I now present to you the exact moment TF2 died

I now present to you the exact moment TF2 died.

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actually it was the f2p update

>still enjoying the game, trading hats and dancing on servers

haha, you wish.

Actually it was Sniper vs. Spy

actually it was the gold rush update

If it's so dead, why am i enjoying it right now? There's nothing you can do to stop me

Keep memeing friends

tf2 died when they changed from this UI

guys you're ALL right
thats the beauty of opinions

I like the new UI more, Still the old one felt a bit like half life.

What's the fucking point of group-searching if the game's just going to autobalance us on different teams? And that's only if we're lucky enough to pick the same team in the first place

>I now present to you the exact moment TF2 community servers died.
fixed, the game lives on, albeit in a nearly unrecognizable state, but the old tight knit communities, fun custom maps, actual skill, they're all gone, left in their wake is nothing but valve servers and memeshit like VSH or mlp servers.


>opinions are always right

That's cute but it got nothing on the mannconomy update.

Stick to /vg/, buddy.

I don't think that they (Valve) care if you're one the same team. Just the same server. I can see what they're going for, but still..

Definitely the start of the decline. The new weapons, except for the ambassador, were bad and ranged from regular old worthless, to negatively impacting the game forever in the dead ringer's case.

Is the ranked matchmaking in yet?

>except for the ambassador,
Were you not here for the unholy mess that release ambassador was

yeah, but they at least fixed that within a day.

Shit, as early as Pyro update they shit all over their talk of "sidegrades" with the Skillburner

Nah, that was just for community servers. The server may die but the memories still stay with me.

TF2's official death will take place on the 24th.

the final nail in the coffin for tf2 was the gun mettle update
try to prove me wrong

just want to say I played this hardcore in 2011 and actually bought it about 6 months before it became f2p


It's all been a slow downhill ride starting from the Scout update

Nah I'll stay on tf2 thank you. There's no win buttons on tf2, just aim and skill

>There will never be a tf3 that's faster paced, rebalanced, and although still silly at times not the pants on head retardedness we have now.
>Not because >le volvo can not into 3 xDDD but because autistic hatfags who have invested thousands of dollars into FUCKING NOTHING would bitch and cry that they can't look like drag queen rejects

>sniper main

Gonna enjoy aiming at nobody in empty servers?

Not yet. It's still in beta. Supposedly they are planning to launch it in a big update with new shit and massive balances.

and random crits

I thought most comp servers had random crits disabled?

Natasha update, after they said they wouldn't implement a weapon that interferes with the movement of an enemy player like stuns and slows.

>the point is invalid because some cherrypicked servers disable the feature

>Custom map server community I went to regularly is trying really hard to stay alive right now.
It's a shame that this is happening to several other community servers too.

>comp servers

top lul

At least you can have cherrypicked servers.
And more than 12 players.
OW might be enjoyable on its own, but it's restrictive as fuck compared to TF2.

It was when Hats were introduced.

That was the moment TF2 died.

Except those servers are gonna be empty, user.

Throw TF2 into the trash where it belongs. Come and play with us on the 24th!

The tf2 sniper requires A LOT of skill to be on par with soldier or demo. And even then...

The sniper in tf2 and widowmaker are on whole different levels in term of OPness

Oh you! You're such an incorrigible little troll ;)

They're disabled on most servers and they're not even as half as annoying as a free wallhack, aimbot or stun


>Fourth most played game at the moment.


>aim at enemy in tf2

>aim at enemy in overwatch
what am I missing

>defending babies first fps

Charge time of 1s and being able to kill half of the classes with a bodyshot, as well as giving the entire team a maphack for some time.

What he said:
Sniper in tf2 will deal 150 with a fully charged bodyshot which takes much more time to charge and won't actually kill most classes
His snipe isn't semi auto so he has to reload and reacquire his target instead of just quickly firing a second time to finish people off like widowmaker does.
His smg also deals less damage than widow's

You don't need to aim in Overwatch. You don't need to kill either since it's the thought that matters, blizz loves you all and will give you a kill :^)

>being a disgusting casual

so this invalidates the fact that more than half the cast in overwatch can accurately fire at a sniper regardless of range

I bought it myself, but that doesn't make it less of a league of legends when you compare the player's options. Come to think of it, it doesn't have chances of killing TF2(considering its core is long dead already), but it has an almost guaranteed chance of countless and pointless which-is-better discussions.
On the gameplay side you have limited fucking ammo and balanced health/ammo kits, and variety in weapons(which some would argue ruin the game)
But on a larger scale, in TF2 you can make maps, custom skins and sounds, custom servers, game modes, and up to the absurd number of 64 fucking players allowed(though it's unstable as fuck and officially you can only host servers with half of that), opposed to Overwatch's competitive-enforcing-no-fun-allowed 6v6.

OW is just barely getting started, but the only thing I'm looking forward to is probably filtering the playerbase with a paywall to reduce the idiocy in all matches, and probably a dick-around hero reminiscent of Spy.

>It will never come back

I guess so

>more than half

More like 3: mccree, soldier and hanzo(lel) and all of them will get destroyed in one body shot+ a follow up shot

Which the chance for increases as you do damage.

>lololol le fair & balanced not really pls remove because someone killed me keybind

How many of those are bots idoling for hats?

here's a list of characters that can accurately fire at a widowmaker from any range
D.va outside of her suit
soldier 76
torbjorn, but only his turret
another widowmaker

bastion can, but it's not really accurate.

>trading hats
>dancing on servers
I see nowhere that say 'Team-based Shooter'

I don't care just like I don't care that some literal retard is having fun playing with how own wiener somewhere in the world.

Dude, Widowmaker is and will always picked in comp. TF2's sniper is never played in comp and is only picked during a match once or twice on some specific stages of some maps to try and surprise the ennemy and get the medic before he pops the uber.

They're worlds apart.

Is this a meme I don't understand or did they fail spellcheck?

you wanna know three characters that will always be picked in comp?
winston, lucio, and tracer.
widowmaker is used by some, but not nearly every match or game.

Idling hasn't worked effectively for some time. You now have to accept each individual item drop and have it drop in your backpack before you get the next one, so at best you have to run the game in a window at lowest settings and stay around the computer to clear the notifications.

Is this a joke? Do you genuinely believe you're making a good point by saying characters like symmetria or mercy can shoot at widow?

Like, fucking seriously? Is this your first fps or something?

>what is zoning
is this a joke? Do you genuinely not know about zoning?

Like, fucking seriously? Is this your first fps or something?

>but the only thing I'm looking forward to is probably filtering the playerbase with a paywall to reduce the idiocy in all matches
CSGO has this, all it does is cause retards to buy Blyat/PooInLoo keys in bulk for when they get vacced/cooldowned. It may help at first but where there's a will there's a way.

Literally kill yourself, you've never ever played at a decent level. You're a gigantic scrub and your opinion is meaningless.

keep moving the goalposts, each of the characters I listed can shoot accurately at a widowmaker, like I said.

I was merely speaking in memory of TF2.
Then again, there were bad players before going free, it's just that when it went free idiots kept swarming in
I'm guessing blizzard games keys are harder to get than steam keys
There's also the fact that resold steam keys weren't as hot back then

And like I said, thinking this is a valid point in this discussion is completely retarded and only show you have 0 experience in shooters.
>b-but I can shoot a slow ass projectile accurately at a sniper on the other side of map who can kill me in less than a second with a hitscan weapon so widowmaker isn't way better than the tf2's sniper

Fuck. off.

>this discussion
widowmaker is stronger than TF2's sniper, no one is disputing that
TF2's sniper only has to worry about people that get too close and other snipers
widowmaker has to worry about people that get too close, people that can accurately fire across the map, and other snipers
it's in a different scale you fucking faggot, but you're too retarded to see it

It's definitely a problem that's gotten worse since then, but it's surely going to happen to OW too. Even if it comes in the form of selling stolen accounts or something. Best advice is probably to grind out a decent rank or whatever they use early on when everyone is a shitter so you can avoid the majority of the cancer that will be the upper low ranks.

I feel like I'll probably end up getting it to play with friends just like dota/cs/tf2/rocketleague but I'm not really excited for it.

>TF2's sniper only has to worry about people that get too close

You do realize that's literally everybody right? People don't walk in tf2, they fly.

>inb4 pyro or heavy
Nobody play those.

Outstanding shot

No offence but you're completely clueless bud.

I get so fucking hard to this roll out when its a deep one. ITS JUST AWESOME

>my character is shit and unplayed; therefore, better than yours

alright, so lets make a direct comparison between the two
tf2 sniper has to deal with everybody getting close up
widowmaker has to deal with everybody getting shielded
seeing as the tf2 sniper can actually outskill the people going at lightspeed, widowmaker is literally shit in comparison, because she has to go through 2000+ damage of a shield before anyone will die

wtf are you even talking about

Also, the shield is 1500 (you're a scrub) and implying everyone is always behind a reinhart's shield and that no one will every shoot it down is retarded

Now that is what I like to see

what, no, the shield is 2,000

How do you do this?
I just started playing.

>reinhart is the only character with a shield
2000+ was an example because the most common competitive team in overwatch is 2 tracer 2 lucio 2 winston, you fucking faggot
if we're suddenly taking teams into account then of course widowmaker looks better, because the team will be distracting the enemy team
hell, let's take teams into account for tf2 then as well, sniper is godly because he doesn't have to worry about shit while his team distracts everything

shoot the ground/walls

It's the other way around actually

reinhardts shield is 2000 faggot

>the most common competitive team in overwatch is 2 tracer 2 lucio 2 winston

gonna need source on that bullshit

gotta throw a crouch in there somewhere as well

I literally watched the most recent tournament within the past 5 days and almost every other match was 2 winston 2 tracer 2 lucio

>wanting to shoot things
that's why I banned you last time mister_lister_the_sister_fister

src: [comp play]

Is this really what the meta as come too? Running around with buffed winstons? This is fucking disgusting

well that seems boring. was it boring?

I'll agree that tf2 is dead. When it died is a matter of debate.

But surely we can all agree that vanilla tf2 was miles better then what overwatch is right now, am I right?

Will ow have their own economy like tf2? If so I'm not buying it.

I'm okay with non tradeable rng $5 virtual boxes

no, it was alright.
the grandfinals came down to that team setup vs a more interesting team, in fact most of the matches were an actual team versus monkey mashup, very few were winston/lucio/tracer mirrors.
regardless, 2winston/2lucio/2tracer was still the most popular setup in the tournament.

I doubt they'll allow trading, they haven't even hinted at it. There did used to be a grayed out 'Shop' button but that's been gone for a while.

They might have reneged on the idea or maybe just took it out for open beta so people don't get frightened off by it.