I miss overwatch already.
Guise I keep buying taco Bell cause you can win the GE before it comes out.
I'm not ready
I miss overwatch already.
Guise I keep buying taco Bell cause you can win the GE before it comes out.
I'm not ready
its still up for over 12 hours what are you whining about
>miss a poorly balanced shooter that relies on overpowered Ultimates
Boy oh boy do I love being forced to let the enemy take build a completely and utterly impenetrable defense at the very beginning of escorting the payload game type. Brilliant design.
I gotta work at 11 in the morning user-son
Means I gotta be in bed by 430
I can't situp due to all the taco Bell I ingested
Is this guy Mexican?
user I don't think you've played it enough you're delirious
He's black. Or he was black.
He's hispanic
hes clearly mexican
his name is reyes and he has a marachi skin
he was black?
Are there going to be more heroes? If so, how often will they get released?
No no no
Maybe so
I thought that Sup Forums hated Overwatch.
Anyone that isnt straight up white is obviously black. Theres no way THIS guy could be mexican at all, none, nada, zero chance, hes 100% black
I dunno, some black guy.
I want this guy as a Riot Cop type guy with a pump shotgun
Blizz will probably give us a decent shotgun blast/reload sound which is just what I want
RoR style enforcer type character would be dope as fuck
but user it's still going.
the beta got extended a day and it ends tomorrow morning.
So why is Tracer the face of Overwatch, when 76 was LITERALLY the face of Overwatch
You will find that Sup Forums is not actually a single person. Many different people frequent this board.
I dunno, this ginger is apparently Mexican.
>Payload on Route 666
>Trobjrons, Bastions, Widowmakers, with Reinhardt utterly block every attempt to advance because they have the height advantage and had a minute to prepare everything they needed
I'm gonna miss it too.
The Reaper is Mexican I should know
t. Mexican
No idea. They've only talked about possibly adding Doomfist as a playable character.
do we get to keep our unlocked costumes?
because im not buying this game if my cool shit isn't still unlocked.
Most likely. Not sure.
Personally want more maps or game modes before new heroes.
I misread your first post user. I'm the delirious one I'm sorry. You're right.
because it took you so long to unlock it
post high noon
his lips are too small to be black