Post your favorite FPS game and others will tell you why it's shit

Post your favorite FPS game and others will tell you why it's shit.

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Too many samey guns, A.I. is worse than in Kingpin, later enemies are bulletsponges.

Final boss is also a joke.

>playing single player

Day of Defeat is better.

it's not shit

it's fucking great

Red Orchestra is better.


Medics don't revive and rushes the enemy instead

Battlefield 1 is better


The First Encounter has less obvious asshole level design.

It ends.


My favorite FPS is a game you guys would never expect.


Wolfensterin 2009?


I love this game

Worth a try nowadays?

Republic Commando.

I wish it was longer, we need a second game where you proceed from where it ended and start a rescue mission for Sev.



every other game doesn't require 2000 hours of consistent aim training

>inb4 hurr is not an FPS


TF 2 ?

If you can get it running correctly yes. There was a redone version of it i think.

The level design gets shocking complex as you go through it. You wouldn't think an FPS at this stage of gaming would be this good but this one really was incredible for the time.


Heh nice try!



thing i am well adjusted to should be easy for everyone else to enjoy

Looks pretty amazing for a Doom clone


Mein Neger

The controls are retarded

But it also has much more fucking sands.

It's perfect
The cancer that started BLOODY SCREEN,SO REAL

>Respawning enemies
>Enemies hitscan attack you behind fog

Playing the Overwatch Beta the past few days has made me yearn back to a good multiplayer FPS. Have played Q3/QL for over 10 years and played ET when it was popular at the time as well.

Will skilled fast-paced games ever make a comeback bros? Or is it lost to casual thumbstick console market forever?

I recently played the new UT, it's basically UT99 with updated graphics, it's pretty damn good and fast but there aren't many players which is fucked up, most people would play retarded shit like TF2 or OW instead.

I fucking love this game. For the custom maps alone

>fun maps
>sniper duels
>Battle of Kursk mass tank battles

best map coming through

Best mod coming through.

Some Carpathian Crosses. Mare Nostrum was fun as well

time to install enemy territory
fuck you
hope 62 servers are still fun and not spawnkilling unfun shit

CS 1.6 playable on the worst toaster and easier to download than OP's mom nudes

No doubt. It's fucking tight.

I can't, you've picked the best FPS game ever made.

no destruction / construction maps like baserace (need more like those)

I've completed it for the first time last year and the answer is yes, it's really good game.

Hail to the king baby


How is Battlefield 4? I keep thinking of picking it up now that I can get the game + all DLC for $60. Do you think I should bother at this point, or will it be dead the second Battlefield 1 comes out?



Don't even bother, everyone just plays faggy ass engineers.

I cant remember but was it a game that needed mouse look?

might chuck it on my laptop if i dont need a mouse


When you say no, do you mean no it's not worth $60, or that I could get it cheaper?

Maybe I'll wait for Overwatch instead. Any opinions from the beta?

no, you use buttons to look up and down though i just bind them to q and e

Red Faction 1.


It's fun overall but stay away from Tracer players whenever you can, that shit is ridicilous

So many neo nazis and commies played this back in the day it was unreal. From every country in the EU and they got regularly into e-fights on servers.

It got REALLY heated a lot of times. I especially remember one fight on this Italy map against a Polish Commie/Soviet clan. It was really fierce, they pushed hard, insults were exchanged, we defended and won closely. I was really sweating afterwards from the intensity.

So many good memories.

>implying I can't solo the enemy team on my own
>implying I need to revive you useless shits when I can mount a 1v10 defense on my own

Go do something useful like camping the bank entrance with your MG42 instead of running around with your panzerfaust you shitty Soldier.

So other than Tracer players is it any good? I've been wanting to get a new FPS lately. Something I can mindlessly play online while tired. I've been working a lot, so an hour of a few rounds on something is nice. Battlefront is OK, but even with Outer Rim I'm getting a little burned out on it lately.

>overall fun
How does it feel fun when the whole game is overpowered by a tumblr whale

>Oh snap that pic

I played a couple rounds from my friends acc, not really my thing. I already played 3k+ hours of TF2.
Post thy steam and thou shall cometh.

I don't have steam brah I care about game industry

Accuracy is worse when you aim down sites. Also everything.


this post gave me faith

inb4because it's brown

it's shit because it marks the end of ID as a company that made kickass games

Quake 2 was pretty fucking dull in comparison

too easy to miss collectables and you eventually have to go back for them to scour those giant ass levels if you actually want to finish the game.

Dark Forces EX when?

>Bullet sponge enemies
>Weapons have no kick or impact
>Bare bones story that doesn't make sense the more you think about it
>A.I. teammates listen to your orders maybe 75% of the time
>Generic linear shooter with context-sensitive "tactical" system

I'll never understand Sup Forums's hard on for this game. It's like they played it once when they were kids and can't take off their nostalgic googles.
