Disagree? You're just objectively wrong

Disagree? You're just objectively wrong.


Dark Souls 1 is pretty bad though, Dark Souls 3 improves on it mechanically in every way. It had good world design but a ton of backtracking because of that. Would be almost as good as DS3 if you could warp from the start.

If we pretend for a moment that I respect your opinion, it's safe to say items 1-4 on your list are all good games and ranking them beyond that is meaningless.

Dark Souls is pretty meh in the second half, while Demon's stays fairly consistent throughout and inspired the entirety of Bloodborne with one level.

The souls series is for neckbeards and virgins. I've never met someone that likes this series that wasn't either a reclusive virgin, or one of those socially inept neck beards that thinks their opinion on everything matters.

>That OP text
It's like someone pissed off on Facebook being sarcastic. Can you rewrite that for my secret club's vernacular, please?

It's hard to rank Souls, but DkS2 will always be last. Some people prefer the atmosphere & level design while others care more about the gameplay.

For me,


This. And if you like souls and don't think either of those descriptions apply to you, you're the second one

started playing with demon's back when it was first released. i don't give a shit about pvp or any of the online aspects, so there's that


>souls games

Dark Souls 3 and Dark Souls 2 should be tied for 4th

My social group love dark souls and I can guarantee we get more girls than you have ever had look at you in your entire life. Granted, we havent played them all, but we all agree Bloodborne in the best due to creative direction.

Same faggots that are mental acrobats at convincing themselves that they're alphas just because they bought a couple shirts at Hollister and drink Blue Moon.

>Gladiating about neckbeards and virgins on fucking Sup Forums, a website with multiple anime porn boards
Bitch please, project more.

As much as I would like to like DS1 the gameplay is just far too clunky and retarded to get used to after playing the later games.
But then again I never sank 1000 hours into it before the rest of the series got made so maybe I lack the built in muscle memory for retarded ass controls.

DeS is fun but the balance is too shit.
2 has the most replay value and is generally the largest so I like it the most, then again I am a person who likes gameplay over story and all the background lore in the world doesn't make up for how linear 1 is in it's world design and how shitty overall balancing is.

the only reason sonyggers put their spinoff on a petal stool and rate it so high is to justify spending $450 plus tip to play it

I hit a nerve brah?

>Likes DSII
No, stop liking things that I hate.

Might be because your entire social circle consists only of reclusive virgins and neck beards.

Dark Souls III=BB>Demon Souls>SOTFS>Dark Souls>Dark Souls II>Slashy Souls

Femanon here and I'm butthurt now

Only the nerves on the tip of my dick you polesmoker.

Demon's Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 1

with coming content and patches for balance updates, I expect 3 to surpass 2. As it stands, Dark Souls 2 is a better game.

I finished DS1 for the first time a few days ago, now on to DS2.
I've only got an hour or two on it but it feels much worse than DS1.
Not a big fan of how easily your weapons break, kind of a pain in the ass having to backtrack just to repair my weapon, who thought that was a good idea?
And attacking feels like it has less weight to it, not sure how to explain it. Feels less satisfying than DS1. The environments look worse too, like lazy and generic worse.
It was only the starting bit where you first spawn I thought looked mildly interesting.
Hope it gets better.

What's the point of lying on the internet? He won't give a fuck either way.

This is how I rank em
Bloodborne > DaS = DaSIII > DaSII > Demon's
I couldn't get into Demon's. I think DaSI spoiled me.

1. DaS I
2. DaS III
3. DaS II

PC fag here. If you remove the non-pc games i can agree with you.

Swap DeS and DaS2

>Would be almost as good as DS3 if you could warp from the start.

Please kill yourself, it's because of people like you games are shittier and shittier every year.

You all disrespect Dark Souls 2. It was fun. Some of my best memories come from doing a co-op run with a friend. I'm not saying it was the best, but the worst is pretty rude to if. In my opinion

DkS3 > DkS > DkS2 > DeS > BB

I don't understand anything anymore.
Since when is being a normalfag considered acceptable or even superior?

Switch Dark Souls with Bloodborne and you're on point.

We disrespect it because it deserves to be disrespected.

>No red eye orb
>Cracked red eye orb only obtainable via cheese-arena
that means only certain cheese builds or the top 10 % of the pvp-base will get into frequent invasions
>What is poise

>Worse netcode than DaS I
The connectivity was great though.

>Controls didn't feel as smooth as in DaS I
>Blocking after a failed parry is a major pain in your dick

>Epic katana meme with resonant weapon

DS2 gameplay is by far the clunkiest in the series and one I had most problems with. It's outright retarded. All the other games are pretty good, but I'd say DS1 has the best controls.

Yea I'd agree with you, but DaS being that first really refined experience has a lot to do with it.

>Cracked red eye orb only obtainable via cheese-arena

Super wrong.

Dark souls 3 > Bloodborne >Dark souls > Dark souls 2 > Demon's souls


The only segments in the game you ever are required to walk back an area are the first 1/4th of the undead burg for depths

I wholeheartedly agree with the red eye orb issue. I don't get why they wouldn't include a staple in the game. But at the same time, I felt more inclined to help others rather than hurt, and it made me enjoy the game more.

Past that, I feel that it unfairly gets beat up. Even with the issues, it was still a fun romp through another Souls game. I will never defend it as the best, but I can't agree with those who say it's the worst.

Okay you can fucking obtain 10 cracked red eye orbs somewhere on the world, you fucking autist.
Also with that stupid crow but i'm taking the ridiculously low chance for that NOT into account.

Since I'm a PC only player (PC mustard race duh) I can't judge about BB or DeS. But in the series it's "the worst" but it's not bad as a game itself. It's just in compairson to the others not as good.

>Cracked red eye orb only obtainable via cheese-arena
>what are bonfire ascetics?

Oh, if you aren't the drollest bastard of the bunch with your fucking technicalities.

>who thought that was a good idea?
Someone that didn't think people were retarded enough to use a single weapon instead of multiple and didn't buy repair powders.

>Use a fucking limited item
>To get more fucking limited items.
I invaded about 50 times daily in DaS I, there's not enough Bonfire Ascetics for that sort of shenanigans.

>you fucking autist.

>get told he's wrong
>flip the fuck out

Who's the autist here?
Cause it sure ain't me.

You can get infinite free Red Orbs in the Sunken City.

Kill Elana
Ascetic first bonfire
Grab 5 orbs on body
Ascetic first fire again
Grab Orbs
Ascetic fire
Grab orbs

: ^)

Also, First bonfire in Aldia can be ascetic'd to get 2 ascetics

Do the math

Look, if you're going to piss around with ascetics and enemy drops you might as well not bother with PVP entirely. At least in the arena you get some experience.

You can obtain them indefinitely from THREE different kind of enemies.

B8, you're objectively b8?

This is the objective ranking

Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 > Demon Souls > Dark Souls 3

>Dark Souls 3 doesn't feel as incomplete or limiting as Bloodborne that practically requires DLC as something mandatory rather than optional content
>Doesn't see a huge dip in quality like Dark Souls 1
>Isn't as easy/dated as Demon Souls
>Isn't mediocre as fuck like Dark Souls 2

The reality is that if you've genuinely played all of the games you will agree with my consensus. People forget just how mediocre Bloodborne seemed at release.

PVP was an abortion (people think DS3's PVP is bad when Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1 were literally 10 times worse)

Bosses were mediocre and outside of the first two bosses in the game, literally everyone of them was retardedly easy

Around 20-30 armor sets (Dark Souls 3 has over 70)

15 TOTAL weapons, Dark Souls 3 has 15 fucking Longswords

That's just the harsh truth. Salty PCucks will have Bloodborne lower than it deserves to be, salty Sonyggers will have Dark Souls 3 lower than it deserves to be. Idorts will have Dark Souls 3 first, Bloodborne or Dark Souls 1 second and the rest can go either way.

>Gets upset about 'autist'
Whoops sorry did I just trigger you?

See: >Need a fucking DLC to get infinite Orbs.
>Buy our DLC, please?

DaS > BB = DeS > DaS II > DaS III

the second half of the game barely even felt finished, the fuck are you on about.

>limited items
Na bro, you could get infinite ascetics if you did the darkdivers covenant. And there's a bonfire in shulva you can ascetic for 5 red eye orbs and another ascetic essentially giving you access to as many as you want.

Or ultimately you could have tried gitting gud and doing the arena.

>it's literally part of SotFS, the best version of the game

: ^)

I dunno, I think I really really fucking liked the idea that in order to fuck up other people's worlds (by invading over and over) you had to fuck up your own world by burning ascetics over and over.

Why do we have to make these arbitrary ratings? Can't we just agree that all the games are good?

1. Dark Souls
2. Bloodborne
3. Demon Souls
4. Dark Souls 3
5. Dark Souls 2

Not a single Souls game is bad.

Switch BB and DaS and that's my list.

Most objective opinion possible

No, we must use hard science to rank all of the Souls. We can't rely on journalists to do it for us.

darkdivers covenant is a joke. a sick one.

>Bonfire ascetic like a maniac
>wait for invaders

>Requiring me to buy the same game

What the fuck was FromSoft thinking there?

But you don't you retard, you just have to get into Champion covenant and farm enemies.

>Requiring me to buy the same game

It's ok when Rockstar does it though.

This is assuming you bought vanilla.
Even if you did, SotFS is the best and definitive version of the game.

You sir are 100% correct.

Ranking this is pointless because aside from 2 all of them a pretty good. I mean I personally like BB more but that is mostly due to fantasy fatigue

BB is fantasy tho

Nice try

Oh and

>gitting gud at the arena
I tried, I really did. But it's really tiresome to try multiple builds about a hundred times only to figure out that this build isn't going to work (since magic sucks in pvp and i didn't figure that out for my first 200 hours of gameplay) and having to try a different one. As I said, fairly tiresome.

>Champion cov
>Red eye orbs

That's definetly not okay, fucking sons of bitches with their delayed PC release. Faggots.

Is it actually worth buying? Cause it's still DaS II. I could just aswell buy the DLCs for a lower price. Is there any new content that makes me want to buy it?

I think he means fantasy like dragons and shit. BB was a nice change of pace for a minute, but was just bad.

I'd say Dark Souls III shouldn't be ranked as long as both DLCs are released, because I see so many people praising Dark Souls I and Bloodborne DLCs, even more than the base game.

At the very start of the game it's retarded and it was completely fine to do so in Dark Souls 1.

As in Swords and shields and dragons and Crystal monsters and shit. I get what you are implying, but you are going to have to be more subtle in your shitposting

Item placement, enemy placement, sequencing can be a lot different, DLC included, more phantoms in 1 world, ng and ng+ are linked, agape ring, SL matchmaking for Arena.

Just small changes that fix a lot of things people didn't like.

>three different kind of enemies drop red orbs
>champion covenant makes enemies spawn indefinitely

>At the very start of the game
At the very start of the game you can buy or get like 10 different weapons.

>and it was completely fine to do so in Dark Souls 1.
Durability wasn't a mechanic in DaS1 for anything but Special Attack weapons because durability didn't fucking matter for anything else outside those. You could go the whole game with a single weapon and it wouldn't break.
Not to mention in DaS2 you have a thousand bonfires everywhere, breaking is never an issue.


No. Then I could just play WoW and buy some Gold from asian child workers.

SotFS is like 20 € on g2a. Might take a shot at it once I'm getting bored of DaS III

>having problems with killing enemies
Play in the arena then.

>implying it's fun to kill the same enemy over and over again with a limited chance to drop certain items.

ranking of human beings


L(mao)ast, OP

prove me wrong, protip: (no one will)

I can assure you that I personally play Souls games and regularly have sexual intercourse with girls.

It isn't, but it throws your ">you need DLC to do this" out of the window.


bored of dark souls tbqh every game is literally the exact same thing

Your list numbering made me lol

Wow. Ok I give up.

Still why not just add an permanent red eye orb. It's beyond me.

Getting pretty tired of this Demon's Souls being ranked over anything bait meme.

Because fuck you, that's why.

I don't mind buying orbs, what i mind is that you can only rank up in the arena

Bruh face it, DS2 was like a fan mod for Dark Souls.

A fan mod made with love, with the best weapon variety, weapon balance, build variety, build viability, spells, non-linearity, working online, uniquely balanced summoning that actually makes the game harder, that brought so many improvements to the series that DaS3 hurts for ignoring some of them, etc.

DeS just doesn't compare. It's shallow. It's the first game and it shows.

It just rests the enemies so you have to go slash them all again and the durability gets low again. Durability is shit in DS2.

I agree with op pic.

But Demon's Souls will always be the special one since it was the first one I played. The first one will always hit you the hardest and will be the most memorable experience because of that.

If you remove that, yeah, that ranking is true.

1&2 are tied, IMO. But yes, this is objectively correct. Demon Souls shitters need to go away.

theres only one king couchgoblin

I have literally played dark souls over having sex

Only played a few levels of Blpodborne so I can't comment. I would rank 2 as my favorite after the DLC and whatnot.

3 will probably be the best after the DLC though but right now I just find the lack of builds unsatisfying.

>why not just add an permanent red eye orb
I think the designers' intention was to make invading harmful to the invader as well as the one being invaded. You're given a few red orbs per playthrough to experiment with but if you want to continually invade you need to harm yourself.

>inflate your soul memory by buying CREs
>inflate your soul memory by grinding monsters that drop CREs
>ruin an area of your world by burning ascetics in it ad infinitum

Or get them the intended way by duelling in the arena, which fits the covenant theme of spilling as much blood as possible.

I don't think it was the best design decision in the world however I could appreciate it enough and it did make eventual mass invading all the more satisfying.

DaS I's and DaS III's idea was (in my opinion) much better, due to the fact, that the invader is in most cases in an disadvantage. In order to invade someone they have to be human/embered, and when are hosts doing that? When they summon someone of course.

Rarely hosts nowadays have a sense of honor, it's about cold blooded murder during invasions, and I'm happy about it.

Souls fans are the easiest to troll. You faggots will will respond to anything Souls related.

Check this one out: