Use red soapstone

>use red soapstone
>get summoned as dark spirit
>host either runs away, heals, or ganks
>still manage to hilariously wreck their shit

Do these so called "trolls" really have nothing better to do? If I wanted to fight gank squads I would use the red eye orb. The red soapstone is obviously meant for fair pvp and you'd have to be retarded to not think so. It's literally in the description.

>not liking the chaos

Not everyone is a pro-gamer like you, user. Not everyone knows the obvious mannerisms that should be associated with the souls series.

>its some stupid meme fight club where i get no rewards for killing other phantoms and i cant attack the host without aggro'ing all the other fucking players

>still manage to hilariously wreck their shit
No you didn't, you got butt ravaged by a group of three and came here to cry about it because you suck at video games

It's kind of interesting the way people interpret the game. An invasion can be interpreted as many different things by a player.
>sparing chum
>spiteful antagonist

I either just black crystal out or annoy everyone with a dragonslayer now + obscuring ring. I hate invading fight clubs, shits annoying especially as an Aldrich faithful. Wish those fags would just kill the boss, you can still summon with the boss dead.

user you don't pvp for rewards! You do it for Le gentlemanly honor

just wait, watch, and backstab the host once you think they've grown comfortable or distracted

Not saying you're wrong, but whats the point of summoning a dark spirit for the host and his 3 phantoms to r1 spam on?

>host is already fighting some red
>as soon as they see me they try to gank on me

I must say some people get creative with their bullshit

>use seed
>get hate mail


>tfw every time I invade the host has at least 2 phantoms with them

fucking WHY

>host and phantom avoid me
>host uses giant seed
>i start killing enemies with them
>they finally attack me

>They spent the whole time hiding behind mobs even though it was just you

Remember to be in Rosaria's Fingers when redsigning. You have full Ember HP if Embered in your world.

>i invade*

>use red soapstone
>host summons me
>get him down to 20% health
>he alt-f4's

So, this is the PC audience...

>Use seed
>they apologize


I find those fun- sometimes its fun to just duel for dueling's sake. Test out builds, strategies, weapons, think of new tactics and so on. It's just fun, user.

Hosts with phantoms get priorities for invasions

>le autistic friendly heavy face



>93 tongues
>10 forked tongues

>host is making a run, poorly, for the bossfog with a train of phantoms
>second bonfire, in the middle of a clearing, isn't even lit
>whole squad won't even approach you while you stand in a doorway
>try to pick you off with arrows

just ran into these stupid cunts. they were obviously friends, because i killed the same two phantoms three times each.

how fucking stupid can a person be?

I ended up dying to r1 spam because i got greedy and wanted to finish the host with a parry

>invade as purple
>kill only other invading phantoms because I never get summoned for darkmoons
It's hard being a moralfag when you never get summoned, might as well just be purple. I always try to kill gankers though.

I absolutely hate this. Why not just leave it the same as the first three games, where there wasn't any of this garbage? If you turn human/Embered, you can get invaded, and that's it.

>>not everyone knows the obvious mannerisms
>Hey look a red sign
>He's put down a sign which requires someone to purposefully invite him into their own world
>This must mean this guy is looking to 1v3 me and my boyfriends

I guess this really is too much for Americans to handle.

don't stone outside aldrich then, fuckboi

Grapes are literally about killing whoever they want and getting rewarded for it

>red soapstone while graped
>soon after I get summoned, host gets invaded by a red
>bluecop shows up
>know how hard it is to farm ears
>kill him before he can even get close to the red

Why are europoors so jelly of america that they have to hate on it unprovoked?

I always kill blues too fuck those guys. If I can't get ears no one can.

>I guess this really is too much for Americans to handle.

what the fuck does this have to d with anything?

What does his post have to do with Americans? I swear you smelly old worlders get worked up over the dumbest things.

>fight this faggot whos lag stepping and rolling away like a bitch because I drained his estus
>summons some wannabe fag named artorias through password since it shows he's nerfed or some shit who proceeds to fully heal him and spam forbidden sun
>but invaders arent allowed to have +10 gear because it would be unfair.
There's too much hand holding in this game. Helping phantoms shouldnt be able to chug estus if invaders are cucked like this.

oh, another time

>bein' a dickass thief with obscuring and hornet rings
>invade in dragon barracks
>host has three phantoms
>dragons aren't dead
>host isn't sure where to go, bridge is fucked with fire and phantoms are getting anxious
>approach, draw one off down the stairs
>draw another towards the bridge and finish him off when he goes for a plunging attack off the side
>host makes a run for the bridge, thinks he can make it across

and just as i was starting to have fun you bloody retard


Are you Americans this fucking thin-skinned?

Holy fucking KEK

What do Europoors have to do with this?

>you asked a legit question

you seem like a moron

People outside of America and Europe are not welcome on this site

Interesting, you're only proving me right. What's it like getting upset over trivial things? You should take a walk.

>taking shit from someone you don't even know over a sumerian hair-length comparison forum
>not just at you, but your family and neighbors and essentially everyone you know


Black crystal adds penelty points

We're going to revoke your independence

Do people really afk for days on end just for the chance of getting an ear every 5 or 6 hours?

Christ, if there's an acceptable time to use cheat engine for covenant items, that would be it.

No it doesn't lol. "Penalty points" only come from disconnecting.

Prove me otherwise.

>Summon somebody to PVP.
>I heal during it.
>They get asshurt and leave.
>I want them to heal too.
>I want the fight to be more then a few seconds long.
>I want to have fun.


Heal you faggot, I give you every chance in gods name to heal, I even do it at full health to show you to heal, just do it, I dont want this to be some quick round or torture for you.


Well... yes, user, they do. What's gotten you in such a tiffy?

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>area after pontiffs fight
>put on Way of Blue
>seed of a giant tree
>dried fingers
>ember up
And enjoy the show

You had that chance 200 years ago and blew it.
You're lucky empires went out of style before the US got too powerful.

>Invade somebody.
>See a blueberry show up.
>Black crystal out.
>Know that their rage must burn down the house.

Soul Stream will instant kill any player if you max out sorcery and can be used as a sniper weapon. I did this once to a fight club and felt rather dirty afterwards.

That said you can summon phantoms for fight clubs in worlds you have already cleared. Kind of rude to try to force me into your fight club when I am trying to quickly invade for tongues or w/e anyways.

>game is too hard
>not that I have any problem with it though

So you admit that you're still winning most of the time? Then what's the problem? Oh the problem is you didn't actually want a challenge, you just wanted to stomp some loser who doesn't know how to play and the fact that you actually have to do stuff annoys you. Why don't you just watch a let's play video if you don't want to do anything?

are you me?

Why not kill them? Granted it's hard doing that when the world is seeded and the host has other phantoms as well. But it's pretty funny killing them with a OHKO riposte because they waited so long to get in. Just to die in meer seconds.


I did this in DaS I.
>join "fight club"
>burst the host in one hit with CSS
>hate mail

>direct references to Way of White
>no Way of White covenant which invades Hollow players wherever they may be

>direct references to the Path of the Dragon
>no Path of the Dragon covenant, in which hosts can only summon Dragon Spirits when alone, and then neither can use Estus

It's so much sweeter when you kill them, though. Or at least let them think they've got you, and THEN black crystal.

>so called "trolls"

The fact you weren't told to leave immediately is proof of even neo-Sup Forums's death and the age of pure Reddit.


He just said he's using red stone soapstone which you use if you want a fair duel

One or two reasons.
Reason 1 why I dont.
>Oh look, Host has phantoms summoned and a blue berry coming at me, aint got time for this shit.
or two.
>I know for a fact is pisses them off more to get a wasted summon.

And yet you're still here. Upvoted.

>trolling is exclusive to reddit

go to sleep grandpa

You can't leave a prison, shithead.

you get two tongues for killing them
they usually kill themselves

Woah you're from reddit too? Only a redditor would know about reddit.

go to dead



>This gets posted in Demo's stream the other night.
>Demo laughs it off and says "I wasn't trying to be funny, I was legitimately salty when I wrote that."
How is he so fucking chill about everything?

EX DEE times ten fellow 9gagger

>intentionally arguing with teenagers
>wants others to believe he is intellectually superior

Okay then keep black crystaling.

I really dont care

damn son

Yeah I will, great evidence retard.

I think it has to do with my saltyness over Dark Souls 2.

I could never get the blue sentinels to work right, never got summoned or anything. When I finally did manage something and killed the invader, it glitched something in my game so blue berries started coming after me constantly.

So I just dont even bother, but the other thing is I got tired of dealing with them.
>Running down the collapsible bridge in catacombs.
>See a blueberry run out and cut it.
>They think I will run backwards, or they will block me.
>Run at them and sudden path shift, jump past them.
>Mornes hammer wrath of god wind up.
>Blast them off.

I hope you and this dumb meme die.

Blue Phantom summons should really be much more aggressive for hosts that have no phantoms.

Considering the entire point of Way of Blue is for solo players to play online and try to get PvPers to fuck off their game Way of Blue should also get the same immunity to monsters that Reds enjoy under those circumstances.

How am I supposed to enjoy my online solo PvE experience with some blue faggot trailing me and double teaming all the monsters with me?

A meme invented by Darkmoons

>tries to argue on a Japanese image board
>also runs away from fights in a video game


>causes extreme butthurt in-game
>also somehow has collateral damage to an imageboard
holy shit

>Throw in an Americans quip
>These hillbillies all fly out of the woodwork to shit themselves

Every time.

for somebody who dosent care, you sure are showing a great deal of autism points.

>Penalty points.
Jesus christ somebody is fucking dumb.

the police invade you... in your own world? with no phantoms or invaders?

not everyone has +10 estus with 15 charges which makes it unfair

I dont care if you get softbanned or not. Im highly autistic and will reply to every one of your replies.

t. darkmoon

You're not getting my ear, eat shit.

Dark Souls 2, the game got glitched as fuck for me and the only way it solved itself was by creating a new character, it pissed me off to no fucking end.

But yes, blue berries would invade me, alone, no phantoms, anywhere, anytime, for no reason other then I as a blue berry, stopped a commie from killing a host.

Game fucked up on me.

>Just walking around areas I didnt finish exploring.
>Blueberry out of nowhere to come judge me.

Haha you tell them, Mohammed.

>it's a 3 man gank squad with dark swords invasion

>dark souls 2

great job retard, i'm sure that "glitch" really pissed you off

>literally every encounter is a gank with fuckers with gear way passed their level and spells way passed what they could slot
And here I am fighting for my life with a shit weapon scaled down to the host.

Way to leave off the Souls series as a babysitting simulator.

I black crystal if the host uses an estus, unless another phantom attacked them.

Fuck off or fight honorably.

>they just use binocs
>I use binocs
>both standing few feet from each other
>they walk off a cliff, I follow them to salvation
Why can't I experience this more often.