Where were you won Sony won? There's not a single PC game that can compete with this level of graphics

Where were you won Sony won? There's not a single PC game that can compete with this level of graphics.

It's over

When were you when john lenin dies?
I was sat at home, eating smegma butter, when pjotr ring

"john is kill"


and u?

Buttery smooth 12 fps




There are literally NO fun games on pc. I look through steam catalog and not one thing interests me. PC fucking sucks unless you're into doing milsim.

>magic rocks
Stellaris is pretty good

I know, friend, I'm also mad. We could start a petition together.

Was a shit game but the graphics are yet to be matched

Here's one more

describe a fun game

>PC fucking sucks unless you're into doing milsim.
Or sims in general, or strategy games in general.

Seriously when games released before uncharted look better than it there's something wrong.

In seriousness though I still don't understand how the vast majority of PS4 titles have little to no texture filtering, where as on PC the performance impact of 16x AF is very low. 16x AF would improve every Uncharted 4 screenshot tremendously. I've read it's due to the limited bandwith of the APU but that just seems like a massive flaw.

Yet those are tiny maps. Last time i saw frostbite 3 on a semi open world it gave DAI (horrible game). The mirror edge beta is full of clipping and the graphics aren't stunning.
Battlefied 4 and crysis 3 are still the most impressive games for me.

>crysis 3
>released early 2013
That game was at least three years ahead of its time.

There's assfaggots, user. You're missing out.

>There are literally NO fun games on ps4. I look through playstation store and not one thing interests me. ps4 fucking sucks unless you're into doing remakes, movieshit, weebshit.

they made it a bit too obvious when they switch from pre rendered video to gameplay though

Its because they are already pushing the texture performance of the machines to their limitations. PCs more often than not have lots of extra performance to spare so there is barely any penalty

>b-but tiny maps!
Uncharted maps are also tiny considering almost everything is a pre-rendered cutscene waiting to happen