Ehhhhhh Kojima

Ehhhhhh Kojima

About the new title

“It’s an amazing game. Along with the plot, characters, and game system, I’m brainstorming everything equally. Some parts are very new, so I’ll need to experiment with it.”
“I won’t say that it’s an open-world title, but those that enjoy playing today’s AAA titles such as The Division and Uncharted will be able to play it smoothly. When it gets announced some may thing that it’s not as way-out as they had expected, but I’m sure they’ll understand once they play it. The genre is action.”

Kojima is a hack that hasn't made a good game since MGS3

>we want the normie audience

once cool dude now he is just an attention whore


See you in five years when you've finished it Kojima


Amazing Anal Action?

>those that enjoy playing today’s AAA titles such as The Division and Uncharted will be able to play it smoothly

So confirmed to be shit then?

It will be a shitty movie game.


Lmao, was Kojima just a glorified ideas guy all along? Is that why you nerds obsessed over him?

>“I won’t say that it’s an open-world title," but it is an open-world title.
MGSV was shit tier with an absolutely dead world and it had a huge budget. he'll have 1/10th of the budget, and it'll be even worse.

>playing any kojima game after TPP

I hope we don't have another Keiji Inafune situation on our hands

I'm glad he's not hyping it.

>mfw people will eat up whatever this talentless hack shits out

So will kojima be the new peter molyneux now?

So it's a mediocre third person shooter calling itself an "action game" then?

I don't know what I expected.

I don't remember Kojima defining multiple genres and creating his own

>The division
Just retire already Kojima, you're way past your prime.

>start a small dev studio
>Aim already for a AAA game


No neill blukomp is a hack kojima is a man who was pushed to keep making a series he was done with at the third installment

So, Sup Forums, if you were a starting dev studio, would you do this?

>AAA game with no studio track record

>>That Fans Of AAA Titles Will Enjoy

So it's a game for retards.

Why did he fuck up Castlevania then

Because he was forced to make it?

I would be a lot more happy if he just announced silent hills and come up with the creepiest shit ever. Seriously, PT was brilliant, make more you piece of shit

only without senor guacamole del toro this time, he has awful taste for art direciton

that was entirely his choice, he was actually the guy who pushed for Lords of Shadow over IGAvania

It would have to be NOT Silent Hills though

>Kojimas going to bankrupt another studio trying to make Uncharted Divisions

Kojima is a e-celeb

Then he fucked up and or did it on purpose to screw over konami since it was pretty clear he didnt like them

>today’s AAA titles such as The Division and Uncharted
So it'll be a cinematic no-game always-online movie with QTEs, grind and progressiveness?

There's nothing 'small' about Kojima's dev studio

Sony dropped a sizable dime on him.

It's some sort of mecha title, it has to be. He has got the lead art dev for Front Mission or some shit alongside him.

>Cox went to Japan with a video of Lords of Shadow to present it to Konami once more. The meeting consisted of Konami’s senior managers, and Kojima happened to be in attendance as well. Upon seeing MercurySteam’s demo, Kojima allegedly stood up and said: “This is awesome, why isn’t this Castlevania?”
>Cox recalls: “Everyone just looked sort of sheepish and then after that he said, ‘I want to help you guys’.

Sony is helping him out, he can literally do whatever he wants.

About the logo

“I can’t say yet, but the secret is found in the logo. The whole body [of the logo] actually looks super cool, and we’re planning on making it into a figure.”
The reason for making the first title with SIE (Sony Interactive Entertainment)

“I’ve had offers come from all around the world, but they were all done in Hollywood method, and I didn’t feel like doing any kind of detailed presentation. That’s when I was wondering who would trust me in me with just a big concept, and that’s when I found SIE. They’re giving me a vast amount of freedom, which makes it very easy to work with.”

Beat me to it
I swear there was obsessive anticipation of MGS5 for like 3 years

>but those that enjoy playing today’s AAA titles such as The Division and Uncharted will be able to play it


Wait he took a possible new IP and slapped castlevania on it?

By the way, Metal Gear Rising will end up as a better experience.

> fans of AAA titles will enjoy it

Oh kojimbly wimbly wim wham. You sugar coating sweet summer child. How can you play so coy? We haven't forgotten V yet. We haven't forgotten. Keep acting out and you'll be punished, kojimiwimi. You'll get a very bad adult spanking on your kojibum.

We don't want more triple A shite like Uncharted though. Thanks for nothing, Kojima.

I hope Joosten will be in it

>fans of AAA titles

What the fuck does that even mean

>not teaming up with del toro again with Sony backing
>not just creating the same horror title as P.T but having a different story and not calling it Silent Hills..

fucking idiots

People who willingly accept style over substance.

>that enjoy playing today’s AAA titles such as The Division and Uncharted
>The genre is action

Bitch is fucking retarded you retard go take a retarded shotgun and shoot thyself

I'm sure there will be horses

>What the fuck does that even mean
What the fuck does that even mean

How about stealth with og metal gear?

He should call it Kojima Hills

Steampunk medieval warfare

kojima is a cringeworthy retard that hasn't made a good game in 15 years and even then it's dubious if he really made the mechanics or wrote anything meaningful there. he certainly didn't program the AI.


have Ubisoft been shilling the fuck out of people? The Division is an empty piece of shit. I hate it when people say it's good. REEEE

blomkamp's mech sequence is better than anything kojima ever put out in that regard

>the type who defend fallout 4
>man children

>mech sequence

In which movie you cunt?

You're saying this as if Fallout 4 is the worst game ever, when it's clearly better than both Fallout 3 and Skyrim.

literally what was silent hills in the P.T demo?

the P.T Demo wasn't even silent hills it was just a tech demo.

all they need to do is make another spoopy first person horror game, there's no copyright on that.


Says the 18 to 20 year old

There's a mech in District 9. The pig cannon one.

nah lurker, I'm saying the people who defend the shit decisions made for fallout 4. it's a fine FPS in a boring map.

it's disgusting that it's part of the Fallout franchise.

> those that enjoy playing today’s AAA titles such as The Division and Uncharted will be able to play it smoothly


Ah ok you mean his 1 (ONE) good movie

I thought you meant chappie i dont even like chappie and im obseessee with die antwoord

>guy makes a post
>call him a lurker

This makes no sense

>the secret is found in the logo
So it's basically gonna be dark souls + armored core mishmash of a Game by Hideo Kojima huh

great so it'll be a watered down piece of shit false advertised low resolution boring ZZZ game.

we get it your triggered. fallout 4 is shit. the dlc is shit. keep giving liesman your shekels. I don't care bye xo
