Did you appreciate Samus today, Sup Forums?

Did you appreciate Samus today, Sup Forums?

I only appreciate her butthole.

I want to appreciate Samus' armpits!

Your fetish sucks.

I bet her suit is all musty from armpit and foot sweat hahaha

not as hard as you're mom sucks

my dick that is

MFW i'll never be able to appreciate Samus' new 2d metroid game.


I would but Adam didn't authorize it

Either of these+feet are my pick.

The Federation was a mistake. If Metroid ever comes back it needs to get fucked out of existence by aliens or disbanded.

Metroid universe should be basically the wild-west and lawless

このへん=konohen=This area
what about it?
Does it smell or something?

which is best?
Muscular Samus?
Diapered Samus?

I wanna change Samus's stinky diaper~

but don't you also want to bite her strong firm thighs?

Soft thighs > firm thighs.

Thanks for reminding me OP. Gotta get right on that.


How are you going to get right on that, user?

Why not both?

Muscular Samus in a diapie~

This thread really needs more Samus


Samus is cute. CUTE!

I'm sure there's some new art somewhere.

Would samus be open to hand holding and hugging?

I stopped appreciating Samus when she went from an intimidating, six foot tall bounty hunter wearing a massive suit of alien power armour to a generic shitty little waifu in blue spandex.

Palutena is the superior Nintendo girl.

But the baby...


Not vidya

Bitch, please.

So you never appreciated her?

here goes!

goddamn i want to lick that midriff

Oh my.. do you have more?

>this thread


what did she mean by this?

sorry, no, it's the only Samus pic that's both muscular and diapered

But tho

>no posts of horny anons jacking off together to a Samus poster

Not accurate

Do you have any with just diapers then?

I want to turn this thread into horny anons jacking off together to a Samus poster.

Anyone want to write some fapfic about a diapered Samus?

>diaper fetish



Fat Samus

It's farting Samus or nothing