>this cinematic linear game is okay
>uncharted isn't because reasons
>this cinematic linear game is okay
>uncharted isn't because reasons
Is it cinematic if the game never takes control away from the player?
because it's a ps4 exclusive
HL has better story, weapons, characters, level design, enemies, art direction, Mp, etc
the fact that you even compared the 2 proves you have terrible taste and know nothing about good game design. and that's not even comparing the superior HL game (HL1)
hl2 is not cinematic
uncharted is literally just a bunch of consecutive qtes
the 1st few resident evil are cinematic, fix camera angles and shit but still let you have control.
HL2 is not cinematic at all, story and linear level design down no make a game cinematic.
First post best post
hl2 isn't cinematic at all you mong
If you don't consider sitting in a labratory for 20 minutes while Mossman, Eli and Alyx RP before the Combine finally attack and you can go to Ravenholm - just because you can run around and press E on shit, you're retarded.
>uncharted has next to none QTE
>Half life has section where awkward character, stand around awkwardly, SO IMMERSIVE I HAVE CONTROL
>Uncharted lets you fight your way out of crumpling building with zero QTEs
>Half lets you pull lever
what's your point
>forcing you into a room until npc stop talking and playing their script isn't taking control away from the player!
hl2 is even worse than a cutscene ridden game because in the latter most of the time you can skip them at least
the converssations dont take 20 minutes and there's stuff to do while you listen
his point is that he is autistic and that the faults in a game can be ignored if there are enough flashing lights and explosions
That Uncharted isn't less interactive than HL2 or 1.
You can atleast skip cutscenes in Uncharted, making them more fun to replay.
HL2 is not cinematic, you seem to think we are talking about one game being better than the other, please learn something about filming
>it's not open world, so, it's linear and it's a bad thing
I swear to god, millennial kids are the worst...
you can skip the cutscenes in hl2 as well, just pick up a physics prop and smash it on the characters head.
no jokes, in the original hl2 game, this causes the cutscene to end.
OPs point ->
Your head
skipping cutscenes is how you pick with game is good or bad?
a game from 2004 vs a game from 2007
>All these autistic fanboys
Both series are trying to be cinematic, both games have boring parts
Honestly, both series are highly overrated.
So, you dog-suckers found ONE script part in HL2 that takes two minutes, and now, it's cinematic-ridden?
What are you gonna do next? Compare HL2 to MGS4?
No, it would sometimes move an NPC and skip their current dialogue but not the whole 'cutscene''
there are actually way more than one, play the game before posting in therads about it thanks
>OP unironically thinks HL2 is a cinematic game
HL2 is 100% gameplay you retarded piece of shit, you must be at least 18yo to be here so go bed you stupid little bastard...
You're both retarded. You and OP alike.
>Sitting in a LOCKED room looking at ugly face animations
Then name them all.
If you want your point to stand via attacking HL2 you have to have a complete line of argumentation before resting your case.
>it's okay when Valve does it
Note to self, if you want to piss off fans off a series, call their game 'Cinematic'
Which HF1 and HF2 definitely is
Never played Uncharted I take it
first post best post once again.
>there's people literally this stupid...
in short, while other games tries to copy films to be "good" HL2 take advantage of being a videogame and it do it excellently. Games like HL prove videogames are an art form and not a shitty film attemp (unlike uncharted, Metal Gear, etc).
i know most of you weren't alive yet back then but before modding became big enough to be recognized as one of hl1 selling points, the game was praised both by critics and players because of its "cinematic" sections such as the intro tram ride and all the parts where you were essentially locked in a room while others were talking (es before getting into test chamber, twice)
you're right he forgot about the "hold up on the analog stock and press x occasionally" mechanic
what the fuck is HF1 and HF2?
So half life doesn't use actors? doesn't use music? doesn't set up scenes? doesn't use costume designers?
HF isn't less interactive because you get to look around the room while cutscene is playing.
Assassin's Creed 1 did this, even fucking COD does this.
Why do I always feel like i'm in a court in Sup Forums? You people realize you're all anonymous and no one cares about what you're saying right? I bet you're all americans
b-b-but the train isn't cinematic, I CAN WALK AROUND!!!!11
Homefront looks like ass and 2 looks like it's shit too
People this stupid exist.
>>uncharted has next to none QTE
>I only come here for the memes
Go back to facebook faggot.
No, it's not okay.
People having been pointing this out for years, It's drowned out by the valvedrone circle jerking though.
>Not taking control away from the player
>locking the player in a room while characters you hardly care about spout expository dialogue at you for 20 minutes
Pick one.
HL2 aged like room-temperature milk. I'm glad people are starting to realize how painfully average it was.
>HL fans calling everyone stupid and retarded
>Uncharted fans raising point of how HF is constricted and cinematic.
>HL fans not even realizing HL is cinematic
Let the shock sink in first
So every game that isn't an open world sandbox with no cutscenes is cinematic.
Last time I checked the last time I saw a movie it wasn't from a first person view of someone screwing around with wooden boxes while other characters talk about relevant stuff. Being in control the whole time is more important than you people realize. Valve didn't have to force the camera to look at the important bits because they knew that people were naturally going to look at the important bits on their own.
TIL Half-Life 2 is a 3rd-person regenerating health cover-based shooter
Oh no wait
At the time it was different and most importantly, minimal.
Which is why HL1 is the superior game.
I've never gotten why HL2 is put on such a pedestal. I've played TLOU and HL2 and loved both, yet here it seems that HL2 is somehow inherently better than anything similar to Uncharted. It just doesn't make any sense. They're different. Very, very different kinds of games with different focuses.
You're all dense motherfuckers. HL2 is an accomplished story-driven game because the story is told through the game and not shoved down anyone's throats. It has pseudo cutscenes that take a only a few minutes to get to plot going but mostly you will be immersed in the game with stuff like:
- Breencasts
- Interacting and watching the ruined lives of civilians, like when seeing them line up for food or crying to sleep
- Find the cruel ways the Combine is fucking up the world through the environment, like through the Coast maps noticing how the ocean water level is way fucking lower than what it should be and going through Ravenholm and see what the Combine does to anyone who opposes them
- Find out what the Combine soldiers really are through the raid on Nova Prospect through details in the scenery and through monitors that prompt player curiosity and exploration
- The few cutscenes rooms are filled with shit that you can look at to find more details about the story like the Black Masa photo with Breen crossed out or the 7 Hour war newspaper
- Etc
Meanwhile Uncharted is a game that tells it's shitty B movie tier story through cutscenes and if you want to make sense of anything you'll have to sit through what game-designers-pretending-to-be-film-makers wanted you to watch, completely fucking missing the point of the medium they are working with. The part that is supposed to be interesting, the world with the gameplay, is cover shooting at its lowest.
When you have actor play out a scene, that's at the very least theater, or cinematic.
Videogames is a cooperation between artforms, most games these days have a varying degree og cinematics.
Heck even souls games give you a cutscene for the bosses.
>Valve didn't have to force the camera to look at the important bits because they knew that people were naturally going to look at the important bits on their own.
Really? As opposed to jumping around the room waiting for the NPCs to shut the fuck up, open the door and let them out of the room?
>shitty B movie tier story
Half Life being cinematic is the most stupid and old meme ever. The first fucking game that wasn't SLIGHTELY CINEMATIC and you have to get it all wrong.
You never go out from Gordon's perspective, THAT'S THE OPPOSITE OF CINEMATOGRAPHIC
why are you guys trying to compare a 12 year old game to a modern game?
Meanwhile, non-fanboys realize both series are shit.
Keep comparing garbage with garbage uncharted fags, it's the only way to feel good about yourselves.
>literally posting an autism face to go with your autistic breakdown
Also, if Uncharted is B movie tier, IDK what to even call HL2. Once again, putting it on a pedestal it doesn't belong on.
I think you've forgotten just how fucking long that airboat chapter goes on for
Are you seriously trying to imply uncharted story is better then HL2?
You have a point in that both are cinematic, but that is ridiculous.
>HL2 is an accomplished story-driven game because the story is told through the game and not shoved down anyone's throats
Have you even tried replaying it recently? The amount of times you are stuck waiting for NPCs to stop talking and let you play the game is staggering. It most certainly is shoved down your throat, compared to something like Deus Ex.
That's pretty much on the range of other B tier movie schlock.
>The amount of times you are stuck waiting for NPCs to stop talking and let you play the game is staggering
that's an overexageration, but anyways, you have Portal 2 there, made by the same people, and that's just the best storytelling in games ever. Fucking miles away from anything Naughty Dog will ever do.
Holy shit, HL babies actually think their shitty game is somehow more interactive than uncharted.
Fine, HL isn't cinematic, lets call it awkward and dull.
I sincerely doubt you were that eager to move on the first time you played the game, considering you didn't know the story that time around.
It´s hilarious how PCucks cling to their last relevant (timed) exclusive from over a decade ago.
Half Life is shit.
>HL2 thread
>"the game just doesn't stack up anymore"
>"the game has aged horribly"
What do people mean by this? Someone always says this and I really don't get it.
>You have a point in that both are cinematic
I never made this point, multiple people in the discussion here.
Also, HL2's story maintains its quality by being very barebones. I mean this in a good way. There's no character drama and its subject matter deals much more with the setting than with the characters or an actual "plot". There's plenty of story surrounding the world, but very little going on in that dept in terms of what you, the player are doing. Freeman's role in HL2 consists solely of running around shooting things and pulling levers. Its method of telling its story can be more closely compared to Dark Souls than Uncharted.
Uncharted deals with character driven drama, adventure movie style setups, and movie style cinematic storytelling. It's literally a movie game, that is what it's trying to accomplish. You run out of collapsing temples, shoot bad guys, and take in the characters.
Freeman is Mad Max in Fury Road, Nate is Indiana Jones in general.
>Fine, HL isn't cinematic, lets call it awkward and dull
Fine, let's call Uncharted boring and barely a videogame
Did you just insult Joseph Staten while trying to uphold Gaben's fat ass (a mighty feat)?
>you have Portal 2 there, made by the same people, and that's just the best storytelling in games ever.
Surprised you can type that, you should be furiously masturbating with all the other valvedrone faggots.
>Finally finish it.
>After being forcefed some dialogue, the best part of the game arrives.
>Over within half an hour.
>Have another vehicle section.
The dark zombie/headcrab sections are the best part of HL2. Antlions and Combine skirmishes can seriously just fuck off.
>Nate is Indiana Jones in general.
he wish
Nate is Lara Croft minus the actual gameplay, only the cringe worthy cinematics with QTEs
>The amount of times you are stuck waiting for NPCs to stop talking and let you play the game is staggering.
No it isn't.
There is one major scene at the beginning of the game when you meet Alyx, there is another major scene at Black Mesa East and then there is the ending sequence.
Everything else is fast and minor, taking no more than a few minutes, stuff like Judeth's betrayal, post NP teleport scene or Odessa explaining you how to use a Rocket Launcher.
And HL is literally a theme park game.
>Change NPC into clay
>Have speakers in NPCs
>doors open every time NPC finish talking
>See spoopy Things
>New NPC
It's the Seinfeld effect. Because HL2 was so revolutionary at the time, everything else that came out after it tried to copy it in some way, whether they meant to or not. Because of this, if somebody were to play it for the first time today, they may find it good but otherwise generic, because they've already been overexposed to the tropes that it created.
I never claimed that HL2's story was deep. Only that it was told well. Again, >dense motherfuckers
I wasn't attacking Uncharted when I called it a movie game. I actually like Uncharted. People in this thread are way too defensive.
The Order 2016
Also post the amazing half life 2 final boss :D
>Forgetting that base immediately after Ravenholm.
There has to be somebody who enjoys this crap, because even the most casual fucking player on the face of the planet hates QTE final bosses, and yet they keep making them. I will never understand this trend.
I'm not a valvedrone, I just know a few things about writting and don't get in ectasy when a character does a backflip while shooting three guys in the head on a crashed plane while penetrating a 10/10 because I pressed the X button.
Most cutscenes in uncharted also only take a maximum of a minute or 2, with the exception of 2-3
I don't like QTE's in general, they make me nervous for some reason and break up the flow of the game horribly. I was cooping Resident Evil 5 with a friend and it took me like 3 times to do the QTE with the fuckers coming at us on motorcycles.
It's not that they're hard, it's the fear of fucking them up that makes me fuck them up.
Thanks, that's actually a really nice comparison.
I thought HL2 was insane, mostly because I had never seen such amazingly detailed facial expressions or the advanced physics and the use of them in puzzles IN A FPS GAME HOLY SHITTTTTT. I didn't really care about the story lol.
>considering you didn't know the story that time around.
This is the mistake so many people make, as Carmack put it "Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important."
how about i just post more ebin cinematic gameplay ;^)
QTEs and setpieces are cutscenes too, faggot. Gameplay is just when your character stands there and every button of your pad has a specific action you can do.
except that's fucking wrong, because there are dozens of games that can't exist without their story. Bioshock simply couldn't exist without the narritive, because you can't pull a DOOM 1 paragraph to explain why a bunch of deformed people in 1960 are shooting fire and lightning at you while a bunch of little girls with syringes are running around with deep sea divers.
The main differens is something that is called "ludonarrative dissonance" that's something HL series doesn't suffer at all.
HL intagrates everything, gameplay, plot, music,etc in a way that everything makes sense each other as whole, in games like Call of Duty while you are shooting you really don't feel the weight of that, you just shoot 'cause "it's funny" while another NPC is telling how good you are, and there's scrips everywhere and everytime to keep your attention just for the lulz. In short, the game treats you like a fucking retarded.
And that's considering I liked CoD4MW, it was a really good game actually (ignoring the cancer it meant for the whole industry), but it just can't be compared with something like HL, you idiot.
>as Carmack put it "Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important."
Yeah, in fucking 1992
So you don't know what "cutscene" or "gameplay" mean
why a phone
nigger gets shot at, dumps into sand, snow, water, explosions, supernatural shit and hangs around in high places