R.I.P. Metroid...

R.I.P. Metroid, nearly 10 years since a decent Metroid release and all we have to look forward to is Galactic Federation.

You youngfags are idiots. What you're going through right now is what real Metroid fans already went through when Prime was announced. The last real Metroid game was Zero mission. The Prime games are not real Metroid games.

Prime was basically a love letter to Super, and probably one of the best 2D-to-3D transitions of all time.

>OP lists Super Metroid and Metroid NES above two of the Primes
>Aggrandizes over perceived generational differences
>Puffs of air when masturbating otherwise
Bitch please, you must be smokin' rocks

Fuck I sentence him to sucking my D.

Don't give a fuck what give me a nut.

If you love Prime so much, you should have great reason to rejoice, anons, as there is a new Prime game on the horizon! It will release this very year.

Those light crystals in Prime 2 were a mistake.

A lot of Prime 2 was a mistake. Another example being the Zero Suit.

Worst visual design for a character in all of fictional media.

Fusion>prime 2> prime 3

splitting the game up into separate, small planets in prime 3 was a mistake

>1. Prime
>2. Super
This triggers the super fag

The original Metroid NES game was garbage. Nobody I knew bought that game and I only rented it once. I tried it again 20 years later on an emulator and it was still garbage
PS: Super Metroid is my favorite 2D game of all time

>NES Metroid
>Above anything

>Comparing First Person Shooters to Platformers

NES metroid was good though. Watch any speedrun, it's amazing.

>Implying that autoaim Prime is even an FPS

>prime above super
>Original above any thing

>Probably hasn't played Super since baby days
>Probably never played NES metroid for more than 5 minutes in the Prime emulator

heres the real rankings

1. super metroid
2. prime
3. every thing else is shit

Im 30 and have beaten super countless time. I beat it probably not even 2 weeks ago for shits n giggles because I had an hour to kill. I probably know the game better than any one on this board.

Bitch please you probably throw runs on Botwoon.

yea whatever. i bet you can't even remember which hole botwoon pops out of faggot.

Add Fusion and then Prime 3 and ur right

I bet you actually miss the quick kill regularly.

i bet you're just some stream monster that nuthugs zoast and oats and never ran the game ever.

We actually frot.


I sure do love garbage controls, tank-like movement and shitty combat

>I sure didn't get the point of the game being about exploration and adventure and instead like to nitpick a secondary focus of an otherwise great game
You probably jack off with icy hot

Whenever a thread like this comes up and I see people praising Fusion, I know they haven't tried to speed-run it, or 1% it. You really notice how incredibly railroaded it really is when you skip the power-ups.

Not to mention, doing a 1% run while getting every single ability because you can't advance otherwise feels horribly wrong.

Super > Prime > Zero > Prime 2 > Prime 3 > Metroid > Metroid II > Fusion > Hunters >> Other M

Zero Mission and Prime 2 are way better though.

This is the correct ranking.

Your fusion argument kinda falls apart when you realize that fusion doesn't have as many chaff abilities(Scan visor, long beam) that can very easily be skipped.

Fusion's real bad though.

It can hardly fall apart when you're not understanding it.

You can easily skip every single beam upgrade without Ice on its name in Super and ZM last time I checked. And the extra suits. And the speed booster. And the hi-jump boots.

In Fusion, on the other hand, you're forced to get every single one of them.

It's great the first time around, but it's not that fun to replay after a couple of times. The boss fights are fantastic, though.

I am genuinely depressed at the thought that Metroid is likely dead.

I never go around to the Prime games. Thy just never seemed that appealing to me.

Super Metroid and Metroid II are my favorites. I don't really agree with the relative dismissal of the latter. It has its issues, but I think it's more interesting than Zero Mission in several ways. Fusion is pretty good.