Theme park design is the reason for limited content. Isn't this obvious?

Theme park design is the reason for limited content. Isn't this obvious?

>Fixing WoW is as simple as redesigning the entire game from scratch
You don't say

>take the gear models already in the game
>(there are hundreds of sets)
>put them in zones as rewards for something, like capturing it or just defeating a previous dungeon boss (retuned for X party members)
>cool stats / powerful affixes, depending on rarity
>permanent durability loss on respawn
It's that simple.

The economy now has plenty of gear demand to spend g's on / flip, and if all the farming for professions that could make this gear happens within those same zones where the drops are, the action potential is immense.

Inb4 "why not just bring raid gear that doesn't permanently lose durability"

Because that would be disallowed, as it completely defeats the design.


Fixing WoW is as simple as uninstalling it, and playing something decent like Guild Wars

You didn't even try with that one

>Guild Wars
Shitty, homogenized combat.

It's too late and pointless to fix anything.

Just play on Nostalrius, it's the perfe

oh wait



you're the homo you faggot

Stay on topic, pls?

>A video game can't be fixed

With it's flaws at the moment and everything WoW is still miles above the clone shitfest that is FFXIV.

IDK about that..

i liked frozen throne over bc


TERA can barely come close to how fun it is, and it has the problem of potential pay2win

WoD needs the Legion pic as what it was advertised as

This. The economy is what was fun about being raid locked out.




Nice chat, Sup Forums.


you're fucking retarded stop spamming your shitty image with terrible ideas every single fucking day and kill yourself your inbred fucking mong

Memo to report shitposting.