>Be me
>Hanging at gamestop, talking to customers
>Chatting them up
>asking them about the games they're currently playing
>make recommendations to them based on their answers and their tastes and the answers they give to the questions I ask
>manager tells me to leave
>says you're not allowed to "loiter" as long as you're not buying anything
>i'm literally there doing his job for him without even ASKING for pay
>now i'm not allowed back because I called him a fuckign asshole while a little kid was in the store to buy smash (based on MY recommendation by the way)
This is fucking bullshit now I have to buy games either online or from wal mart. I fucking hate gamestop. Gamestop bashing thread.
Be me
Please be a troll..
damn, have you tried Target and Kmart? The Salvation Army often has the newest releases as well, you could go there.
Cool story bro. I wish I had your social skillz.
If there are gamestops that look like this, I must really live in the ghetto.
If this isn't bait, here's where you fucked up:
>Employees at least have illusory authority
>You're a literal who to the customers
Manager sees this and tells you to get lost. Not because he's "jealous that you're doing his job better than him." But because you're unnerving him, the customers, the parents, basically everyone but little kids since they aren't that great at picking up on socially incongruous behavior. For example, the NEET with the Hatsune Miku shirt hanging out in a GameStop, giving unsolicited advice to children he doesn't know.
No, the reason is far simpler. They don't want some NEET giving normies advice on which games to buy. Gamestop has quotas and their employees are meant to shill and push specific games, not niche JRPGs.
Oh man.. you're a gamestop lurker?
Take some advice man: A game store is like a porn store. You dont make eye contact with the other customers. You pray no women saw you coming in or out. Most of the ones I go to put them in a plain black plastic bag.
Keep vidya talk to forums, and in game. That includes clothing. Your penis will thank you.
Not really, I worked there for three years. There was never any specific game shilling, just that we had to get dem pre-orders and sell our third party accessories. Anyone working in a GameStop shilling a shitty game really DOES have that bad of taste in games.
i fucking hate gamestop i've been banned from two stores in my area due to bullshit
Yes, pre-orders of specific games.
Walk into Gamestop and explain that you are shopping for games for your wife's son. Explain that he likes JRPGs. They will recommend Uncharted 4.
If they don't do this, they aren't doing their job or their manager is a bro and doesn't give a fuck.
It's bullshit. I am trying to meet people and this was the best way i know how. You like swimming? You go to the pool. You like archery? You go to the archery range. You like video games? You go to the video game store to meet people. I was having fun discussing what I love, I had been going there for several weeks at this point and had become something of a regular, when I wasn't there people would ask when I was coming back because I helped them so much and was so friendly and went out of my way to make sure they got the best game possible to suit the mental notes I jotted down of them. instead of getting rewarded with friendship the manager throws me out for "bugging his patrons" and when I call him an asshole I get banned for it? What kind of fucking bullshit logic is that.
>Calls manager an asshole
>Gets buttblasted that he can't return
You're the very definition of socially awkward.
> walk in
> get the game/s you want
> buy them
> leave
There i just saved you
first store i got banned from
>be me 3 years ago
>go into gamestop to pick up my pre-order of ni no kuni lair of the white witch
>asshole manager talking to a fake gurl gamer and two xbots about memelands 2
>wait a few minutes and start to cough asshole manager finally asks what do i want and tell him to get my pre-order
>xbots start laughing when i tell manager i have a pre-order of ni no kuni
>one in a fucking halo t-shirt "user isn't that a kids game?"
>after i get my game i tell the xbot that i'm getting a real rpg unlike memelands 2 and he should try playing a real game
>get laughed at more
>tell all four of them to go fuck themselves and start to walk out
>before i do i see the pc game rack
>knock that fucker over and run out
>can't go back got a message saying i'm banned from that store
The autism is real.
>gamur gurl gamestop employee tells some retard that USB mics dont work on PS4
>she also said that PC mics aren't compatable with PS4 controllers and vice versa
I knew she was wrong on both counts, but I felt like it was his fault for not doing the research first so I let him walk out with a $60 headset without telling him.
Fucking neo/v/.
Why wouldn't you knock over a rack with some games on it? At least then they'd have something to pick up.
Why would you knock over a rack in the first place? It perpetuates the stereotype of gamers being awkward and lacking social skills.
store two
>be me last year
>holidays i'm at new gamestop picking up some games for my vita
>customers all over a bunch buying shit
>go up and start talking to them find out they are getting xbones with halo 5 cawl of doody and star wars battlefail
>talk to them and talk them out of buying xbones telling them how much better the ps4 is and how the xbone is a dying system
>asshole woman manager walks up
>"user you need to stop telling customers that the xbone is dying."
>tell manager i'm a goddamn customer and if i want to talk to other customers i can and she doesn't know whats a good game
>bitch tells me to leave
>i tell her i will once i get my vita titles
>she tells me now as i put my money down and i say not without my vita titles
>bitch tells me i'm banned from the store and if i don't leave she'll call the cops
>on my way out i kick over some nintendo wii u cardboard cut out and say fuck you
that one still pisses me off as i was doing her fucking job and made them more money. and i have every right as a customer to talk to other customers
Obviously because he's awkward and lacks social skills
>Gamestop bashing thread.
Stopped reading there. We get it. You don't like gamestop. No one does. There's no need to give them more publicity by bashing them on here. It's fucking pointless.
Cool pasta
Yeah, and who told you that customers were asking where you were? Those same customers? Or the employees?
If customers, they were trying to avoid having you follow them out of the store.
If employees, they were making fun of you to your face, knowing that you won't catch on, based on how much of a sperglord you are. How do I know this? It's the only way to deal with your type, I worked there for years.
Ignoring you doesn't work. You just keep going. Trying to subtly tell you "buy something or gtfo" by asking "so was there anything specific you were looking for...?" doesn't fucking work.
All you can do is stand there and cringe. Cringe while this troglodyte frightens your customers and screws you out of those sweet, sweet pre-orders.
"Heyyyy, Jimmy! Didn't think you'd be in today, we were worried. Oh YEAH the other customers REALLY appreciate your advice."
As soon as I was ASM I did the same thing that the manager from your story did, life time ban. I'd rather sell 1,000 normies Madden all day every day than listen to you drone on about whatever fag shit you're playing right now for another minute.
Really, retard? because google is only showing this thread when you google the OP.
Fucking redditors, man. Just because everything on your site is regurgitated from one another doesn't mean every content driven site on the net is.
I don't give two shits about the xbone but you are the worst kind of person to deal with. Either that or your bait is working since no one has a vita let alone stores having games for it.
At my local coffee shop a schizophrenic older guy approached me and asked about my opinion of Trayvon Martin.
Did I think this was weird? A bit. After he left, the manager asked if he was bothering me and told me he's schizophrenic and has been asked to leave the store on multiple occasions because he makes the customers feel uneasy.
The moral of the story? OP, you're the schizophrenic guy. You may think you're being helpful and nice, but you're making people feel uneasy.
you are the cancer killing vidya
Customers would often thank me and ask me if I was going to be back tomorrow etc. I was there when ever I could and a lot of them were very kind to me and a lot came back over the days I was there to hang out with me and play me in smash on the setup stand there. A lot of times the kids would tell me "i asked the guy behind the counter when youd be back! i was worried you werent coming back and when youre here i always know what games to play..." Have you ever done a good deed in your life asshole? It feels good to be a humanitarian once in a while and help people. Fuck you. Asshole. Cynical bitch.
>Fuck you
>Cynical bitch
Only reason anybody would thrash out like that is because they're facing the truth.
Not really. He's doing his damn job. The game industry doesn't cater to just your tastes.
Or if their facing a cyincal bitch asshole....
And what makes you think he's cynical? Your type is extremely common and extremely annoying to deal with.
>The autist is a sonyfag
>He actually owns a vita
Oh wow, you cannot make this shit up.
People still buy games from Gamestop?
I'm not seeing any examples of actual adults happy about your presence. Presumably, like I said, children that don't understand social faux-pas and that the man who spends all his free time loitering at a video game store is not the most mentally stable person.
If you really consider keeping your desperate loneliness at bay via the naïveté of latchkey kids that don't know any better "being a humanitarian" or "doing a good deed" then truly yours is a supreme case of the 'tism.
>Sup Forums is actually this autistic
I thought it was a front the whole time.
This is literally the first time I've ever thought somebody posting here is truly autistic.
>be me
>trying to get banned from gamestop for an epic story for Sup Forums
>see fake gamergurl cashier
>tell her "I hope you enjoy cleaning up all these games"
>knock all 5 Wii U games off the shelf
>She tells me they were moving those off anyways to make more room for more PS4 games.
It's not fair
>Shilling at gamestop
>get kicked out
You acted like a complete idiot here, and could have put them in their place without causing damage to the store. You 100% deserved this one.
If you were being hostile here before being banned, then you deserve this one too. You definitely make it sound like you were being hostile.
I'm guessing you are a teenager and haven't learned how to speak like an adult. Either that or you are something akin to trailer park trash. Grow up and get a proper education user.
>being this insecure
pls be a troll I kinda feel bad for you
>Y-you too
You don't seem to know anything about going into a porn store. Being too introverted makes you look like a beta. Being too extroverted makes you look like a creep. You want to go in there and shop as if it is just like any other normal store. Especially if you want a chance at walking out of there with the cashier's number.
You can be a bit more extroverted than that in a game store. This is 2016, and playing games is far from being limited to nerds.
What the fuck would you care what the porn store clerk thinks about you, let alone getting his number you fucking fag.
I've been in a decent number of adult stores in different states. Gotta keep myself busy when living out of hotel rooms for my job. Around 90% of the females look good enough to bang, and about a third of those would give you bragging rights if you banged. Also, I've never actually seen a male clerk in an adult store.
Sorry if you don't think this applies since its not a dedicated porn store, but I haven't seen a dedicated porn store in the past 18 years.
There's actually a reason for this. Women don't feel comfortable buying dildos from men, for the most part. Sex toys make up a big part of their sales, so they tend to hire women. user is obviously too young to have been in a XXX shop
Porn shops are outdated and pointless in this day and age. Anything you could possibly find in one can be found online, most of the time for cheaper prices, and the people that would be paranoid/nervous about being in one don't have to deal with other people.