Why did FROM remove poise? Sup Forums pls tell me

Why did FROM remove poise? Sup Forums pls tell me

an intern switched it off by accident and we all know fromsoft only hires casuals to playtest in recent games so nobody noticed

Because it's a meme mechanic that encourages try harding and discourages people basing their armor on aesthetics.

I don't want another game full off try hards wearing the same armor (whatever this games Elite Knight set equivalent is).

Cuz with poise if you had a heavy weapon and managed to hit a estocer from outside their range, they'l still beat your face in without flinching and you'll get stunned because you have less VIT you can spare to wear poise, since you're using a heavy weapon.

[source needed]

I point down on people like you when I invade you with your 3 estoc butt buddys

Are auto summon mechanics still busted?

But in DaS 1 I just wore the best shit I could still fast roll in with no Havel's and had like zero poise, and did fine.

Oh, wait, you probably mean in terms of PvP, in which case it doesn't matter, because PvP is not the fucking game, it's a side feature. Poise is a central mechanic and one of the best improvements that DaS had over DeS. It being left out is fucking stupid, especially when the goddamned Wolf Ring is in.

It's so fucking stupid.

Shit mechanic that ensured that DkS1 had the worst gameplay in the series.

From has balanced shit around PvP a lot and poise is retarded in the context of PvP.

Someone discovered the poise damage numbers on weapons in das3, even with 40 poise you would only tank one or two hits anyway

>PvP is a side feature
PvP is how the game gets its longevity. I don't think anyone will keep playing it once they've seen all the endings, found all the secrets and so on because while its good at the time, its just the same thing over and over.

>inb4 "hurr but PvP is just the same thing over and over"
PvP at least has potential to be different every time, whereas PvE is literally the exact same stuff again.

tl;dr don't underestimate PvP, the game would probably be dead as fuck right now if it weren't included.

Except nobody gives a shit about balanced PvP except the PC community. So it should go back in, and y'all can cheat engine it out if you want it gone that badly.

Well the PvP shitters pretty much ruined the community, and focusing on "balancing" this now popular PvP made the games a lot less fun. DeS had tons of OP shit going for it, DaS still had some decently retarded fun going on in it, but there's always this subculture shouting MUH BALANCE so now everything has to be toned down.

"balance" basically means everything is shit, or boring. Balance is fine for something like an online shooter, but this is an ARPG (or whatever you call this genre), I don't want balance, I want fun, and some measure of sensibility.

If I'm wearing big, heavy armor with a thick fucking Greatshield, I should'nt be knocked back like a bitch.

Because having rats gently brush against your 3 ton armor, is supposed to make you stagger with pleasure.

>game full off try hards
What does that make katana and estocfags then? Tryharders?

DeS had the most balanced PvP. Poise is really the only shitty mechanic. Sorry tankfags.

Lack of poise wasn't the reason for its balance, though. Like the dude above mentioned, it's stupid that I should get staggered wearing big, heavy armor because something brushed against my leg.

>DeS pvp
>grass spam

And? Grass was overpowered but that didn't really make it unbalanced. Several weapons and tons of builds were basically all equally viable, which is more than the rest of the games.

>Dark Souls.
>Humanity/Blessing spam.
>Dark Souls 2.
>Gem spam.
>Dark Souls 3.
>Blessing spam.


Yes it was, if you're comparing it to Dark Souls as a metric. For example poise made shit tons of weapon unviable, while almost every weapon was viable in DeS.

>discourages people basing their armor on aesthetics.

it's a fucking roleplaying game, not a fucking fashion sim, so ROLEPLAY!

A better question is why the fuck is the Poise stat even in the game if they were going to leave it switched off in the code?

One of the fucking armor sets even mentions in its description that it oddly has a lot of poise for its weight, despite the fact that said stat is literally useless.

How to Fix Poise

Make it only work against NPCs

That's it

Because it's better this way.

Why would I want to see Fat fucks with big armors being able to fast roll like crazy.

No one does that though.

But you can still fast roll in havels if you level vit...

It's a good idea, though. Imagine the look on an invaders face when they realize you have 99 blessings and you plan on using as many as you have to

Nothing you just said makes one bit of sense.

poise have nothing to do with that moron

My first 2 weapons, started with the estoc and hated it, got the katana and stuck with it. I haven't found a more comfortable weapon yet, does this make me a shitter?

>estoc and dark sword users aren't tryhards

Regardless of poise, morne's armor is arguably the best in the game.