So how exactly do you hit enemies in this game?
I can stand right in front of them and swing my sword and never make contact. Spears are worthless too.
So how exactly do you hit enemies in this game?
I can stand right in front of them and swing my sword and never make contact. Spears are worthless too.
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That's because you're a retarded faggot OP.
Try first person.
Try using the left click
In field battles equip a lance and just couch niggas all day
In sieges just hide behind the ladder or inside the siege tower because fuck that noise, you're the boss
ayyy lmao
Warband couching requires actual aim, which OP clearly doesn't have
>not being a Vaegir badass who wades through the thick of battle with a two-handed sword
You sound like a Swadian pussy.
Well, for starters, weapons are only able to hit the enemy at a specific distance. You can't stand right next to an enemy and thrust a spear, you have to be at striking distance (at least 1m or so) from them. Secondly, you have to aim at the opponent, you can't look at their general direction and execute an overhead cut but you actually have to align your blow such that it doesn't fall to their sides. And finally, like you, your opponents can block your attacks, so even against AI opponents timing, feints and such like have some use. And in case you have trouble in mounted combat, you have to time your cuts and thrusts such that they actually hit while you are passing the opponent, and if you get stuck in melee, it might actually be a good idea to dismount since cavalry is less mobile in close quarters (you can't turn 360 in your saddle while the opponent might try to run behind your horse and such like).
>You can't stand right next to an enemy and thrust a spear
You can tho
It won't hit anything. You have to have a bit of distance for reach weapons to land damage.
>hating on Swadians
>hating on the commodity all life is based on, butter
Can you? Well, maybe you can, or maybe it depends on the spear. However, weapons certainly have an optimum range in the game.
Protip, footwork is very important in warband.
You always want to strike from a foot or two away, while youre moving towards them.
A good speed multiplier can sometimes more than double your damage
Try having some basic spacial awarness.
They have an optimal window during their swing which is around the mid point of their animation
As long as you can make your weapon get into contact with the enemy in that window it'll hit and do damage
Range doesn't really matter
do you even play the tuts?
anyway 2h sword is the easiest, it'll deliver more damage and has some reach, and you can charge and swipe em on horseback
on foot, usually 2 slashes from the sides and they're dead
or back away while they get close and split them in half or thrust em, 1HKO
Install gekokujo mod and use superior thousand folded steel technology
If you've never used a spear much then standing below and behind a unmoving horseman stuck against a wall will do fuck all with a spear, specially in a tournement where this can happen to easily. You need a little movement to do any halfdecent damage, just standing there you'll do 1 damage, with a sword or knife he'd be cut down in seconds.
bannerlord when?
that game sucks
your mom sucks (my dick lol)
Use a gun.
now put an ISIS flag to the corner of the video.
>play M&B
>ride a horse holding a shield and a bastard sword
>swing it
>training one-handed weapons
>hide the shield, hold the sword in one hand, the reins in the other
>swing the sword
>training two-handed weapons
Pro tip: at the beginning of a new game you have these weird point things, it's not in muh new gen so not sure what to call it but you click those little things into the words that pertain to your desired weapon. This somehow makes you more proficient with that weapon. This is weird to me because in assassin's Creed I don't have to do this, he knows how to use his blades. Weird game design using numbers to improve weapons.
I'm pretty sure those numbers only affect how fast you use weapons and the damage output, not whether the weapons connect or not.
It's difficult to get any hits in with minimal weapon skill against extremely skilled opponents, even AI, though, since they're much faster with their weapon.
i would if they werent so slow on the campain map, hunting skull drinkers
what a fine job user
>he can't couch his lance
I love Vaegirs man but their AI is shit. If left unchecked the Nords and/or Khergits can steam role over them unless the player intervenes
OP made it look like he can't even touch the enemies with his weapons, which suggests he's using them outside of their optimal range (either minimum or maximum). If the issue was lack of training, the enemy would visibly parry or block the blow with a shield. I don't think that's what OP describes.
>If you will not serve in combat, you will serve on the firing line!
Lance and bow on horse are so hard to use, I'd like some easy weapons to start, so axe or scimitar or scythe?
Can I use dual wield shields?
military hammer and pike
You need a horse with good charge. While charging your character performs the couch animation. Steer towards an enemy and win.
That's with automatic lance control option enabled, I'd rather use manual.
Also, using first-person view while aiming the lance helps.
>America 1866 will never completed
Please keep Xenos and heresy to a minimum at this table
I like the automatic control because it makes me put up my shield to cancel the animation, which I would forget about otherwise
You can't beat someone by just spamming r1/m1 like in dark souls, op.
>bow on horse are so hard to use
I implore you this as a friend, get good with it.
When you are comfortable with horse archery you can literally 1 v 20 against heavy cavalry and 1 v 100 infantry.
bow on horse is the best shit ever
you're a fuckin retard dude
>Spears are worthless too.
>when most of your vassals hate you despite your best efforts to be a good man
Fighting battles with them increases reputation, I've never had trouble with relations once I start participating in the big clashes
See this shit is what turns me off from single player. Is there a mod where they try and encircle me don't just chase me in a fucking line like idiots?
you can get brainy bots which makes the AI better at melee
most formation mods fix AI on the field though, since the AI will use the formations
Run around in circles on a horse killing one person at a time chaining like 30 guys
I like the game but come on this is garbage
>When the King loves you so much the only one getting fiefs are you and your inlaws
The only non usurper to any throne. His dad did it, blame him
Sshhhh... not here. We haev to find our own containment threads to post heresy and anti-heresy. This is for the Mount and Blade friends.
Orders received and understood.
The first time I played Warband I dug my character into a hole by bombing my honour through destroying villages and not releasing any nobles, made the game so hard once I joined a faction. Shoulda just struck out on my own with my trusty merc band at my back.
You know, it sucks that M&B threads don't last long anymore.
I think we're just out of stuff to talk about Bannerlord should fix that
Yeah that seems about right, and multi mods don't last long anymore.
Never ever.
Some weapons are simpler than others, of course.
And the A.I. can, and WILL ruin your swing by clinching you and bulldogging a lot of the time. (There is also actually a minimum distance. Some smelly bandit or peasant in furs that's close enough to grab your balls ruins that.)
This is why I like having a good solid thrusting knife equipped, that I might stab assholes who get in my grille.
Otherwise yeah, it's totally about timing. If you are good at timing and footwork/steering your horse you can beat enemies that you wouldn't be able to beat otherwise. Sometimes on your own, it really depends on the amount of ranged weapons and how well you protect yourself/your horse.
(ranged weapons make this almost impossible to do if you can't get at the guys with the ranged weapons first. Which is hard if a screaming mob of enemy footmen with murder in their eyes and horse fucking weapons are in the way.)
We've already talked about the game so much. I was gonna let the other 40K guys derail us because 40K threads are hilarious but who knows what the yung jannies are up to.
Well, I should get Warsword so I can do that without it technically being derailing.
I see so many promising mods to play but sometimes the models are just so blocky or have terrible textures that it breaks my interest in the mod entirely.
That's probably my computer's fault more than anything. That playthrough is sorta dead in the water because I ended up getting the oathbreaker trait. FFFFFFFFUUUUU
And a lot of mods resuse other mod resources, if I see another fucking tower guard armor in a random fantasy mod I will be extremely disappointed.
it's probably a glancing blow because you're a fucking coward that can't commit into attacks to actually pierce their armor.
this isn't a moba or CS:GO where non committal is encouraged. Everything in this game has physics so try to act like you're really trying to kill them when you attack.
Yeah I find that quite a bit. To be honest I still have the most fun in Floris, Vanilla and 1257.
Help me have fun with 1257, I love the multitude of factions but it seems so daunting to get anything going. Should i join up with a King first or just merc around?
Also lance recruitment, yes/no?
Most of the units in 1257 use spears right? I heard there were some major problems with that.
Yeah the game mechanics get kinda fucked, plus if you play female it gives you a man-body which is fucking funny
I went for no lances, as it's easier to raise an army in the vanilla game style. I just went around as a merc for a while until I'd traveled far enough to want to join a faction.
I think I remember seeing some sort of fix for spear combat on their sub forum. Which may or may not have pissed off the mod dev.
Not gonna lie, I'm terrified of what M&B threads on Sup Forums will become when Butterlord comes out. The sheer amount of shitposting will be nothing short of awful for the next 6 months, I fear.
Mod Devs are really thin-skinned people in my experience. Did some concept and story work for a guy working on a Source mod years ago and he was a total piece of work. Also made us all chuck [=DEV=] tags on everywhere and would hit you up if you took them off.
Not him, but I know /mbg/ made their own version of 1257 which fixes a lot of stuff including spears, at least that's what I heard.
that and >/vg/
So what are your favorite mods? I love Phantasy Calradia.
If Gekokujo had spear bracing, more cavalry & more music I would find the mod-maker and suck his dick.
We'll get Napoleonic levels of hell.
Imagine how much worse it will be when GabeN forces paid mods through.
No one found him for three minutes.
TaleWorlds would have to agree to that, and call me naive, but I don't think they'd do that.
I doubt Valve will go through with paid mods. At least not for heavily offline-focused games where paid mods can be undercut by free ones. Always online games like CS:GO and such will always be held hostage by the marketplace stuff though.
I agree with you. Mod support has always been one of their primary goals, and they wouldn't jew people out of that experience.
Anybody play M&B multiplayer?
I play on Mount & Siege every once in a while. The clusterfuck is so much fun, especially when there are more than 50 people on each team. I hope Bannerlord has support for a ridiculous number of players.
>Anybody play M&B multiplayer?
Isn't Native multiplayer filled with gregor-tier players who chamber the FUCK outta you?
>All the naked fuckers
There's no point in grabbing max armor because of their bs.
I tried Bear Force, it was kind of shit. Blasters straight do not work. It has its moments though
>that one map where one team spawns in a troop transport and jetpacks down into the forest
Game is old, we've been talking about it too long. At least Butterlord is coming soon
Ok, it'll probably be a bit like this at least turned up to eleven.
>I think I remember seeing some sort of fix for spear combat on their sub forum.
it makes spears do this, among other things
yep it's in this pastebin
>Warband couching requires actual aim