His only ambition in life was to make the Horde great again. Thrall betrayed him. He did nothing wrong

His only ambition in life was to make the Horde great again. Thrall betrayed him. He did nothing wrong.

He forgot to account with the whiny playerbase who didn't want the Horde to be the Horde.

Isn't it kind of lame how people like OP takesthe time out of their day to essentially rehash old jokes that weren't even really that clever or original in the first place?

It's like he's a lame ripoff of someone else or a bad clone or something.

Maybe it's even worse that, while I don't know OP personally, there are people that do what he does all the time and still expect some kind of esteem or even just regard and acknowledgement? I don't mind giving you your fix OP if it means giving everyone else food for thought

I think the worst part is how OP might get defensive and in turn infallible in their own mind. And still continue to shit post.

I don't understand why people takes the time out of their day to respond to shitposts, but here I am, responding to a guy responding to a shitpost.

I guess that, together, we're Sup Forums.

All he wanted to do was make Noxus great again, but the evil Demacian Exemplar had to shut him down.

Well he should've made vanilla servers.

Thrall was a warchief that did deals in the shadows and pretended to be holier than thou. Garrosh was honest with his ambitions to empower the Horde. That and Thrall was a fucking cunt for placing all this burden on Garrosh when even Garrosh himself said that he was not ready/prepared to act as warchief.

t. Alliancefag

Thrall should have made Cairne Warchief.

I'm pretty sure it's stated Thrall made Garrosh Warchief since the Orcs wanted an Orc to lead the horde.

Saurfang would have been better though. Descendant of a legendary hero, veteran of the three wars, capable general and everything. Garrosh only had the claim of blood and even Garrosh himself said it's a bad idea.

*brother of

Thrall feared the orcs wouldn't follow a non-orc warchief. If that were the case, he didn't need to have someone unqualified, and unwilling, to replace him.

Nagrand Cutscene was great vindication. People kept saying Thrall did nothing wrong and in this scene, what he did is spelled out in that scene and then thrall just decides "Nah not my fault" like a green festering cunt.

IIRC the spirits leave him for being a dishonourable faggot. That's why players in Legion can get the Doomhammer.

Why didn't Thrall just stay warchief if it was this much of a problem?
It probably has something to do with Metzen inserting his midlife crisis, right?

yea but he still has a shitty redemption quest.

>dude lets use old god radiation for power what could go wrong dude lmao

If you don't support garrosh you want to fuck and eat babies

That's pretty much what the Orcs are. This movie will be the culmination of that.

>yfw he didn't get away with it this time
>yfw Thrall dies in Legion

Intentions and Execution are different things. His intentions were good in theory, he did however become a monster. He did his best, though, even after protesting to Thrall not to put him in charge. It's also worth noting that the Twilight Hammer sabotaged most, if not all, of his efforts to do things properly. When shit hit the fan because of this, he had no choice but to simply take what he needed to save his people from starvation/thirst/plague. There was a point where he should have realized he had saved his people and it was time to stop going on the warpath, though.

Vol'jin should not have turned on Garrosh and should have obeyed Thrall's instructions to stay with and advise Garrosh.

i legit feel bad for that figurine
damn man

>make the Horde great again
The Horde was never great.
It's always been a shit bunch of worthless savages who can barely work together on the best of days.
Perfect for antisocial kids who like to play big a tough bully after a rough day of being stuffed into lockers.

>Taking warcraft lore serious after wotlk
>Thinking warcraft creators give a fuck about the lore after MoP announcement

You cucks deserve the shitty life you have :^)

>Great concept for a story arc
>Terribly executed
>Dragged on as the major focus of 3 expansions
What Garrosh did wrong was be the face of WoW's lore dying.