It's about time you apologized to Dark Souls 2

It's about time you apologized to Dark Souls 2.

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Its the factual best game FROM has ever made.

Dark Souls 2 had fantastic weaponplay hidden beneath a stale, rushed world and story.

Scholar was tight tho.

how does one cheese through the game, solo PvE?

I'll wait until 2017 and DaS3 has a chance to be finished. SotFS is the superior game right now, but that was after three majors dlcs and a year of patching as well as a whole rerelease. I can give DaS3 until the end of it's DLC before I condemn it

Also, I don't owe DaS2 any apologies. I've played it more than any other Souls game.

I'm sorry you were shit at release and needed a remake to make you good. SotFS was pretty good I must say. DLC's where great and saved the game. I hope Dark Souls 3 gets something similar.

Here's an example on how DS2 has more thought put into it than people think.

In DS2 there's a small quest where you can go and rescue a milfanito using a key.
The key acts as a sword.
In DS3, the sword you use to impale Anri during the "wedding" is just a normal key item.

I always liked dark souls 2 even though everyone hated it and everyone called me a hipster or said i had shit taste.

And i think the Dark souls 2 dlc are the best souls content there is.

Haven't played bloodborne though, just talking about the demon's/dark games.

you're missing out user

quite different, but an absolute blast


he hurt my feelings

i agree it's a very good game

Dual powerstance Maces. You can stunlock most bosses

leo ring and estoc

>i think the Dark souls 2 dlc are the best souls content there is
Why? Eleum Loyce was cool and Alsanna was waifu tier, but the areas were a bit mediocre. Better than the base game, sure, but not on par with something like Tower of Latria.

I'm sorry I bought you Dark Souls 2.

No fuck off.
Everything was pretty shit in the game except for Faraam armor. They made Havels armor look shit.

big deal

Sorry I bought you, DaS2.

Dark Souls 2 is not something i can forgive.

Why? DaS3 came out and proved DaS2 was a fucking mistake

Fuck that game and fuck you

Doesn't estoc have wonky scaling compared to the other piercing swords tho?

>dark souls 2 apologists

>Shulva not having the best level design in the series

not until you apologize for those PS2 trees

Not until it apologizes first.

I'd play it, i'm just not willing to spend 500 bucks on it. Maybe when there's a bloodborne 2 or demon's 2 or sony souls 1.

Well, like everyone else you probably wont agree with my opinion but i'll start by saying that i think Shulva was the best DLC, when it comes to the area itself i think it's definitively king, while Brume Tower had the best bosses and Eleum Loyce in my opinion was very so-so, with Ava and the new items(armor and so on) being the best to come out of it.

Ivory King probably has the best intro and most interesting, uh, "pre boss mechanic" out of any other boss in the series though, if only he was harder it would probably be my favorite boss in the series.

As for Demon's, i think people have a very rose tinted view of it, it was great, but overall i don't think it has aged well. That said, in terms of atmosphere it definitively wins over all the other souls games.


what if i never said anything bad about it
except SM and no eye orbs

Man, what the fuck even happened.

>The key acts as a sword.
And it wasn't even bad. I wanted to use it until I realized you can't upgrade it.


Is it worth buying for $20? I've never played it.

It's about time you apologized to Dark Souls 3

>Man, what the fuck even happened.
Too much...

Yes if you get the DLC with it for that price

Yeah, it's the PS4 release.

>It's about time you apologized to Dark Souls 2.
What for?I still play the game to this day :^)

>implying this isn't the best headgear in the entire soulsborne series

I wish we had gotten the original one too though

Yeah, it's worth that. It's not a terrible game, it just feels nothing at all like any of the other Souls games so comparing it to them makes it seem lackluster.

user, please.

I like the bottom one.It has that extra creepy factor to it.The other one is something for weaboo faggots.

not to mention this is about the only forest part of the "forest of fallen giants" and its basically just a hallway, like many areas of the game...

>The other one is something for weaboo faggots.

sorry you're the worst in the series Dark Souls 2 :(

DS2 world > DS3 world

>those screenshots
Are you sure you aren't playing RUNE?

>4 STR builds
>the same weapon on 3 of them
What the fuck are you doing

Yeah, I totally prefer elevators to volcanos and distant areas that look miles away, only to be reached in 30 seconds of travel. :^)

Hex build or Mundane build (ALL even stats across the board)

High level mundane builds absolutely fucking destroy the PvE game.

I am.Rune has some of the best arena combat when it comes to games like that.This is not Rune.
And it is not Severance:BoD either since the gore engine and the combat mechanics of Severance shit all over DaS.


As opposed to a copy paste areas of DS and BB? :)

>Play DS1
>beat it
>Play DS2
>get bored 10 hours in
>Play DS3
>board in an hour
>Play Nioh alpha last week.
>Put 15 hours in a weekend and love it
>redownload DS2 SoTS
>still don't like this game
>download Salt and Sanctuary 2 days ago.
>16 hours

Fun things are fun, and things that are not fun are not fun.

Dark Souls 2 should apologize to me for wasting my time

Congratulations on having poor taste, but we don't care.

>shrine of winter
>knee high wall

I thought you were the worst thing ever until #3 came out, and I was glad you at least respected the combat system.


>people actually watch some 50 minute garbage video


I have nothing to apologize because I never jumped into the hate wagon.

Here is a couple of things it did right that I wished DaS3 had:

- Fun as fuck spells/hexes/pyros
- Covenants were good and varied for the most part
- Tried crazy shit like the boss that summons players and the rat covenant, DaS3 played extremely safe and doesn't do anything new in PVP apart from purples which aren't that good
- Incredibly weapon variety, helped by the power stance mechanic
- Great world level design (as in you have a bunch of choices on how to do the early game instead of DaS3's railroad, DaS2 fails somewhat in portraying the world (Iron Keep issue) and DaS1 is still king)
- Long as fuck since vanilla, absurdly long now with the DLCs
- A lot of cool dialogues and lore exposition, especially in SotFS
- Pharros Lockstones and Fragrant Branches of Yore allowed for player choice on where to go and how to progress, allowing smart players to shortcut a lot during later runs if they knew the location of the hidden early ones. Also had a bunch of cool rewards.

>What the fuck are you doing
I am preserving my souls so i can twink.This is my final weapon for that soul memory level.

And this is my current build state.I feel kind of bad when i invade people but someone has to do the invading or people won't be getting the full DaS experience.

I sort of agree with this, if there's one thing positive i can say about souls 2 is that most of the time it felt like i was visiting new places.

In 3, most of the time i felt like "it's undead burg again, it's the swamp again, it's latria again, it's literally anor londo, it's boletaria palace again" and so on and so forth, it obviously did some new things but a lot of it felt like i was going through places i had already visited.

At least Irythil was nice and comfy.

As much as Sup Forums hates matty, he's bang on with pretty much everything in this video.

good taste
Seriously though, tell me the top right shot doesn't look straight out of RUNE.

that's nice and everything but why Gyrm Hammer?

>t. fanboy

probably because it's the only souls game that runs well

The two hand moveset is actually pretty good and the STR requirement obviously works for his SL

I wish they'd let us keep the demo.
Shit that was a load of fun.

> 77 God hand
> 84 fallout 4
> 94 bioshock infinite

You're right user, how could I be so blind

>download demo
>have DS3 on the go
>finally get around to demo
>time to play has run out

It's ok, I d-didn't want to play it anyway!

>but why Gyrm Hammer?
I like it and i like the way it has a reverse move set on it's strong attack.Also switching from one hand to two handing the weapon is a great way to surprise people.
>probably because it's the only souls game that runs well
You have no idea.

Forgetting something?


Okay is that SERIOUSLY the only complaint in level design?
I love DS2 300 hours dual caestus before DLC
The game truly does look like shit, arguably worse than 1, like they got everything they wanted in mechanics/gameplay-wise and got shafted on time to build better levels. The structure is there, like the area of the FotFG leading to the pursuer and on top of the castle was well done, because they had time to put in the giant sword sticking out of the side you got an item and were ambushed on and the crumpled head of the statue knocked off during your fight against the Giant King after the Pursuer. Almost every level suffers from some kind of stupid bare bullshit though including that one. With some janky ass ps3 lookin' texture repeated ad nauseam as far as the eye can see.

As far as walking to things in the distance in tunnels...

Literally time is convoluted, first area is things betwixt. Also you really want a long ass tunnel underwater? Of course you do with pinwheels. But content is definitely something that DS2 doesn't lack.

>Parry spam and riposte weapon switching
Perfectly ok
>Warmth healing
Totally unacceptable

>Crazy shit like a boss that summons players

Didn't DeS do that first?

>dickass phantom mode engaged
>pop white soapstone at boss door
>host summons me
>bow to him, point to boss door
>spend the next 30 minutes casting warmth around the boss and rolling away from attacks while laughing at the host who is most likely raging

You are the boss in DeS, it's different.

>Seriously though, tell me the top right shot doesn't look straight out of RUNE.
Nah RUNE has that feel to it.Your character has a different stance and the world feels a lot different.
I mean you eat lizards for crying out loud.

"""""Best""""" PVP in Souls

>Warmth healing
>Totally unacceptable
Why?I fucking love warmth.

Honestly, I loved DaS2. It really pissed me off at first with the graphics DG, and I fucked up by joining the champions immediately, but it grew on me.

Wudup Caestus bro? I did a batman build. Duel Caestus powerstanced with bonefist alternate in right, and pyro flame. Shit was dynamite.

Then DaS3 shows up and completely fucking ruins the most brilliant thing the "b" team came up with, and replaced it with ghey sword art. Couldn't they have done both?

>Literally time is convoluted, first area is things betwixt. Also you really want a long ass tunnel underwater?
That's an awful cop-out. Just don't make them look miles away. DeS, DS1, BB and DS3 all manage this perfectly fine and the world feels tighter and more coherent for it. Seeing bloodstains/messages far in the distance in an area you've been to is amazing.

The world design in DS2 feels lazy as fuck. Not only are they poorly thought out, the art direction is fucking disgusting and washed out. Though even levels that aren't complete garbage to look at, like drangleic castle, end up being boring hallways to walk through and nothing like a castle should actually feel like.

Iron keep gets mentioned a lot as an example of poor design in DS2, but honestly, I think the shortcut in Huntsman's copse is better. Literally push a plank down, right next to a bonfire, which leads to a point about 15 feet from the previous bonfire. It shows exactly how little thought and effort they put in to world as a whole.

>helper phantoms can use estus when there is an invader present
>weapon scaling
Dropped. If it werent for the obscuring ring invasions would be impossible since its just gank after gank.

Someones else copy pasta

Good changes DaS2 made that FROM removed in DaS3 for some retarded reason

>Ascetics, not to respawn enemies but to respawn bosses
>Able to use a weapons full moveset in the left hand
>Upgrading shields actually improved their stats, not just the stability
>Depleting your stamina caused your character to breathe heavily
>You didn't lose your momentum from falling down 2 feet
>Poise wasn't as retarded as in 1 or as useless as in 3
>Really fun NPC invaders where they didn't act like just another enemy
>Interacting with the environment unlocked secrets, like lighting all the scones in The Gutter
>Other secrets like the pig and the pickaxe
>Pharros Lockstones and Fragrant Branches to manipulate the environment
>Getting wet reduced your characters lightning resistance while boosting your fire resistance
>NG+ didn't just increase enemy HP and damage, it added new enemies and items
>rolling in poison pools made your poison build up continue even on dry land because you were still covered in it
>rolling in snow/poison/water covered you in it, and it slowly disappeared
>You could activate several pools of blood at once, resulting in hilarity
>You could be invaded even if you were hollow and if the boss was dead, but at a lower chance
>You could burn an effigy to block invaders, but as a result you blocked summons as well
>Poison builds were not only viable, they were useful
>You could roll in more directions when locked on
>Hexes were fleshed out
>White phantoms couldn't Estus with an invader in the world
>Small soapstones if you wanted help with the area before a boss, without having to Black Crystal to solo the boss

Ds2 did have great flaws and great ideas. Retards only can see the flaws, which arent even that big.

Fuck off Tanimura

Powerstance pisses me off so much

Oh and the waist high wall from the bonfire, causing you to have to go through the entire second bellfry at Iron Keep. Just as ridiculous as the shrine of winter. The developers were batshit crazy when it came to world design in DS2.

Tanimura is a hack and shouldn't be alowed to develop games anymore

>NG+ didn't just increase enemy HP and damage, it added new enemies and items
This was hit and miss for me.
I like getting everything in souls games and 1 time only NG+ invaders with low drop rates were annoying as fuck. Had to burn about 30 aesthetics and kill the boss over and over to get 1 more chance at a piece of armour.

Holy hell I remember this thread for some reason.


>Kill Vordt of the Boreal Valley
>Activate a bonfire
>Teleport to the botton of the wall
>Activate another bonfire
>Kill 3 dogs that dont even aggro you and a random hollow
>Activate yet another bonfire

I am not sure about DeS because i never played it, but only Ds1 and BB had good checkpoint placement.

Ds2 world is pretty creative and unique, but they didnt explore the concepts they were thinking about, which is maybe the worst problem of the game. Also the individual areas, with a few excpetions, are very linear. Ds3 fixed that, most areas have a few ways, but the world design still linear.

No it isn't, Dark Souls 2 is fucking trash, it's so bland and forgettable, I have zero interest at all to ever touch it again

You're imagining an extra bonfire there

DaS3 has poor bonfire placement, nobody's debating that. Doesn't change DaS2's problems though.

It's about time it apologized to me for wasting my money for being a full-price, pay-in beta test for an improved version of the game that you also had to pay for.

BB had some shitty placement too, especially Lumenwood Garden to Astral Watchtower In The Old Hunters
