Console and overwatch fags will defend this

TF2 128hz tickrate
CSGO 128hz tickrate
Quake live 128hz tickrate

BF4 10-30hz tickrate
Hardline 30hz
Titanfall 20-30hz
CoD Black Ops 3 20Hz
Overwatch 20hz

>console fps

Defend this blizzdrones

Other urls found in this thread:

Tickrate aside, you are talking about a game with one button insta kill ultimate moves, how the fuck is that competitive anyways


here comes the neo-Sup Forums babies

We should ask TotalBiscuit to make a Tickrate Police. Good idea/bad idea?

BF4 runs at 60 tick now tho.

And last time I played CS:GO doesn't even run at 128 hz on competitive matchmaking servers, given its been almost a year now but a quick google search showed nothing notable about it being changed so...?

>but muh custom servers and dreamhack LAN shit

shut up.

There are many third party website providing matchmaking feature with 128 ticks for free.

I agree 64 is not ideal, but 20 is a disgrace.

overwatch is fun, so I play it
If you think overwatch should be competitive, fuck yourself.

I did not say competitive, just fair.

>CSGO 128hz tickrate
and yet the netcode is just as bad as Overwatch's
sounds like Blizzard saved 108hz that were completely unnecessary

how so?

>run around corner
>enemy is there
>shoot first
>he kills you 100-0 without taking a single hit despite your screen showing you hitting him multiple times
if CS:GO had a killcam (and wasn't made by Valve) people would shit on its netcode as hard as Overwatch's dude 20 tick lmao

>CSGO 128 tickrate
Are you retarded?

>20 tickrate
It's been 62 for literally half a fucking year now.
And CSGO has been 62 for several years. Are you retarded?

Csgo has a 64 tickrate

Yes that happens but only on 64 ticks servers.

Get your facts straight.

are you?

>CSGO 128hz tickrate
wew lad

nope it's like Battlefields' 60tick from client to server, 20 from server to client.

So 20hz tickrate in the end.

>Yes that happens but only on 64 ticks servers.
so the servers that everyone that's not on a pro team plays on? clearly that totally invalidates my argument

I meant CSGO is 64tick. Overwatch is 61.5tick

Does anyone play quake live

>everyone that's not on a pro team plays on?
complete scrub spotted.

not an argument

>TF2 128hz tickrate
>CSGO 128hz tickrate
>BF4 10-30hz tickrate
what the fuck are you talking about?

>CSGO 128hz tickrate
>TF2 128hz tickrate
Mental retardation incarnate

nope it's been measured and proven, 20hz tickrate from server to client.

console fps shit tier.

you outted yourself already.

Bf4 is for a long time 30-144 tick game, just sayin'

Please elaborate. Are there two separate tickrates for the server and client?

Btw only CS GO MM servers work on 60 tick, its possible to play on higher

excellent post, well Valveshilled my friend

>30-144 tick
which is it?
144? I don't think so.

yes apparently since 20-30hz tickrate across the board would give an even worse experience.

>get outted as the scrub he is
>resort to shitposting
kill yourself blizzdrone

>>get outted as the scrub he is
you're right, if you just get better at the game then you get put on servers with a better tick rate right?

>The tickrate is set to 66 in CSS and TF2
come again faggot OP and next time with real facts

I guess my rant here is relevant

>The most competitive shooter on the market
>Not competitive

>if CS:GO had a killcam
It does, you fucking turbotard.

valve mm has 64tick, esea, faceit and lan tournaments run at 128

>FPS games

>which is it?

Dependent on the server and yes there are 144 tick servers.

You made the mistake of thinking that anyone but esportfags care about competitive.

They're also unofficial servers that have FUCKING NOTHING to do with Valve.

>yes apparently since 20-30hz tickrate across the board would give an even worse experience.

I'm sorry but this is the first I've heard of two separate tickrates on both ends (client/server).

The only way I can make sense of it is if you're talking about packet loss. I have never heard of tickrates coming indicidualy from both ends and I don't think you quite know it either.

60 tickrate just means it takes 1/60 of a second to transfer the information ping to the server and back. If there was a discrepancy in the time inbetween what you send and what you get back, then that would be packet loss.

You forgot the part where Simo actually never even used a scope since it would increase the chances of giving away his position to the enemy.

you can go on 128tick servers without being a pro.

Funny you thought you have to though.

1v1 me scrub

except ranked mode is exclusively on 64 tick servers, where accuracy matters most

>not 1.6 and lower
>Quake Live
>not Q3A


>60 tickrate just means it takes 1/60 of a second to transfer the information ping to the server and back.
Wrong, it means there are 60 data packets sent/received every second. It does not account for latency even thought someone with a lower latency will always benefit more because the servers work on a "first arrived first served" policy.
But yes the higher the tickrate the lower the maximum latency too.

>I'm sorry but this is the first I've heard of two separate tickrates on both ends (client/server).
The server process the information and send back some kind of smoothed out data to the client at a 20hz tickrate pace.
This help lower the skill ceiling and garantees the console scrubs don't ragequit after being dominated too much.

I never talked about that CSS garbage and TF2 has can reach 128tick. Try before spewing shit.

so? They are easily available to anyone.

Also this is not a thread about Valve, as much as you want to believe it is.

it's still in beta and apparently there only are a handful of them.

faceit is free and also have a ranked mode.

>CSS garbage
CS:GO is exactly the same garbage (64 tick)

>TF2 has can reach 128tick.

It only shows the enemy that killed you with some info. It doesn't show you how the firefight went down.

tf2's tickrate is hard-locked to 66 for timing reasons

tip top kek
Q3CPM o BUST nigga

Ell fookin 360 blade examine switch grey scope u dowg

COD - CS ripoff, shitty and casual
Hearthstone - Magic ripoff, shitty and casual
HotS - Dota ripoff, shitty and casual
Warcraft - Warhammer ripoff
WoW - Everquest ripoff, shitty and casual
Overwatch - TF2 ripoff, shitty and casual

Defend Acti Blizzard.

This tbqh
Also gambling skins is pretty competitive ;)