Why does modern Sup Forums get triggered by games for being "too Japanese"?
Why does modern Sup Forums get triggered by games for being "too Japanese"?
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but they were triggered about this not being SMT x Fire Emblem but instead being Persona x Awakening
It's normalfag central.
it's not even Persona x Awakening.
It's no longer the crossover they promised with this trailer:
because contrarian post 1995 kids who saw they big brother watch anime and play jrpg want to sound edgy and hate japanese things.
it's persona with FE awakening characters for personas
>showcase a video and announce it as smt x fe as opposed to atlus x fe
>it ends up being an idol shit jrpg with references to both franchises
>lol y are you le triggered????
Normalfags and grognards that get an allergic reaction if there's no bald protags and muh photo realistic art style.
There's that word again
I don't get triggered by japanese games. I get triggered by shitty games that only sell because ''DUDE ANIME BABES LMAO FUCK THE SJWs AND NORMIES AM A TRUE WEEB HAHA''
I love how you people fail to realize that you're on the same level as the normalfags buying shitty triple AAA games.
the trailer was made and it had the phrase "Shin Megami Tensai meets Fire Emblem"
or is it okay for Nintendo to lie?
Why does modern Sup Forums love games for being Japanese so much that they make victim complex threads about people who disagree with their bias?
Yeah I'm really sick of all these Neptunia loving compileshitters.
It's idolshit, so it's merely mildly japanese.
Bayonetta however is extremely japanese.
the great nu-males invasion of 2014
the trailer was definitely a mistake. nothing wrong with the game though
>exposed navel
Fucking sexist piece of shit, nintendo better throw a blanket on her before I buy this trash.
I cant even process how incredibly stupid this image is.
It doesn't. Sup Forums gets triggered by games being weeaboo faggotry.
Nioh is about as Japanese as it gets but at doesn't get a hundredth of the vitriol Tokyo Mirage Sessions get, and with good reason.
Because modern gaming is filled with immature and insecure little children and manchildren who suffers from masculinity complex so they need they realism and middle aged guys.
Normies love anime though. I will never understand these memes. It's considered quirky and endearing now.
Because I have to stare at the games the whole time to play them and Japan loves throwing buckets of color and shine on everything with no regard for color theory or aesthetic appeal or cleanness. It's just as bad as Western brown and bloom.
Some of you nerds gotta realize the age of playing videogames all by yourself and without discussing it on social media are OVER
I prefer games that i can talk about on reddit and facebook without getting downvoted, and play with my girlfriend and her boyfriend without them thinking i'm a pedophile freak
No it isn't.
Only normies with weeb tendencies have that opinion and that's because they've maybe only watched 1 anime at all, most likely DBZ or Bebop or some other surface level series. If they dug even the tiniest bit deeper they'd recoil in horror at the cesspool that is modern anime.
western devs more or less fund the gaming "journalism" industry so while all western garbage gets "game of the year deepest most mature game ever made", Japanese games are hardly getting more than half a page of shallow reviews where all praises comes from "imitating western designs" like open world, realistic art, cinematic experience, and bald angry main characters.
>I cant even process how incredibly stupid this image is.
it's people actually defending the final product when it's nothing like what was initially promised
aka "It's okay when Nintendo does it"
You don't know any real normalfags. Show any normalfags an episode of fucking Yuru Yuri or Gochuumon Usagi and they will be creep out by you.
Normalfags weebs are the people who consider anime quirky and endearing. They mostly only watch entry level shit but they know that stuff like SoL and moe exist.
>If they dug even the tiniest bit deeper they'd recoil in horror at the cesspool that is modern anime.
tell me about it, most modern anime is ass. Like in this season, only two shows appealed to me (JJBA and My Hero Academia).
Things that never happened the post
>shounen shit for toddlers
Are you autistic kids not tired yet of capeshit, power level and power of friendship?
>The most entry level choices
Normies love anime but hate the niche part of it. That's why Persona 4 got so popular, it made it hip to have a waifu so you didn't have to feel like a miserable fuck claiming you liked the game.
t. normie
Literally every avatar on steam is Yuru Yuri shit.
Thing that happen all the time actually. Especially with Pcucks that buy all the animeme games on steam just because ''DUDE ANIME LMAO''
These people actually think that Neptunia is good.
theres that word again
>Are you autistic kids not tired yet of capeshit, power level and power of friendship?
when the rest of anime is either SoL garbage or harem trash like Hundred, you need to take what you can get sometimes.
hi Sup Forums.
Normalfags are sheeps. If something get popular they will follow just like Persona.
>use the word normies
>call other normalfags
How fucking ironic. I don't even use steam too, dumbass.
You guys are the equivalent of shitters who only buy cinematic games and sport games and yet Sup Forums always shit on those people.
>stock images shown next to each other
>literally just a concept
>m-muh promise!
except I don't buy Cinematic games.
>he never played persona
Explain how mirages aren't basically personas
right, you watch the call of duty of anime and everything else is shit
you are the same as them
stop seeking out cliques then mock opposing other perceived cliques you literal god damn children
Yeah thats my point.
>you watch the call of duty of anime
but I don't watch Slice of Life or Harems
You're one of those who think SoL or Harem sell the most each season right? You should stop listening to Sup Forums you know.
go outside once and a while
You're literally the reason why they can get away with D44M.
>You're one of those who think SoL or Harem sell the most each season right?
No, I just think they garner the most discussion on Sup Forums due to Sup Forums's horrible tastes in anime
I wouldn't meet anybody who likes persona here.
Those aren't the call of duty of anime
Just go somewhere else. I don't see normalfags crying about Sup Forums shitting on triple AAA games all the time here.
>no school/calendar system
>literally no S.link/Dating
>no traditional SMT demon system
>no press turn combat (persona is not exactly press turn but close)
>no Hitler
>no edgy kids shooting their heads
only thing they have in common is anime art style. so you can fuck off now
the hell is that?
you do realize Sup Forums does NOT represent a micro-chasm of society at large, at least american millennial society
Probably the closest youre thinking of is people who have maybe watched sailor moon or bleach like, once, and their favorite game is portal. Go up to anyone on your local college campus if they've seen/read Berserk or play King of Fighters and the answer will be a resounding "Whats that?"
NoA completely destroyed this game anyway. The censorship is the worst out of everything they did recently.
japanese don't pay gaijin to shill on Sup Forums
Depends on how further down college. Definitely not freshmen.
>god of Sup Forums is in persona game
why have i never heard of this?
Because it's the last good persona, and we NEVER talk about good games.
>It's a circlejerk thread
Hello tumblr
well, 5 is coming out and it's looking pretty rad
>tfw robbing richfag
it's ok for something to be japanese as long as it isn't lowest common weeb bait
>tfw when my friends like regular action but hate cute anime things
Stop identifying yourself by your hobbies. Anime is more mainstream than you want to admit.
It's not that it's too "Japanese".
It's that it's too "Idolmaster" for a Shin Megami Tensei/Fire Emblem crossover game.
It's like, one thing was implied, audience expected that thing, but then get another thing that's so different from what expected it will only appeal to a small niche that doesn't necessarily even cross over with those audiences.
Pic related, imagine there being strawberries inside of that Pizza case.
>Alison Rapp
You have no idea what mainstream mean.
Listen, I'm sorry you were picked on in high school, but times have changed.
I never got bullied. Im just saying that if you anime is on the same level as sport, Call of Duty and Game of Thrones and Marvel shitty movies you are quite delusional.
Also your image is supposed to prove what? A literal who and Alison Rapp who is a pedophile and a prostitute love anime? Wow amazing anime is mainstream. You want anime to be mainstream because you don't want people to insult you over liking anime.
Cute girls, bright colors and lightheartedness are all bad according to westerners
Since when did Sup Forums become one entity?
>if you anime is on the same level as sport, Call of Duty and Game of Thrones and Marvel shitty movies you are quite delusional.
Can you read? Where did I say that?
>A literal who
Try the team lead for one of the most popular video games of all time
>You want anime to be mainstream because you don't want people to insult you over liking anime.
It's more like you don't want anime to be mainstream because you feel like you're unique and different. Now that people are invading your previously niche hobby you pull back and pretend like it's some underground art form.
Anime is garbage.
>bombed in Japan
>expecting me to give a shit
This, honestly.
>Can you read? Where did I say that?
You are implying anime is mainstream and again you have no idea what actual mainstream is. Go outside and talk about GoT chance are high that people know what the fuck it is. Go outside and talk about Haruhi chance are high that the person won't know what the fuck you are talking about.
>Try the team lead for one of the most popular video games of all time
>some guy who work on WoW
>anime is mainstream dude
>It's more like you don't want anime to be mainstream because you feel like you're unique and different. Now that people are invading your previously niche hobby you pull back and pretend like it's some underground art form.
Where did I say that? Normalfags have been invading anime since Evangelion, Dragonball and Toonami and 20 years laters the same shit is repeating itself with Attack on titan, Sword art online and Naruto.
Only entry level shit are popular and even those I don't consider mainstream.
>anime is garbage
Why do you care then?
>. Im just saying that if you anime is on the same level as sport, Call of Duty and Game of Thrones and Marvel shitty movies you are quite delusional.
Must be sad livin' the American life then.
It's reddit not Sup Forums
Reddit love anime.
i don't get why fags keep defending this game
Mark Kern is a literal autist who is hated by his co-workers and Alison Rapp is a tumblr whackjob. It's common knowledge tumblr and autists love anime.
I hope you enjoy the "dungeons" and "puzzles" a 3 year old could do.
[Citation Needed]
This is why Japanese companies don't like to release info about upcoming games until months before released. Western spergs like you will imprint your own obsessions upon a simple phrase like "SMT x Fire Emblem" and then go fucking mental when it's not exactly what you dreamed up it should be.
>23k was already a tasty treat, but now watching the censorship butcher it utterly and completely is just too perfect
Yes anime as in miyazaki shit or AoT. You're not fooling anyone, newfag.
>tfw I imported and finished the game long ago
>tfw it's better than SMT4
Go play P1 and 2 duology if you like SMT games. Just remember they aren't dating sim VNs, P1 and 2 IS/EP are basically SMT games.
This game is fap bait that uses established franchise names, and their names only and nothing else.
It's disrespectful, not to mention the concept itself is cringeworthy.
>Superman vs Batman movie announced after the likes of Man of Steel and The Dark Knight Rises
>Movie releases
>It's exactly like the Batman 60's show
>lol y r people mad? because it's not exactly what they dreamt of?
(shame the movie was shit anyway)
It's fascinating how they managed to alienate the SMT, FE AND otaku audience in one fell swoop.
Diehard otakus aren't going to give a shit about idolcrap if they can't date the girls.
Now all that's left is random weebs that literally buy any JRPG for the sole reason it's a JRPG.
And then comes Nintendo and butchers the game with hilarious censorship thus alienating the remaining audience even more.
>There's a few sexy characters sometimes
>Whole game must be fapbait!
Facebook-tier SJW post.
He's sperg, but has a point.
Fire Emblem is about strategic battle where combat heroes team up to save the world in fantastic medieval kingdoms. SMT is about party battle where you work with and against demons in an intersection of our world and a demonic one. Recent games in those series have added extra layers on top of that, with things like relationship building and outfits, but the core principles hold.
Idol Battle claims an influence from those series, but the influence is from those extras rather than core principles. There's tremendous potential in a game about rising idols using their popularity and performance skill to invoke spiritual powers against evil monsters, though it would be better served by standing on its own so it doesn't invite comparisons to the other series and isn't bound to their concepts.
You're a newfag if you think otakus fap exclusively to "sexy".
They fap more commonly to "cute" among other things. Just go to any booru and have a look at most of the pictures posted.
What does that have to do with that redditor shitpost? He said this game is fapbait, but it isn't particularly more cute than Persona or Devil Survivor and most otaku even feel actually alienated by half naked characters dancing in front of a crowd like Kirie and Tsubasa sometimes do in this game. As the game's sales has shown.
Mistakes like these are a diamond dozen.