What sort of vidya do girls play? What sort of girls play vidya?
What sort of vidya do girls play? What sort of girls play vidya?
>Play Serious Sam II with dude-friends.
>Aussie chick joins.
>Murders everyone with a knife in deathmatch.
>She's obsessed with knives.
From experience,
>Animal Crossing
>Harvest Moon
>fujoshit dating sims
Sims 2+
Animal Crossing
Professor Layton
Dance/Singing Games
If they're female and play games outside of a browser it's a pretty good bet they play/have played at least one of these.
They're like guys with poorer spatial reasoning.
Sister likes:
I like:
>Animal Crossing
>Metal Gear Solid
Pics of this so called sister.
Girls? Playing games? You're delusional OP.
The one's I talk to usually play 3ds shit or RPGs but if we're talking normal girls then probably mobile games or something
I know a gamrr gurrl who is also a sonygger.
Pretty much plays the latest AAA only, also Souls because they are meme enough and gets beta orbiters to run her through. I'm not exaggerating because she documents and spams her every action.
My nigga
Just thinking of what games a few of my friends like:
>Steam friend weeb girl that just wants to play vidya and hides her gender: TF2, L4D, 2hu, some indie games, Lauffwaffers or whatever that game is called
>Goth girl: MMOs, anything but WoW basically, she has never talked about anything that wasn't an MMO but she's owned a few consoles
>Nerd girl that crosses the line between actually being into "nerd culture" and being a normie: Skyrim, tried to introduce her to Souls as she couldn't make it past the Taurus Demon, mobile games
>Tomboy girl: The Sims, Monster Hunter (she sucks) any game her current boyfriend wants her to try out and play
>NEET girl: Souls (sucks), 2hu, whatever the fuck is on a Vita, emulation
And only the first two I could say are actually "gamers" (yes yes, >self identifying as a gamer), the rest are pretty normie tier.
I'm baffled on how a NEET isn't good at souls.
NEETs are generally extremely stupid to begin with.
The few Australian female-types I played vidya with were pretty hardcore when it came down to it, whether it was root n toot point n shoot or grindan.
it was kinda hot
Well, I guess I should explain: she mains int and hardly uses melee weapons, she's not great at rolling, and she hates PvP so her fear of invaders keeps her from summoning (keep in mind, she's only played DaS1).
Why would you care what does girls play, you pathetic loser?
The only people who aren't good at souls are people that don't understand how stamina conservation or how RPGs work
Time for a cebruz thread
Cool Spot Goes to Hollywood while enjoying a can of delicious 7Up™
i'm a girl gamer and i stream mostly fighting games and dota. I do compete at some majors for sfv on the eastcoast. Love these nerds
>Implying soul games arent easy and people dont call them hard just to fit in here
Nice shitpost
Also nice shitpost!
I agree
These stupid people make me laugh
That's why I made the connection between being extremely stupid and being shit at souls games.
Jesus, I know it's harder in my opinion she should've started with demon's because of its focus on co-op for multiplayer
Fuck off, Cebruz.
I know, this is a good thread to shitpost in
git gud
>Another cebruz imposter who is mad the the orginal is here
When will you guys learn it?
>implying I implied that it was hard
Eh, she wanted to play more but PvP is a serious turn-off for her (for whatever reason). I don't remember how far she got, but she never beat the game.
Oi, oi, faggot, you are the one who is trying to copy him and should fuck off
Even a standard cod kiddi could finish souls game by not rushing it.
>Playing souls game for pvp
I know right
Honestly I breezed through all the souls games I've played, DeS is the only one I've been met with any actual resistance mostly because I'm dumb and forgetting to level before moving on
Because I am practically forced to witness everything my gamurr girl coworker does or risk being complained about and fired. She literally got angry after deleting her from a friend list and confronted me. I glance at the inane shit she posts constantly so I am not on the spot the next day.
i would literally kill cebruz if you gave me the chance desu senpai
>Playing for PvP
Not only is she a NEET but she's a lost cause as well. I'm sorry user
Fuck off, literal cancer.
Tell your boyfriend to fuck off too.
Girls play mobile games and that's really it.
There a couple of odd ones, but that's all.
>Play first time Ds1
>Okay where do i have to go
>Lets just go there :)
I later found out i was at the wrong place
>Le gamer girl xd
91448 Emskirchen
Altschauerberg 8
>Orbiter is butthurt
OP is just trying to shitpost
Stop being such a loser then. And stop making worthless threads on Sup Forums
>implying I wouldnt defend him
Haha, poor scum, I refuse to leave.
But... She doesn't play for PvP. She dislikes invasions and the PvP aspects of the game, I think she even started playing offline after some point.
I'm embarrassed to admit I did the exact same thing.
Plus side is it made me experiment with parrying
>Implying she isnt just playing souls game to be a xD gamer girl
You're using ellipses in an awkward place so I'm gonna guess you might be like her and you probably got a crush on her, NEET puss is easy puss
>You need a doll to pass this
>Spen 100h trying to find the location of the doll
I have to admit that i used youtube for this.
I dropped the game since it is pure back tracking and i hate this kind of shit
>Reach flamelurker
>Absolutely baffled as to why I'm doing shit damage
>Look up his weakness and find out he's weak to magic
>I don't wanna be a spellfag so I decide to use white sticky stuff
>Waste it in a shitty attempt
>Get naked and use soul arrow with the little old spice I have
>Get lucky and win
Sums up my souls experience
I explored every inch of that game and only clocked 40 hours at that point. How retarded are you?
>Only on Nogames
>Never plays it
Sums up my Des experience
Backtracking stays backtracking, it is annoying as fuck and ruins every single game that has it.
Bioshock is a good example, everything is great but then
lemme tell y'all about gregoria
>meet person on a dead indie dueling game i'm top 5 in
>this person is whooping my ass wtf, who is he
>get to talking in-game and they add me
>they have 40 hours to my 600 and they're at my level of play? this has to be someone's smurf
>turns out they are female
>she's just a fucking god at anything she picks up
>got to the 3rd highest rank in 80 hours of cs:go with no mic before getting bored of it
>beat ds1, 2 and 3 blind with only 1 or 2 deaths
>blazed through metal gear rising revengeance flawlessly
>doesn't even play vidya often due to issues arising from PTSD and severe schizophrenia
talking to her has made me realize how cruel and unforgiving the world can be, and that the old adage of "everything will get better eventually" is not true. it's hard to try and lighten her perspective on things when she has such a damning condition, but I can at least try to do everything in my power to put a smile on her face every now and then.
Be thankful for what you have.
You don't re-clear anything you have before unless you have zero sense of direction or die due to bonfire warping. It isn't backtracking, you missed something
>PTSD and severe schizophrenia
>He got tricked by a tumblr special snowflake
read above
>get the doll to pass that area
that is clearly backtracking
stopped reading there, thanks
Sounds like their life is a lie and are trying to get beta sympathy bux from you desu.
>Not believing the story of a strong gamer grill
>reading wall of text that includes words like ptsd
silly ;)
where/what is this image from?
Ptsd is a serious thing, alot girls suffer from it.
You can get it already from cyber bullying so stop with this
>Spoonfeed me xD
Google the image faggot
>no mic
You got goofed on son.
ptsd is a joke STUPID :P
>ptsd is a meme
Your local war veterans would like to disagree
I haven't given her anything in the form of financial stuff or even games and she doesn't have any of the classic warning signs for situations like the one you described.
Ur mom has ptsd
>Going to any kind of military
Human scum, all the veterans deserve death.
>Look guy a girl i met online is just like a war veteran :)
Im really fucking up my english.
Funny to me how someone is trying compare a online grill with someone who was in war
>get ptsd
>tell you its a candy
>give it to you
Ha, loser, you have ptsd now
How can you give me ptsd, it is not aids
i did. it took me to fucking reddit and nothing was explained
>made me try it
You can find the answer in less than 0.004sec
I was near to post the link but i bet he is just trying to get spoonfeeded
Cance game like call of duty, kill yourself
HA, I tricked you into replying to me. SILLY!
Fuck You