>people keep asking for an "easy mode" for this game
>thought that DaS3 was piss easy and probably the easiest of all Souls games
People keep asking for an "easy mode" for this game
Nice blog post faggot
The more Souls game come out, the easier they become since you have more experience. What's so difficult to understand ? I think DeS was pretty hardcore back then, but I rape the game when I replay it
Where can I subscribe to your blog?
Bloodborne was the easiest, doesn't mean it wasn't good though
I agree
BB was pathetically easy, Ludwig was a joke
>Every new iteration the series adds more trial and error bullshit for the sake of calling itself hard.
>TFW realized Demon's Souls was a fluke and Miyazaki doesn' actually know jack shit about game design.
>They been making the exact same game for 20 years and still fuck up the most basic functions
the important thing is you found a way to feel superior to everybody
I think that compensating for experience DS3 was actually the most difficult.
DS3>DS>DS2 in this order.
I didn't play either of the Sony pony meme games, but I'm sure they ran at 20fps making them unplayable, thus entirely irrelevant.
Dark Souls 1 is the easiest Souls game. Every encounter can be easily solved by circle strafing. Bosses aren't that aggressive. Especially the later ones such as Seath and even O&S. Most of the later bosses average like 3 attacks per 10 seconds. Shields, if you used them, were completely overpowered back then. You could roll out of the deflection animation. Grass crest was the best medium shield and it had like 95% physical. The way Poise existed meant you could tank some bosses and just DPS them down before they could kill you. 4kings is the most popular example of this. There is also the fact that if you managed to get a Black Knight weapon at any of the possible early points in the game, it was GG. You won.
Go back and replay Dark Souls 1 and you'll realize how easy the game actually is.
>I didn't play either of the Sony pony meme games, but I'm sure they ran at 20fps making them unplayable, thus entirely irrelevant.
Well done, you are really talented op.
I just started ds3 and beat the first boss before undead settlement first time only taking one hit. I killed him in about ten hits, is it suppose to be this easy ? I might be over levelled quite a bit
>Beat DaS no problem
>Beat DaS2 no problem
>Beat DaS3 no problem (with exception to NK)
>Still haven't beaten Orphan and the whole DLC is hard as balls
Fuck I don't know if you guys are lying or I'm just utter shit.
Think they're memeing.
I've played them all too, and I think BB is the toughest game.
wow, you are really something then, are you pro?
I wish I was like you dude, you're so fine
I've beaten most bosses with no effort but I still keep dying to the cursed tree boss even after two playthroughs
the important thing is you found a way to feel superior to everybody
The bosses are really easy in the beginning. I didn't die to the first 2 bosses my first time either. It gets harder, don't worry.
Different people have different experiences. What a surprise.
Demon's was my first and I had no trouble at all with the game. Even notorious Flamelurker and Maneaters fell in 2-3 tries each.
Dark Souls 1 had some moments, but it was overall very manageable.
Dark Souls 2 was probably the hardest overall, but even then there weren't really any wallbangers.
Bloodborne (at least the main game, not the boring chalice dungeons which i consider non-existent) was very easy. The only wallbanger I had in that game was Gascoigne. But Gascoigne was so bad it took me two-dozen tries because it just didn't click. It was appalling really, I was nearly in tears by the end of it.
I do think 3 is the easiest, but I don't think it's because of experience.
Strangely enough, the only actually hard part in the entire game was Irithyll for me. Not the entire zone but the stretch between the first bonfire in the plaza and the church bonfire. I died dozens of times on the way there until I finally decided fuck it and just ran through.
>no boss kills me more than 2x
>no boss more than 3
>no boss more than 2
>no boss more than 2
>a few took me 5 attempts
i used big STR weapon if it matters in each game, i felt ds3 was the hardest.
I'm not memeing, I played BB and enjoyed it but the bosses were predictable. Souls games are tougher.
Posting it everywhere because it's a good idea
I'm here with a public service announcement: Road of Sacrifices with Dried Fingers and a couple stalwart phantoms at your side is the best fucking thing ever. Assuming it doesn't immediately devolve into a quagmire where enemies show up faster than you can can kill them [this will happen often, it's fun, but you probably won't get much PvE done] there's a huge road to follow on your way to Abyss Watchers. So long as you keep rubbing those dried fingers, your game will feel like a journey into hostile territory full of bandits and farron legions fighters.
I can safely say this is probably the most enjoyable thing to do in the whole game in my book. I was playing a Paladin build and had multiple incredibly memorable experiences. I'm talking about fights that cross the whole levels. Times where I dropped to my death only to be saved my tears of denial. Fights that led me across Farron Keep where the fucking Estus Soup saved my damn life. times where I actually managed to duck off the beaten path and hide in a corner to estus and buff up while several phantoms hunted me. Encounters with herioic Blue Sentinels who came to my aid long after my party had died.
It's the best. Go make an SL40 with +3 weapons and do it. I promise you'll enjoy it.
>But phantoms are casual!
>You're ganking!
No. The Dark Spirits have three players. Host three players. It's a fair game.
That including the tutorial boss or nah? I've just reached the boss for undead settlement But apparently I went through the wrong way, so I'm.tracking back to go the other way which is.apparently better as I encounter some companions along the way
Stay behind it. Seriously.
Keep to its back and sprint in circles around it. That's how I beat it.
Second phase is really easy that way.
Just don't get hit.
>i used big STR weapon if it matters in each game, i felt ds3 was the hardest.
Found your problem, now replay with a longsword
>Road of Sacrifices with Dried Fingers and a couple stalwart phantoms at your side
Stopped reading there.
>I'm proud of not reading or thinking
>I'm gonna post to brag about this
Good job shit-for-brains
DaS3 feels much harder early game than DaS1 did to me. I don't know if I'm just not used to the much faster movement or what but I'm getting raped by regular skellies far more than I did in the first game and having a lot more trouble grinding souls. That you can't farm humanity anymore is also a bitch, what's this ember shit? Unkindled? What happened to being hollow and unhollowed?
Soulsfags asking for an easy mode for Ni-Oh
But it is the easiest.
Oprhan of Kos is harder than any of the Faglords in DaS3, not to mention almost every Boss has Swords/Greatswords.
How fucking boring.
>Shield to win
And the Gimmick Bosses in DaS3 are at a much higher rate than ever before
Same, I think it's because lack of shield in Bloodborne and I always sucked at parrying, so naturally I'll have trouble in BB when no shields plus gun being your party mechanic
It's literally Bloodborne Gameplay, thats why.
DaS3 is a joke. The levels themselves are by far the easiest in the series and there's maybe 2 semi-challenging bosses in the game.
>make gameplay like Bloodborne, without making the player be as fast as BB character
And Infinite Stamina and Enemy Weapons Clipping through walls, despite yours don't (at some points it does)
Those Chain Axe Guys at Archdragon Peak are such scrubs and literally Artificial Difficulty.
I think that was the best reply you could give to that user.
Another 1+ Insight thanks to this thread
I accidentaly wrecked everything up to Wolnir with my Broadsword.
Switching to the Claymore almost felt like i was hindering myself.
WOW! i mean WOW as in i actually went "WOW" irl real life holy flying cunt nuts you must be INSANELY good at the vidyagames friend
I've done no death (not counting unskippable forced death), SL1, fists only, all sorts of challenge runs on all of the games now (currently doing a SL1 DaS3 run, it's surprisingly easy). Bloodborne, for me, is without a doubt the hardest. Souls enemies are too slow, and the AI in all of them is total shit so them moving slower just makes it easier. I'm sure some people do genuinely find Bloodborne to be easier than the rest, but not a single challenge run for me has been easier in Bloodborne - not even no bonfire/lamp resting until the boss is dead.
A standard playthough could arguably be considered easier, with the healing system in place, but even then the DLC and Chalice dungeons really push that aside. I could only see those being easy for the average player if they overlevel.
There already is an easy mode. It's called summoning. You can also easily cheese every level with stuff like the invisibility spell, bows, etc.
Strength weapons are probably DaS3's hard mode.