What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Most once-fun gametypes are now meme reservoirs
Meme survival games like day-z and rust killed it
Requiring CS Source for damn near everything
>join any game mode on any server
Duplicator libraries mean nobody needs to make anything, just rip anyone elses shit.
Expression2 removed lots of the fun of manipulating the physics engine and the limited tools by adding full meta programming.
Lets players flooded the shit with actual children.
The workshop is just plain fucked.
This kike is what went wrong.
he, his annoying fucking cringey friends and his fanbase alone completely destroyed this game.
There is no other perceivable problem, the rest of the issues bought up aren't that big a deal, faggots existed in minority from the start, E2 wasn't that bad.
This cunt is what went wrong, and you all know it.
The playerbase is so absolutely awful and trashy and my head hurts remembering some of the people I played with.
gmod 7 was alright.
fuck anything past 9
>tons of prerequisites for the simplest of gamemodes
>have to keep games you're probably not gonna keep playing installed
>12 year old 'admins'
>source engine exploits
>piles of pony/brony bullshit
>people bypassing scriptenforcer to use their lua aimbots and wallhax
>performance is below console tier, even on a high end computer
>lua engine bogs down the entire game
>wire and advanced duplicator easily accessable for manual cut/paste
>your work on MP servers is almost always at risk of being destroyed by seemingly "random" crashes
Maybe some day we can find a multiplayer sandbox which isn't bloated and isn't autism laden.
Nothing. It had an amazing run, especially for what it was.
>he doesn't on a 12 year old game that's been on sale like 300000 times
rampant ddos attacks, some of the worst I've seen in a community, lots of places got targeted over the years
updates broke a ton of fun content over time since no one wanted to fix it or host it
popular gamemodes caused people to not want to make anything new but try to outdo each other by hosting the same content and trying to make it better
source itself has aged, there are limitations on what you can make with gmod
I played g-mod since version 5 and its amazing to see how far Garry took it, I cant even hate.
The community got pretty bad once the super autism tools came out and the dedicated spergs could create all their furry communities and roleplays.
I still think Tower is pretty cool
They removed Toybox
Nothing really.
Fucking this.
I have NO Idea why toybox was removed, that was perhaps the best decision Garry made in a long long time, it made downloading mods and gamemodes a breeze and the rating system and community on it was really dope.
I still have no idea why that fat sack of shit removed Toybox and actively shot himself in the foot. Why is Garry such an enormous fucking cunt all the time?
God Tower was the fucking best.
Anyone remember the fake out servers?
I've been playing Garrys mod since fuckin' forever and I've never heard of this gamemode.
What the fuck is tower?
>tfw playing construct alone
>start zombie survival mode
>spawn in custom vehicles and weapons to survive
>pretend like it's part of the game mode waiting for the helicopter to finish downloading in order to escape
>those little popping sounds it made as it downloaded the files
it was a pretty nice idea
>and was free if you had CS1.6
>And CS1.6 was free is you owned ANY goldsrc game
Basically he'd admitting to being too young to have had any goldsrc cdkey.
Anyone remember the tower and bridge building gamemodes? I haven't seen any in years.
"What went wrong" is a meme.
"'What went wrong' is a meme" is a meme.
I presume you're on about fortwars?
some servers for it are up, although there arent many players
Lack of support.
Updates breaking the best mods and leaving it rot like that
>you'll never play on Spacebuild again
At least I still have those 1300Hours of fond memories.
this came out in about 2009, cant believe you havent heard of this
Pretty much this and don't forget the insane amount of FNAF shit and really bad 12 year old "porn" dupes.
you can download all the needed assets for free.
They did ?
I Haven't played the game for years.
Isn't the steam workshop replacing it?
The servers just shut down last month.
Pewdiepie played it now everyone's mom is an admin
>tfw you experienced the golden age of this game and it's never coming back
The best 10$ I ever spent on a game.
They shut them down? Why?
They made an Unreal engine remake of it because "Source engine had too many limitations"
They're making a standalone version because they want to try and rake in those Early Access scambux. The game is in Early Access right now after a failed attempt at funding the game through Kickstarter. They were only able to get a pitiful $30k in pledges towards their absolutely retarded $100k goal.
>not owning the only game worth playing on Steam
seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?
Do people even play cs:source anymore?
It's almost impossible to just find a build server now. Plus I liked the old gametypes better, melon race, fort wars, and that one that I fucking forgot the name of where your team has to stack boxes to get to the top of a cliff.
surf/bhop community is thriving
think there's still some jb and mg servers that are populated still
there are some dust2 servers filled to the max with players, but that gets boring after 10 minutes
>Where your team has to stack boxes to get ontop of a cliff
Holy shit that sounds fun as fuck
why would you enter your goldsrc keys into steam
nowadays if you do you get the whole goldsrc package deal, but i dunno if it was always like that
>mfw watching the trailer and reading
God damnit I loved that server. The community and mini games were something else.
I can't believe I missed the last days.
You just automatically get all the GldSrc games from any key? Shit, I thought I just got lucky when I punched in that Blue Shift key I found on a jewel case at a thrift store.
I was extremely disappointed at the lack of surf and texture servers in CS:GO. They casualized the hell out of it.
Go ahead and try to find yourself ;)
I think the stand alone version will be exactly the same in terms of quality. The only problem is that Gmod communities don't like migrating. Even within Gmod itself. Once their go to server goes down, they'll pretty much abandon the game mode altogether. Hell, Nextek's theater was #1 for weeks at a time, but once he shut it down, the entire theater game mode just went directly down the shitter immediately.
Am I the only one that remembers Morbus? God that gamemode was awesome.
All the RTS gamemode can't remember the name for shit
Stranded Island(way better than any survival early acess scam) and Spacebuild where my favorite.
I need coffee.
what are you talking about, this game is fucking awesome atm
>join darkrp server
>become a cop
>randomly arrest kids
>hear them flip the fuck out on their mics
>accuse them of RDM (random deathmatching) innocent players and convince the admins to ban them
>they get a week ban
>arrest more people and accuse them of nonexistence crime
it's twice more fun with a friend
Fuck yeah spacebuild
Nothing ever made me feel like I did something right than building a ship that you can fly around, live in, and do shit with.
Last time I played this game was in 2010, at that time it was already full of autismos. I can't imagine how cancerous this shit is now.
First they fucked up old toy store where you could download shit on a fly and fuck around with your friends.
Second was fucking up server set up so now you need hamachi or some shot to play with someone on your server.
Vannoss is like the TDM of Gmod/GTA. Hella popular with young kids
Toybox was fucking great I wish that faggot garry never removed it
I tried out 13 a few weeks ago.
To be fair, a lot of the theater servers have a combination of autistic rules, non general themes (ie anime, ponyshit), or take AGES to download the gigabytes of custom content.
Its easy to see that mode dying if a good server goes down.
it was absolutely the community. After a while the playerbase just shifted from being interested in unique experiences that only Gmod could offer, like Clockwork or PERP, to that of the monotonous Dark RP, Murder, and TTT trifecta. Those gamemodes were popular before, but it suddenly seemed like they were the only servers available. And the community became young. Like, really, really cancerously young. I booted it up for the first time in two years a few days ago only to uninstall it the second I saw the state of the game. Damn man, and it was fun while it lasted too.