of bloodborne.
Unless you fucked up your stats, you can't go wrong with it.
>It and the Hunter's Pistol have the exact same startup fyi
t. lying little faggot
t. knows nothing about the game
use pistol and when he puts his sythe behind him there's a huge window for parrying him.
Except it's well known that the blunderbus has a longer delay than the pistol.
It's part of the reason why you get the option between the two; one that is slower but causes greater stagger, one that is faster and better for parrying.
Sorry that you were a little gimp who picked the literal blunder and never learned to parry.
They do.
The pistol recovers faster so you can shoot more.
The blunderbuss can stagger if you miss the parry and has a spread
Don't get so upset over video games.
Except that you're pretty much wrong and they have the same startup but the Blunderbuss has a slightly longer recovery, and has the highest damage in the game with good bloodtinge of all firearms other than like the cannon and shit
we all know the literal blunder is the Ludwig rifle
what gems for Ludwig? I'm at +5 and my +5 saw does more damage.....?
The saw does a lot of damage vs beasts and is better for general dps
Ludwigs sword is bout the poise break and stagger, the 2 handed l2s are great
That said I don't use it, hhavent used it for like 2k hours, its a boring mode weapon
My first clear was with Lud's and I can't use it anymore on account of how boring it feels in comparison to other weapons. Definitely a good weapon though, no arguments there.