>People think she is shit
How bad at the game are you?
>People think she is shit
How bad at the game are you?
It's ironic she says "nerf this," when she ults.
I'll bet it's one of the first things nerfed.
She isn't shit. She just needs to be tinkered with/fixed a bit.
Biggest, and honestly the only big thing about her is her ult.
That's not good.
Probably not. Once you see it just run away, the radius isn't that large
I just wish they would make the explosion look bigger so that it actually matches the splash range.
>Worlds biggest crit zone in the universe
>On the front of her mech
>That's also distinctly colored different
>With pea shooters
She has great mobility and all that but jesus that just makes her effectively have as much hp as edge man of many shotguns.
Bastion, Widowmaker and Tracer are probably going to get nerfs first.
Also stacking, they need to have a one hero each gametype and crazy mode as well for fags.
I think if you are using her correctly she is a very effective anti-sniper and just general low health sweeper.
Against anything high health or even turret dudes she sucks monkey balls.
>All these people complaining about multi-hero stacks just get met with "but it's part of the game design! Keep giving me that cock blizzard!"
>Even though there are blatantly obvious stacks that are just retarded like Soldier 76 and supposedly Tojborn and Bastion on some maps.
Blizzard and people who aren't scrubs agree that Bastion isn't OP.
Git gud.
>fastest dying character in the game unless you go full meme
The worst part is that nobody will take an actual tank without the warning
>p- please, blizbliz?! nerf this character so I stop going negative!
she is not that good at anti sniping and defense picks if you want that just pick winston. she is good at siege breaking with her ult and thats about it
I don't think she's bad, but she definitely not great. Her range is really bad that more characters can beat her if they're rare enough but at least she can close the gap fairly easily
Favorite character by far. Just as good without the suit
I don't understand it either. Her defense matrix is one of the most god tier abilities in the game and I don't think people realize you can use it for things that aren't aimed at you.
See that Mcree that just got hooked? Point your defense matrix at him and watch as he fucks that dumbass roadhog up.
See that pharah that just ulted? Watch as her missles explode in mid air.
Not to mention that she can regain full health and cause a giant explosion by using her ult.
And she has 550 hp which is the second highest in the game. Even after her mech gets destroyed she can still fuck people up with that pistol.
On top of that her rocket boost is pretty great for knocking down snipers and pushing people off the map on top of getting to god flanking routes.
her tool kit isn't bad at all.
but the 550 health means a lot less when you consider the size and location of her crit box. She also does absolutely mediocre damage even right up at close range. Roadhog has great damage, Wintson's weapon fills a niche by hit everything in its cone and going through barriers, Zarya gets great damage if she's using her shields effectively. But D.va shotguns are so bad her pistol is more effective
D VA is my tank main. She is just great at hit and running and fucking up defenses.
This got me Play of the Game
I hate her because no matter how good you are, how sick the moves you got, even if you play crucial role in the match and bring your team to victory, this little shit ALWAYS gets best moment for LEL CHARGE ULTI -4 I PLAY TO WIN even if that's her only contribution to the game.
Other than that, she's a pretty solid character
are we getting new game modes in the final version?
>Play Mei
>Ice wall
she is good at anti sniping because she can just fly up to nests and gun them down. I do this regularly in games, winston is also good for this but his ult is the shittiest in the game.
Dva is also really good at killing roadhog, winston is shit at killing roadhog and any high health enemy.
Bastion is overpowered on defense because you can just plop down and point at targets to kill pretty much anyone in 3 seconds, made even worse with reinhart or fuckin toblerone bastion combos.
She is actually shit. I am decent with her and can get lost of gold medals easily with her, but that doesn't change the fact that she is shit.
>This got me Play of the Game
Wow dude you should be proud of getting POTG when literally pressing Q gives potgm fucking faggot
future bronzy in overwatch ranked spotted
>Blizzard agrees that the character Blizzard made isn't overpowered
This is one of the most retarded statements I've read on this site.
Just got 5 gold medals on KOTH with D.Va
She's amazing, but you really need to understand that your mech is both only good in close-range and totally expendable. Her pistol is amazing at killing and harassing enemies at medium and long range and by doing so she gets another mech almost immediately.
Use her jets and defense matrix to get point blank, then blast away, and when your mech gets destroyed run away while taking potshots. As long as you don't overextend and you have teammates nearby you'll be fine.
It's also worth pointing out that the jets allow you to push enemies, so it's quite easy to use them to get environment kills.
>mfw playing Reinhardt and I hear NERF THIS
Clearly says Triangle :^)
I find that she's really good against Roadhog since you can easily flank him and waste all his shots only to point blank shotgun him to death in a second since his headshot area is about as large as her mech's.
I love D.Va but she seriously need a buff. Takes too much damage while making very little damage. Range is also shit. Shield is great but it's the worse of all tanks. Booster needs a second or two or damage upon collision.
Her pilot form is a lot better than the mech, wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard makes a character around this.
D.Va is great but you can't get her full potential with a bad team. Offensive/defensive characters can play alone just fine, but D.Va needs backup to cover the areas she's lacking.
has a symmetry ever got potg?
>playing defense on that japanese stage with the 2 captures
>we have 2 bastions, a tor, a lucio, and a widowmaker
>go Reinhardt
It's ironic because it needs to be buffed. Once you get higher in the MMR ranks on matchmaking it becomes nearly impossible to kill anyone with her ult because anyone semi-competent sees it coming a mile away and just steps behind a wall or payload.
Check my PotG, lads.
>playing a fps on consoles
I've been enjoying Winston's ability to get behind people and go bananas on the enemy's healers.
Rofl, you were playing literally against retards. I'd be ashamed of posting a shitty play like that.
D.Va is fucking ridiculous.
>Huge health pool
>Shield lets you block all projectiles
>Flying acts a battering ram and gets her across the map fast
>Ultimate is the best crowd clearing tool in the game, has insane kill radius, she can launch it while flying and just bomb the enemy team
>Mech comes back very quickly
>Still does insane damage when out of her mech thanks to her pistol
>fast and hard to hit
Anyone who thinks D.Va is anything less than A tier is fucking stupid.
I honestly just use her ult for forcing people away from an area so my teammates can mop up or I can pick one or two off in the panic.
payload doesnt block it anymore
This. I underestimated the fucking monkey, he destroys by just leaping in, dropping shield, and gunning everyone before leaping out.
>Bastion is overpowered on defense because you can just plop down and point at targets to kill pretty much anyone in 3 seconds
Don't be in his sights for 3 seconds, noob. Send in Pharah or Junkrat to play peek-a-boo with their explosives. He won't hit them and he'll either die or be forced to move, then you can run in when he's in Scout mode.
>still does insane damage with her pistol
if you are good with bastion you can pretty much kill anyone because of his magic machine gun in recon mode, amazing turret mode, insta self heal and ult.
He is too good of an all around hero and is easily one of the most overpowered heroes in this game.
Also Zarya, people think she is a lesbian and general stupid ass looking character but she is also overpowered at the moment as well.
Game is balanced around pubstomps not "pro league"
>want to like D. Va because of the whole mech thing
>her main weapon slows her down to an insane crawl when used
It feels completely counter-intuitive considering how mobile she is.
She has an enormous headbox and can barely kill anyone in a straight up fight without being brought down to ~100 hp. She seriously can't accomplish anything on her own without a support babysitting her unlike the other tanks, and if she's your tank a support would be better off healing your damage dealers anyway. Her only use is her ultimate.
How long until we reach the Reinhardt Phalanx meta?
He is still extremely powerful in recon mode if played by a person that can aim. His machine gun is more powerful than solder 76.
Pretty sure that's Bastion + Reinhardt on a payload map against disorganized teams.
Yeah, but he's also still very killable. When there's a Bastion I just pick Pharah and kill them every time.
WOW such skill! upvoted and liked
>people think she needs to do DPS
I hate this, shes perfectly fine. Shes tanky, blocks shots and stops pushes, shes a tank not a DPS
I've already ran this shit, and it's insane.
3 stacked Rein on the payload with a Torb turret on front and a Bastion on top, and Lucio just passive healing inside. It wasn't until they brought in a Winston that they kicked us off, and by then it was too late.
>Huge health pool
Countered by having the easiest to hit and biggest headshot box
>Ultimate is the best crowd clearing tool in the game
If you said it was an area denial ult it would be ok, but you can't kill anybody with her ult except on very specific situations or comboing with another ults
>hard to hit
Maybe if you are playing on a console
>Still does insane damage when out of her mech thanks to her pistol
With no skills to use, and a shitty hp pool, she loses to literally anyone in a 1x1 situation except for mercy.
Shes bad to ok at best.
Zero Suit D.va is pretty good at DPS, though. I love running around and racking up kills out of the suit. Or when some Reinhardt runs in and spends half his lifebar killing my suit, then I just pop out and finish him off and keep on rolling.
>Playing FPS on PC
>dies as aggro tank and becomes a decent assault
>flyan towards bastion and soaking up his bullets
>plant ulti down on payload for final stretch
>finishing off the pussybois running at low health
Best girl
Excuse the reddit link, but yes
yeah because you are playing with beta shitters that just play it cause it is a free game. That is why anyone who is decent at fps games can just play bastion and win every game.
>Don't be in his sights for 3 seconds, noob
spoken like a true shitter
Bastion turret is around 300 dps up close and closer to 150 at range not counting how incredibly easy it is to get headshots with it because of the spread and essentially infinite ammo. He takes 2 or 3 people coordinating to properly displace him if he's in a good spot and someone like Pharah will die playing peekaboo with bastion since he can hold F for half a second to heal while she ducks away.
>I'm playing in the open beta mouth-breathing MMR bracket
good advice
Best girl and best skin
How do you counter winston with the zero suit d.va?
give him some peanut butter and bananas
She isn't bad but she's definitely on the weak side. She doesn't really do anything that other heroes can't do better.
Winston is better at getting on their back line squishies, popping them, and then getting out alive. Reinhardt is a better tank. Roadhog is a better tank/assassin. She just doesn't really excel at anything, the only good thing she has is her ult which can be chained with something like a Zarya ult or Mei ult for maximum keks but that's pretty much it.
What character is hard mode? This game seemed pretty easy. I would say the hardest character to use is Soldier: 76.
Same. He might not go great toe to toe with other tanks but he melts any unarmored heroes.
When I found out about her head hitbox she became much easier to counter
On what planet does D.Va have a chance against Roadhog? It takes 2 shots with the shotgun, and he's probably the easiest hero to hook. You'd have to be the shittiest of shitter to die to a D.Va, unless you are almost dead at the start of the engagement or she knocks you off an edge by charging (at which point you hook her so she dies with you)
She needs a buff. Anybody who says they do well with her is just doing well in spite of her.
In every role of tank, disrupter, picking off snipers etc there is a better pick.
Majority of the time you're a shitty tracer.
If a character isn't straight OP most people that suck think they're shit, because it reminds them how much they themselves are shit.
Unskilled people flock to whatever class is overpowered on any particular patch/build of a game. Then when it changes they cry and switch to the next one.
lmao what the fuck is this? Is this what console players are actually proud of? The people on the enemy team are so retarded some of them not only stand next to where your mech lands, they fucking run AT it to get killed by the blast.
Also it's so obvious you're playing with a gamepad even without the console button prompts. Jesus christ it's like watching someone play in molasses. Now I have to wonder, is the game balanced around PC players who can actually aim, or is it balanced around console players who take ages to turn around and run at the giant glowing exclamation mark that kills them?
best girl!
>Playing Reinhardt on Ilios
>D. Va is running away in the opposite direction of the point toward her spawn
>Give chase because they have no offense anyway so I'm thirsty for a kill
>Turn the corner and start hitting her
>"Nerf this"
>Ok nevermind
>Turn back and around the corner again
>By the time it explodes I am on the opposite side of the building
I'm guessing that I can block the explosion with the shield, because I did turn around and shield in case someone gave chase and released it right before the blast.
Tanks are easy mode for D.VA since they all rely on close range and the closer they get to D.VA the more bullets they get hit by also not needing to reload helps.
That's a hard one, I'm pretty shit at dealing with Winston in general, but I can squeeze out wins against him here and there.
>dvas ult radius
Is this a fucking joke? It's fucking impossible to defend against a decent team using dva jihading you unless you have a shieldman to charge it away
>Play of the game
>It's Bastion sitting in a corner
Every time
You don't.
You realize objects block it right? You can hide behind a lampost or anything.
Disgusting koreans.
You have a small enough window to hit E to eat the followup shots from Roadhog, and start unloading on him. Even if Mech dies, you can gun him down with Zero Suit DVa right after.
Personally, I just run if RH hooks me, because fuck dealing with him.
I disagree
Next time try getting behind a wall. You can be literally 3ft away from the mech but you won't die if you are behind a wall. Even cars work.
>a decent assault
Holy fuck how can people actually think this? She has no abilities and the lowest health in the game on foot. Your weapon in mech also does such low damage people can literally ignore it past 10 feet.
Of the basic skins Carbon is best.
Why do you think you can't change the FOV in the first place? Consoles dumbed the game down
why is she cross eyed
Bastion in general needds to be reworked.
He's a complete pub stomp, and he'd suck in actual high end games. Neither of these things are good.
Jesus christ why
These characters are all so situational and inflexible, you shouldn't be "maining" anyone
I think the earmuffs ruin what's otherwise an excellent costume for her. They're just so ugly.
nah dude you can't greentext back
enjoy your objectively worse aiming
You can change the fov, what are you talking about.
Break line of sight. You can hide behind a lamp pole and be safe.
Also the goggles should be on her head, not her eyes. It's cuter that way.