Capcom plans to release three major unannounced games before April 2017

What do you think these will be?

Not a clue. DMC5 seems to be in development but I can't see that being announced so close to release.

Ultra street fighter V, Monster Hunter 5, and Mega Man X Legacy Colelction

Devil May Cry 2.5
Devil May Cry 5
Devil May Cry: Devil may Cry 2: The electric boogaloo

MH Stories probably for the MH title

other two could be anything

Neither of the other two will be Megaman Legends 3 or a Megaman-related anything so we can just get that shit right out of the way and not get into that shitposting.

Resident Evil 7
Lost Planet 1+2 "HD" Bundle

>2 million unit-range
Capcom is STILL doing this shit?

Street Fighter 5.1
Mega Man XOver 2
Resident Evil: The Pachislot

Ultra Street Fighter V
Some Resident Evil thing

MH stories is already announced you dip

Isn't RE7 announced already?

3 new versions of sfv

Resident Evil and probably some kind of Mega Man cash-in.
Not officially, they just said to expect a "major RE title" by 2017.

NX titles?

>Monster Hunter Title they released Monster Hunter Generations, and Monster Hunter Stories..


Nintendo NX launch title $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I'd be fucking surprised if it came out on the 3DS again. Maybe n3DS exclusive :D

Not Officially.

There are articles saying Capcom will have a Resident Evil 7 announcement later this year.

Honestly it makes sense for them to at least announce it at E3 or TGS, alongside teasing Resident Evil 2 HD.

>n3DS exclusive
you'd have to be delusional to think this

>when it sells most on the 3DS
>N3DS exclusive
>when none of the other 3DS ones have been

>2 milion unit range

brace for Vita MH

I had to be delusional to think MHX/MH Generations wasn't shit

RE 7 and DMC 5
I'm hyped

No matter where it goes there will be a shitstorm. I would be really surprised if they stuck with Nintendo platforms, though, weaker hardware means an excuse to be lazy but people REALLY didn't like the 3DS/U exclusivity.

What does that have to do with this?

Resident Evil 7 (definitely) and DMC5 (I want to believe).

>mobile games

Unless it's a DmC-tier level controversy, Capcom doesn't give a fuck. They will release on the platform that is the cheapest to develop for and will give them the most money.

Why can't they just fucking release it on everything? Am I delusional to think it would make Capcom more Chex Mix funbux?

>people REALLY didn't like the 3DS/U exclusivity

Sales REALLY do reflect that don't they?

>mfw one of those is deep down

It's not going to be, though

isn't deep down supposed to be f2p?

I mean, it's obviously going to be MH5 if you're at all familiar with how often they release these games. Not that I'm not excited, X was a bust so I can't wait for the next mainline game that runs as well as 4U did

Capcom doesn't actually want to put effort into MonHun. It's a low budget game, they just want to put in a little bit of work and get millions out of it.

Yes. For now it's been completely put back on the drawing board. I'd be surprised if we were to see it before 2020 if even then.


>Monster Hunter Title: 2-Million Unit range.
Monster Hunter 5, and since it's 2m unit range, it's
WiiU exclusive.

>Major Title 1
>4M Unit Range
Devil May Cry 5

>Major Title 2
>2m unit range
Dragon's Dogma Online?

Supposedly the f2p model has been scrapped while they're reworking it.

>Dragon's Dogma Online?
>Unannounced title

>X sucked
>5 on the way

>Insect Glaive - the weapon that shouldn't exist.

>Insert gimmick species here. Brachydios if they don't put in anything new.
>Sword and Shield

MFW hunting styles in the game forever and now it's cancer.

So will Japan get MHXG or MH5 this year

Maybe they're holding off from announcing until MHGen hits the west

It's completely unannounced for the west.

Did they even fucking announce Monster Hunter Stories for the west?

I really doubt this is about titles solely for the west though. Besides, it's a F2P title so having 2 million units for it would be pretty silly.

>Monster Hunter Title
Please be console exclusive

>4 Million Unit Range
Probably Resident Evil

>2 Million Unit Range
Probably DMC5, but I'd really like to see a new Darkstalkers

>GS getting nerfed any further

Nah. Maybe that it actually has much more than three moves now they could axe CritDraw, though.

You're probably right about GL and Hammer. Maybe they'll remove stun damage from HH entirely while they're at it.

You mean sales projections? Yes, every company is doing that shit.

I am fairly optimistic that hunting styles won't be making a return. Same with the cuhrazee effects.

I don't know why, but I'm also anticipating a gunlance BUFF for some reason. Not sure what you mean by gimmick monster. If it's MH5 then you can expect a whole host of new monsters, like with every new generation.

I mean unrealistically high sale projections. Didn't they kill off several series because they were unable to sell 2 million units?

>Implying it won't be Super Mega Turbo Championship Resurrection Hyper Fighting Street Fighter V: Alpha X Zero Edition for at least one of them.

2,000,000 units? ez

2 million
Ayy SF is dead

>unrealistically high sale projections
>they haven't even revealed what the fucking titles are
Go away.

Wow this is my first time seeing this joke and it's hilarious, I hope that several other people make the same joke because I'm sure that it will still be just as funny


They wouldn't.


>"Well we did just make a bunch of new monsters for Monster Hunter Generations! Let's bring those back...

Capcom's going to be lazy cunts on this one. I can feel it in my bones

>pic source: every vita owner

I don't think japan gave a shit. Sorry man, it'll probably stay on Nintendo handhelds. Especially since they left Sony because Sony wouldn't host servers or some shit.

It's because Sony wanted trophies and the MH team did not, among other things.


The Nintendo contract is finished,at least.

Welcome back to your home.

Well could they at least tweak the garbage to not be as much garbage?

Arts are dumb, but some styles had some interesting uses like with the old Lance finisher being on Striker and a new one that's somewhat experimental on the rest. Aerial and Adept are just dumb in their own ways, but subtle changes like the previous example could work to mix things up. Though weapon movesets could just get expanded instead

>I'd finally have a reason to buy a PS4

How to add to weapon skills:

>Tell the frontier team to fuck off and quit hoarding the combos and techniques.Have you SEEN the Dual Sword combos in frontier? fucking hell

>Sony asked for cheevos in MH
>MH Team said "Fuck off. You dishonor us" and left.

>Nintendo said "No cheevos here!"

Basically how it went. The money's been gangbusters ever since, minus the 3DS version of MH3U because >no online multiplayer on the 3DS version

>Prior to the game's launch, Capcom expected to sell 2.5 million copies of Monster Hunter Generations by March 2016.[20] The game sold over 1.5 million units in its first two days,[21] and as of December 24, 2015, the game has sold over 3 million copies.[22] Japanese sales tracker, Media Create reported that Monster Hunter Generations sold through over 91% of its retail stock in its first week. Total software sales in Japan during the week of the game's launch were the highest recorded so far in 2015, with Monster Hunter Generations contributing over 75% of sales. The launch also led to a rise in total hardware sales, with sales of the New Nintendo 3DS XL increasing by over 360% from the previous week.[23]

Don't worry guys, MH is totally bombing on the 3DS! Everyone hates it! It's only a matter of time before they bring it home to Sony! F-for the players!

New Monster Hunter
Deep Down
Resident Evil 7 or Devil May Cry 5

>Dragon's Dogma 2 or a new IP would make more sense.

Nah, I think MH5 or at least 5G is gonna be amazing. UNLESS they keep a bunch of the garbage from X.

I think expanded movesets are good enough. But even then the beauty of MH is in the simplicity of the weapons. The only thing I really liked about styles was bushido guarding with either lance, that was super fun. If they did styles again, I'd personally just like if they changed the moveset depending on your style. For example aerial doesn't have that aerial vault but your basic attacks and combos can lead into aerial strings and such. Maybe striker has faster/weaker attacks and bushidos attack strings move your hunter around more for positioning. But it's all based around different movesets, not stuff like bushido evade, aerial vault and faster hunter arts


Yeah, you have to be an idiot to believe that. There had to bigger grievances, there's no way anyone would compromise a business relationship over fucking virtual badges.


Monster Hunter
Street Fighter
Resident Evil

I'm sorry


I'm not too familiar with it other than seeing a fucking huge snake, some April Fools quests, some insane AoE attack, and some air-dashing Tonfa nonsense as well as a brief WebM of it's take on Swaxe with a powered-up axe attack.

Tell me about these neat things it apparently does right.

These are the same people who think Capcom and Platinum hate each other. This sort of imaginary vidya industry drama is just more interesting and easier to understand than real life.

Resident Evil 7 and DMC 5

Unless one of those is one of the titles Capcom Vancouver is making which might be Dead Rising 4.

Here's hoping we get DMC5 and can pretend that DMC:DmC never happened.

Mega Man 11

Street Fighter VI

Devil May Cry 5

Remember me 2

Wait. There's an IP that outsells Monster Hunter?

Resident Evil on a good year.

There was a debacle between Sony and Capcom about bringing MHP3rdHD to the west. In order to have multiplayer, Capcom asked Sony if they could implement ad-hoc for the west and Sony told them to fuck off. That probably did it.

It was mostly the fact that Nintendo laid out the red carpet for Monster Hunter like it was literally god

>set up the servers that Capcom wanted for Monster Hunter in the west
>published Tri and MH3U in Europe and Australia
>published MH4U in Australia
>distributed Tri, MH3U, and MH4U in every regions outside of Japan
>marketed all three out the ass, with literally 4 (four) Nintendo Directs specifically for the MH4 games

Nintendo moneyhatted Monster Hunter hard, but everyone just blames Sony for some trophy/ad-hoc party stuff that probably didn't even factor into it.

>Mega Man
>Major title

Sure thing, buddy.

Why don't they do this shit for other IPs?

Because Nintendo needs to sell handhelds in order to live, and Capcom needs to sell Monster Hunter on handhelds because it doesn't sell as well on consoles. Handhelds are dying in Japan so Nintendo went all-out by buying the exclusivity to ensure the 3DS's future. Capcom was cool with this because it was free money that postponed the death of their biggest IP for at least another decade or so

>DMC5 (4 million)
>DD2 (2 million)
>probably the next Mon Hun mainline game (although, I'd expect the sales expectations to be higher - so maybe it's on a new console?)
Screencap this.

Wouldn't be DDO, DDO is F2P. Maybe DD2, or some new IP (DD was projected to have 2 million sales, I think).

I would say MH5 is an NX exclusive though, Wii U is a dying console. While MH5 would probably inject new life into it, putting it on the NX makes more sense. Developers are already apparently developing for it, and I'd imagine Capcom would get in on that with a new mainline MH game.