I've got spurs...
I've got spurs
Other urls found in this thread:
you should see a doctor for that
But Doc Mitchel died after the powder gangers and I took over
Nuka Cola > Sunset Sarsaparilla
That jingle jangle jingle
>Not wanting star caps
What's the rate on getting star bottlecaps from drinking them? I usually opt for finding the caps that are spread out in the wasteland.
6 years later and we're still making these threads.
as God intended
>Yingle Hanglae
Such an amazing game, too bad that shitty ass gamebryo engine ruins everything all the fucking time.
Are the DLCs worth playing? Every time somebody describes Dead Money it sounds dreadful
>Final battle with Lanius
>The buildup to him is incredible
>The slow walk to where he is
>That fucking voice
>Everything is great
>Face off with him
>He gets stuck behind a rock in a continuous running animation
Lonesome road is great. OWB is funny at times I guess, but have fun killing armies of nightstalkers over and over. Honest Hearts is meh
>What's the rate on getting star bottlecaps from drinking them?
I just finished the game for the umpteenth time. I decided to go independant this time. Killing House was literally really sad, I felt legitimately horrible for doing it. I usually side with House, so maybe I feel attached to him. His obituary is perfect as well, just the right amount of self-fellatio and snobbiness I'd expect from the man. I might do an NCR run next, or possibly Legion. I've tried to do Legion before but the quest line is pretty shitty.
Do all endings require you to kill the BoS? I can't remember if the NCR ending does. I know the BoS are pretty shitty in general, but by the end of their questline I usually feel pretty attached to them. I wish they were a little more fleshed out, but they're not really the main focus of the game. I don't thin I've ever felt good about wiping them out either. At best it feels like I'm putting down an old, sick dog.
was about to post this
Yes man ending doesn't
Yes Man ending let's you ignore them completely if you so please. There's a mod that restores cut dialogue with House so you can spare them as well.
indy with securitrions > house > ncr > indy without securitrons > caesar > lanius
I think you don't understand that symbol user. You have them all round the wrong way for the 2nd and 3rd line
True you can spare them in the Yes Man end, but it's not a good idea. I don't have a problem with the BoS in NV, but I do understand why they need to be wiped out. If they're allowed to stay, tensions will continue in the Mojave between traders and travellers and the heavily armored rogue BoS knights dicking around and nabbing tech. It's basically like I said. I generally don't feel good about kill them, but I do understand why it needs to be done.
I was hoping there was an end where you got to actually form some sort of alliance between the BoS and one of the main game factions. The problem is the BoS doesn't need or want allies because it's hard to stop hundreds of soldiers in walking tank suits unless you're the NCR or Legion, and even then it's a fight you won't win easily.
You can't be right, since EDE is the best companion in the game.
Originally, House could be persuaded to leave BoS alone, but they scrapped that because then his ending would've been too good. They did record the voice lines and write scripts, and there's a mod that restores this piece of content floating around somewhere.
>shotguns worst
>LR best
no user, you just have shit taste
meant for
Yea if you play fallout 1 and 2 you'll probably hate the BoS even more
Do you know how to read? the ">" in this context means "Better than"
Did you let go Sup Forums?
wow, this nigga fucking gets it.
>better than Raul
This artstyle is repulsive
You helped the poor guy, right?
in my last playthrough i slaughtered everyone so probably not
this made me sad. It was like a walk down memory lane for my favorite game
I fucking love new vegas more than any other game I have ever played by far, but I have played it so many fucking times, I wish I could erase it from my memory and fall back in love with it all over agaim
I helped put a bullet in his head
If you liked fallout then you'd like McCree from Overwatch.
In my boots
>expecting glorious combat in FNV
>hear Lanius face is so scared, he bilds his own slaves so they wont look at him
>remove his mask from his face
>its just an normal face
who's the guy to the left of ulysses?
It was the hardest part...
i might reinstall again because im not able to let go
Lanius is a story, a myth
Everyone you ask about him gives you a different story about how he joined the Legion
JSawyer gives him a plasma pistol and makes plasma a lot harder to dodge
So I just stealth kill him every time
i thought it was because the game was unfinished.
With everything everyone says about him, it's far more likely that it's just Caesar trying to replace the legend of Joshua Graham, who had several decades to make a name for himself
Are plasma shots in the face that deadly early on? I still face him down in every playthrough but I also usually have a good amount of purified water to heal myself at that point.
Well JSawyer also reduces your base health a bunch so he's a massive step up in difficulty from the horde of geckos you've just murdered
Maybe it's because I didn't have stellar combat stats at the time and wasn't used to the new plasma but it was just easier to reload and stick a shovel up his ass
No, I took all the gold and marched the fuck out
>make combat more realistic
>Lanius dies like a bitch to a fairly long burst from light machine gun
Well at least it makes sense.
I think it's time we see other people. We're just not a good fit anymore. Besides, I met this amazing and rich guy at The Ultra-Luxe last night. He's a real winner, not a dirty farmhand like yourself.
I never want to see you again.
is that an actual letter?
Howdy pardners
love to see y'all share the same love for fallout as much as me, a real cow boy
but shouldn't y'all be buying fall out 4 since its newer along with its dlcs?
fuck you, yuri. Can't believe your bitch ass made it to Fallout 4 as well
>Muh beep
>Muh boop
>Muh daddy issues
>Muh sister
>Muh wife
>Muh beret
I don't think words are needed for Veronica.
>Muh Leo
>Muh bark
>Muh woof
Many people hate Dead Mondy, but it's fun. It really attempts to do something interesting with the casino aspect of New Vegas but it does have some flaws
Honestly, I'd rate the DLC in this order
#1- Old World Blues.
#2- Dead Money
#3- Lonesome Road
#4- Honest Hearts
So I just finished the Honest Hearts and Old World Blues on my miles build. I'm worried for Lonesome Road because of "Get Fucked City" or the overpass with 4 deathclaws. Any suggestions?
Don't mind me, just claiming my gunfu
Flare Gun
My only advice is play it before you pass the point of no return in the main story.
I meant to put melee not miles fuck me
>it's far more likely that it's just Caesar trying to replace the legend of Joshua Graham
I'm pretty sure Lanius is just a symbol of military force, like the legion equivalent to Captain America. Ulysses mentions something similar if you ask for information if you spared him at the end of LR.
>Do all endings require you to kill the BoS? I can't remember if the NCR ending does.
No. You just have to convince the BoS to support the NCR. Colonal Moore can't do shit without you so she can't do anything about it. She has to go along with how you solved it.
That does require that you don't usurp the elder though. The other guy wont do it because he's just an asshole apparently.
>no user, you just have shit taste
I love the shotguns but they just don't get the job done if you are up against a heavy foe like a deathclaw. Otherwise they are awesome.
Right, but he's still a replacement for the horror stories of the Malpais Legate
In five years Lanius has gone from nobody to the Monster Of The East
I was agreeing with you dude
You'll either love it or hate it. Dead money has a significant ramp up in the difficulty which I actually enjoyed because I had to think about my next move but will turn off a lot of people. I have to admit there were times that Dead Money pissed me off royally and there are some pretty bullshit deaths waiting for you. Health items become both rare and essential. It's the only time in the game I ever bothered to use a stimpak. Still I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment I get when I finally beat something that frustrates me and the story was had some great characters. I normally try to get good endings on my first run but I fucked up with Dean Domino. After seeing his ending I was pretty content with it.
>Did you let go Sup Forums?
I didn't even get that far. I got pissed off at the stupid, boring enemies that you're supposed to "sneak past" but can't because the map design is a maze of trenches. Specifically the part when you back track after setting off the grand opening. The enemies respawned for no good reason and I had enough.
It wasn't too difficult, just tedious and boring.
This sounds like DSP, but I totally get where you're coming from.
>That does require that you don't usurp the elder though.
I didn't kick out the elder. So, yes.
You know they don't die unless you severe a limb right? They go down to zero health but they get back up. You can fight through them fine if you know what you're doing.
McNamara is a pussy little bitch boy who got fucked in the ass by NCR and is too scared of them to fight back
Hardin is pure Steel, through and through
They all deserve to die
>This sounds like DSP, but I totally get where you're coming from.
There is a lot of things bad about Dead Money.
>it's ugly as a rhino's anus
>bland villa all looks alike
>the enemies walk like they have the pulsy but throw one-hit kill javelins with Deadshot accuracy
>all the enemies are the same
>map is a shitty maze
I really liked the traps everywhere and the characters though.
>You know they don't die unless you severe a limb right? They go down to zero health but they get back up. You can fight through them fine if you know what you're doing.
I know. I didn't have a problem killing them but even that is tedious because they take more punishment.
They walk around like goobers, take time to kill and then I had to clear the area twice. It's annoying.
>not just legging it once you've flipped the switch
They can't exactly stop you
>They all deserve to die
I only played through once. I turned them into allies because it sounded like they would be needed at the fight for the dam.
I wish I sabotaged them though.
>melee build
>never really notice that they get back up because their limbs fly off the first time
I think the characters are the only good thing about DM. I wish my scarred baldfu remained mute though. The interaction was so much more interesting when she couldn't speak. My impression of her as a person went downhill when she got her voice back. It didn't match what she communicated non-verbally.
>McNamara is a pussy little bitch boy who got fucked in the ass by NCR and is too scared of them to fight back
>Implying he didn't get thrust into leadership because Elijah went off the rails
>Implying he didn't do the best he could given the situation at HELIOS
>Implying he didn't redeem himself by the end of the Brotherhood quest
>Implying Hardin isn't a fucking caveman
>Implying he wont turn the Brotherhood into a shadow of its former self
Also it fucking irritates me how Veroncia's quest is still the same even after you help McNamara get his groove back. He'll send a squad of power-armored badasses to Hoover Damn but he'll be damned if he's going to actually be diplomatic with everyone else in the wasteland. I know that it was probably a result of time constraints but it irritates me to no end.
This is a fair point.
>enemies walk cycle and highly damaging weapons.
This, I feel, adds more to the supernatural aspect of the DLC, as they walk like inhuman creatures. The damage output is high, but you can begin to overcome that by finding better armor and crafting/finding new weapons
>same style of enemies
I do wish there's was a little variety past holograms and ghosts, but it's not bad imp
I thought the map did a good job by being maze like. It made the sense of discovery feel greater, and hid some really good shit in places you wouldn't expect.
Especially considering the game says you should be a high level, I feel that a lot of the issues are resolved through going in somewhat prepared, knowing what's about to come.
Is there a Five Nights at Freddy's power armor mod?
Yeah the bear trap fist they all drop is ridiculously OP against them. The weapons in DM are pretty awesome really. The holorifle is fucking OP as shit fully upgraded.
>Also it fucking irritates me how Veroncia's quest is still the same even after you help McNamara get his groove back.
Just because McNamara is willing to send out troops again doesn't mean he will gain Veronica's progressive world view.
I fucking hate all those beep boop radios and rancid ass cloud
McNamara isn't going to change anything. He agrees to a truce with NCR because he's smart enough to realize that if they take the Dam there will be nothing stopping them from finishing what they started at HELIOS.
The only real difference between him and Hardin is that McNamara is slightly less inflexible. He's still a dyed in the wool quasi-religious extremist who believes following a set of thoroughly antiquated ideals is the best thing to do. He just has the sense to not invite a curb stomping from a militarily superior enemy.
I know that feeling.
>get to the end bits where the ghoul decides to betray your shit or something like that, I forgotten the details
>running between beepers
>spend an hour trying to find the little shits in a dark room
>then spend another hour traversing the vault, attempting to not get your shit beep beep bopped to death
I don't know how anyone can defend Dead Money.
I don't wanna meme, but is the cloud really that bad for the average player? You get a good amount of health items or at least the means to purchase health items from vending machines, I played it as a filthy casual and was much more enraged by the ghost people crippling me with gas bombs than the cloud.
>spending an hour in the vault
Holy Fucking Shif, how can you be this autistic? As soon as the force fields go up, you should know fo run the fuck back. Or don't get seen by Elijah. It's not hard at all