I think we can all agree this is a good game.
I think we can all agree this is a good game
Your path is dark.
I had the weirdest feeling playing this game. I got to some point where I said "This can't be it. There has to be another region hidden somewhere."
I combed the entire game for almost a week overturning every little stone trying to find something I'd missed. I've never before or since felt so sure that I was missing out on some major section of the game. Like there was an entire zone waiting for me to find it.
Alas, there was nothing to be found.
Way oversold, but back when hype culture wasn't a thing yet. Overall it came out to be pretty good.
Molyneux was ahead of his time with the BS hype.
It's strange as for me, The game felt large.
Larger than its later games, but i did the same but instead i was searching for loot.
It underdelivered, as usual, but it was mostly okay.
As someone who didn't hear the hype what was said to hype it?
I found the game as good, what was the hype?
It's hard to remember exactly what was said, but the biggest one was the one about the tree, how you'd be able to plant a tree and watch it grow in real time/over the course of the game and stuff back then that was pretty much all glitter and glamor for the time.
it's the karma system I really liked, some spells you couldn't use unless you were good/bad and your apearance changed.
I'm playing infamous atm and it somehow reminded me of this game
As I recall, it was >MUH IMMERSION taken to the extreme.
Molyneux was talking all kinds of shit about how the game would be the living, breathing world devs have been striving for. Plant a tree and you'd see it grow over time. Your character would tan as they spent more time in the sun or become paler if you were a thief that stuck to the shadows or only went out a night. You'd get married, have a kid and see them grow. Towns and economies would change over time. Etc etc.
Game came out and all of that was missing.
>Karma system
How could you like it? Killing enemies always gave you good Karma so you had to regularly go on rampages to keep your karma low
I actually do game developing and that could be done but it would be an awfully long animation.
Hard as well, Considering it would need to start from an acorn and slowly change.
I guess you could break it up into segments but even then, its just art not game design.
There was a lot of stuff about how it would be so real you would see the grass grow, families in the game would have kids and grow old, that kind of stuff. Tbh to me that's all stuff that would have made no difference when actually playing the game so I don't mind.
What really blew my mind at the time was the fact that you could kill people to vacate their houses, buy the house and then rent it out, etc.. It was just so cool to own an entire town in an RPG like that. So I think the game delivered on the actual important promises and skipped things that ultimately weren't relevant.
Your karma is low, is there any villagers or guards nearby?
Oh I know it's possible but that was just one thing and back during that time it was a lot of those types of promises
This guy knows more about it.
The usual Molyneux stuff. The world was supposed to be massive (and it is in some places, they just put up fences to stop you from exploring because there's nothing there), you could affect stuff a lot more than in the final product, your family would've mattered a lot more, with your kid growing up to be an adult. There was something about being able to hit your kid, and he'd keep the scars when he grew up. You could get a tan in the sun, while you'd become paler in the caves. People would swear vengeance on you if you screwed with them, and so on.
And then there was the acorn.
All of that is fairly easy to do.
Tanning could be easily made because the guy was white, you would only need to set the maximum and minium colour adjustment to the skins base colour.
Scares is just something added to the texture and baked, which can be done in real time.
Int could be used for the number of scares that your adult son would have.
People would swear vengeance skyrim had a shitty system like that, you steal from them and they find out even if they never saw you..
they send raider dave after you..
again that's easy, its just spawning raiders at the location after a set amount of time while your entering a region then a prewritten note with the NPC's random name and your crime.
as for the world, it was a bit linear althoguh i don't really expect to be able to cut down the forest and explore for miles..
If this was minecraft then maybe, i'd level the forest but I'd probably be playing a better game than minecraft.
Yes but at the time of release the most overhyped pos in a decade
It was an alright game. I played it a lot as a kid but, in hindsight, it wasn't as good as I thought it was. Also, I missed the hype machine on account of being an europoor who didn't pay attention to the news. I remember being pissed about getting the bad ending for taking the Sword of Aeons even though I was a good goy the whole game.
I was great.
It was way too short, had no build variety and was way too easy.
But i enjoyed it, the world was great.
The bad/good system waa simple but good.
Typical lies from that bald headed kike Molyneux; plant a tree and watch it grow into a forest, you'd be competing with other heroes dynamically to finish quests, the quests available would depend on your actions, you could marry a village leaders daughter, lead her into the forest, kill her, then become the village leader, the bandits at the beginning were supposed to have nailed your dog to the front door, kids in the game will cut their hair to match you or one of your risk heroes depending on fame, carve your name into a tree and it'll stay forever, cut a kids face and the scar will remain and he'll grow a vendetta against you, if you run a lot your legs will get stronger, anything you see in the game you can wear, heroes guild in each town, the world population would respond to your actions in that villages would move locations if they were subject to constant attack and a village would become a ghost town if you killed everyone, similarly you could make a village into a city, npcs would be all unique, you would tan in the sun and get pale in the moon, you would develop bags under your eyes from stress, being able to kill kids, your hair would grow and many more
I learned a lesson when fable came out and I've never gotten hype for a game since
Falafel Hamsterhead is fine by me.