cool now we can go play battleborn
Oh no. Guess I'll just have to go back to playing that more established class-based FPS game that costs literally nothing to play instead of spending $40.
>implying any one wants to play battlebored
It ends tomorrow, they extended it by a day
And watch as the player base drops dramatically.
Is this KOFXIV?
TF2 costed money too at one point, remember? I still have the hats
Except I just got into a match.
Will Blizzard be able to fix the broken animations before release?
>cool now we can go play battleborn
>assfaggots fps
Oh that one without hot as fuck female characters?
It was way, way cheaper then Overwatch is now.
Funny story, I actually got a TF2 disc instead of the Orange Box when I bought it from GameStop way back when. They even let me keep it when I called to correct them. Shame I lost that account, and all those vintages.
>I play games to look at the asses of my teammates
Because costs extra
Thought that was fake at first.. then I looked it up. Holy shit
its still going
This is what Sup Forums thinks about the game.
Is that in slow motion? If so its just a way to emulate smear frames to give the animations more personality and probably looks really nice at full speed
It was pretty fun, but I'm not paying for it.
Thanks for the free game for a weekend blizzard, I'll play it again when you get desperate and make it f2p.
That's sped so far up that it looks silly, just like pausing any video of any person ever saying a syllable or any in between frame of any animated film.
Don't be that guy.
works on my machine
> I would honestly rather play Darksouls and that's saying a lot.
Yup sounds about right
>>I play games to look at the asses of my teammates
How'd ya know?
Holy fuck that guy is Sup Forums incarnate.
It's stylistically designed to be this way.
>I'm bad at the game so it sucks
Yeah, it's Sup Forums
What? Don't tickle my pickle like that user
>Hey Pluto!
D.Va confirmed daughter of Dr.Fantastic?
maddest faggot on the planet
I want to brutally murder that Korean girl.
>$0.10 has been deposited into your account
good one
>cool now we can go play battleborn
It's extended. Still up
Okay Afro we get it, stop shilling your videos
>That Tidus laugh
My fucking sides
I missed it all because it's finals week. Fucking terrible time to test the beta
>not having finals last week
>he unironically posted onlyautism
What KoF character looks like a 15 year old Korean girl?
Lucky, I had MIDTERMS last week.
Whenever I was playing the game it didn't seem that fun. Just a resounding "meh" feeling. However, for some reason whenever I'm not playing it for a while I suddenly get a yearning to play it. Like, even though I don't really like it I can't get it out of my mind. Blizzard have used some kind of wizardry to craft an addictive element to this game that I can't explain.
I might end up buying the full version even though I don't really like it that much.
Even if Battleborn was a 10/10 game, Gearbox did shit all to advertise it. Overwatch on the other hand looks like it has the marketing budget of a Call of Duty game. It's fucking everywhere.
>mfw I had finals last week but was busy with shit and couldn't really play until today
>mfw open beta ends in like six hours, everyone has gone to sleep, and playing the game without friends is borderline masochism
Jesus that fucking friend of afro needs to look into that autism of his.
>Borderlands 2 almost had more players at it's daily peak than Battleborn
I almost feel bad
Guy who didn't play Overwatch at all. Ask me nothing.
Still going on Xbone. Get rekt PCucks
Thanks for another OW thread.
Stop being stupid. I literally just finished a match.
Why didn't you play Overwatch?
Wasn't gonna play the beta, but some friends kept pestering me into playing with them.
I was actually surprised, it turned out to be pretty fun. Not worth 60 eurodollars though.
fuck bastion
Howdy partners. Just passin' through. Was wonderin' if'n any you fellas could tell me what time it is?
Beta is still up for one more day, bro.
How was your day?
>JustAfro shilling his videos on Sup Forums
Seriouslly nigga?
I thought you were better than this.
*whistle sound*
It's high noon...
somewhere in the world.
Yeah I think it's a quarter past HIGH NOO- AUGGHHH
>mfw already got my fill and have no intention of buying
I'm bad at video games.
I probably can't run it anyways.
youre saying that now and thats fine but lets face it: youre going to be blizzards little bitch and buy it, just like every one else
its true, check blizzard/Overwatch on twitter, also it says until 10 in the promotional panel-thingy
It's the loot boxes. It always ties back to the loot boxes.
When you level up, it flashes and tells you with heroic music that you got a loot box, even though it's very apparent after a few levels that you'll receive a loot box every single time. As you can't open the boxes in game, you make a mental note to open it next time you're in the main menu. Rather than just having everything automatically added to your hero gallery, you have to go to a section that's entirely dedicated to opening the boxes. When you open the boxes, you watch a flashy animation play with more heroic music.
Blizzard's team cooked up some real good skinner shit here, and I'm a sucker for it as well
I actually really like the game though
>tfw have 4 friends that work for blizzard and after hearing their horror stories have lost what little faith I had left in the company
feels good while feeling bad at the same time
I just finished a game literally a minute ago; have they actually cut it down for some territories or is OP just full of shit?
More like I press Q to win.
Nerf this
I'm gonna play Hearthstone in the meanwhile and rage at bullshit mage/hunter decks that ruin my game every time.
I'd agree with you, except the loot didn't seem all that impressive to me.
MAYBE a chance for some nice skins, but everything else is pointless, from what I saw
>Mei on the title screen after the match
Pottery. And holy shit, the other team didn't even need a Healer.
It's a stylistic choice
One hit wonder youtubers really are cancer.
The beta is almost over and out of 48 loot boxes, I didn't get shit for the characters I actually play.
I just wanted that cool skin, fuck this shit.
It's not so much the loot itself that gets people though, but the act of acquiring and opening the boxes.
>tfw I have the skin
Too bad it won't carry over.
>MFW it's not high noon
Woah woah woah, stuff isn't carrying over?
Howdy, my name is Kenichi Smith.
I'm a 27 year old Japanese Toonaholic (Cartoon fan for you foreigners). I draw cartoons and comics on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior American games (Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty).
I train with my 1911 every day, this superior weapon can shoot straight through steel because it kicks ass, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.
I speak English fluently, both the Midwestern and the East Coast accents, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their Constitution, which I follow 100%
When I get my American visa, I am moving to New York to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Nickelodeon or a game designer!
I own several cowboy outfits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I keep cool to my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
Wish me luck in America!
Maybe buy the shit you want? I've got like 1500 coins out of loot boxes and dupe items, and I'm level 30
its ok
i made enough people salty that id run into squads of people screaming at me if they won against me
Nope. Level, stats and unlocks are all wiped after today.
>he didn't read the FAQ before investing time into a fucking beta
it's beta you fucktard, what do you think
I wanted the Junker/Scavenger skin, I like how the meka looks all broken down. was definitely more fun to play than I thought, getting behind people and shredding Supports/Tanks is amazing.
Nah, I've only gotten about 500+ coins. Shit is fucking wack.