Does Sup Forums still like Miku games?

Does Sup Forums still like Miku games?

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I love Miku games

I'm excited for both PDX in english and the release of Future Tone

Yeah. I'll buy both the upcoming ones if I can. Even though the arcade models look fucking creepy as all hell.

Can someone link me to YouTube of both the different games please?
I don't know what they are or when they come out but I liked a ps3 diva f game??

Can you name a song at least?

How many albums do you have Sup Forums?
Be honest

Can you play them on PC? I can't seem to find one for pc

PSP emulation for the first 2 and extend

You could emulate one of the PSP games I guess

>tfw Project Diva won't ever come to PC
Feels good.

Got a link to a crack? I don't really want to buy them because I'm poor

everything in jap :(

nigga It's a rhythm game you don't need translations.

How would I know what the menu says?

>free play
>module convert
>miku room
>rhythm game edit

it's literally spelled out in english, but using runes instead of letters

When will they make a Miku game that has less Miku in it?

Do you even know what a crack is?

When Vocaloid dies and Utau replaces it

Who doesn't?

I was think more of the other vocaloids.

Give me See-U or give me death.

Why does everyone find the arcade models so creepy? I don't think they look that bad.

I meant the other main ones. Except for Kaito.

But Miku loves see-u!

It's the same models, just a different lighting that makes it look less flat.

Kinda like comparing anime characters to their real life anime statue merchandise.

Literally who

>PC Port
>Lighting settings

From left to right


I'll cut you nigga

>Everyone shit sans Miku & Luka
The only acceptable answer.

Fictional characters

You can record arcade gameplay by plugging in a usb in the machine apparently. No PC release bruh

no you mean


>used goods

I don't understand user

pedophile pls go

Their duet songs are good.

Plus they're like 14, so it's alright.

Meiko's Meikos sure are nice.

when literal perfection eclipses blue-hair
shit, Len v3 can actually sing well now

What are those mikus doing?

When the fuck is FT gonna get a release date. I'll digitally import it, I don't care.

I wish Meiko could fucking sing. She'd be the best of the lot.
>tfw no Meiko v4

whoops, meant v4

>Used to collect her pictures back then
>wonder why shes not popular
>finally listen to her sing
>oh shit this is horrible

Anyone going to the expo?

purest Miku

most rapeable miku

GUMI/Miku > your fav ship


Her V3 is actually pretty nice. Shame it didn't really improve her popularity though.

I'm working on going to the Houston one. I probably messed up somewhere since I can't print my tickets. Should have just two day shipped them.

Who Rin here?

She's pretty cool.

Rin's pretty cute.

>psp emulator

you're not very smart, aren't you?

How do you even waifu a vocaloid?
They don't even have a personality by themselves.

you're not loving her enough

>Miku thread
>Kagamine shit
>Gumi shit

I would get the new one, but I am from Europe. We aren't allowed it.

The lighting is no good. You don't give animu girls real lighting.

Sure. Playing on both PS3 with Hori pad and PSV (especially Diva X).

I hesitate buying a PS4 in the next years so I can put my hands on both upcoming PD titles.

Wasn't there an English patch?

Still the cutest Miku.

I also hope that the NA version of PDX gets the AIRDO stewardess modules. They're really cute and it'd be a shame to miss out on them.

I want a Miku and teach her how to masturbate so she sing me a sweet lullaby while doing it.

It's the speedbump lips for me. You never see that shit on figures.

>Gumi shit

I'll fite u m8

It comes with every first print and digital versions during a set time, so I'm sure it will.

Also, you're 100% correct. Kei Miku, best Miku.


Disappointed that X only has one solo song each for every character that isn't Miku since Rin is so best.

Is it find if I skipped project diva f for 2nd?

F is the best in the series.

Does it have better song selection than 2nd?

It has the best song selection in the series, that's why it's the best.

Buy both. They both have great setlists. There's a demo for PDf if you aren't sure if you'll like it.

I already know I'd like it because of the demo. F became expensive over time, but 2nd is still cheap so I got 2nd.

She's just an unmilkable version of Len

Doesn't really matter which one you play first but play both.
Only gripe with PDf is on the Vita, you are forced to use touch controls. Other than that it's perfect. PDF2nd is perfect for newcomers, but since it reuses a lot of songs from PSP games, some think it's not worth it.

Len wastes no time getting lewd.

I like both Rin and Len.

Starts getting kind of awkward when you're grinding live events or modules and you have to start setting other Vocaloids as the lead in Miku solos just to get some variety in.

>Playing medley
>Miku unlocks modules while other characters are singing

>Hatsune Miku_Project Diva
>muh Rin
Just be happy that she's even in the game.

He aims to please

He knows his fans well then.

All the other Vocaloids have to serve Miku. She's the best after all.

>2d idolshit
Just fuck your whole life up senpai


Underrated get

2D idolshit is so cute though. I just can't help myself.

I want to be a 2d idol

I've been playing X and while the song selection is great, it's very lacking. I don't feel like the medley's make up for it even though they are all pretty good. I guess this was just a demo for me, I'm just gonna wait for the English version before starting to module grind and for DLC.

I want to be a 2d idol just so I could do indecent things to other 2d idols.

One of the PR guys announced that there will be cross platform and cross region saves so you can module grind now if you want.
>For those who aren't aware, PDF2 had a feature that utilized PSN's Cross Save Functionality to allow you to transfer your Japanese progress to the English version in a unidirectional way. This was accessible by a nice Import button on the title screen.
>For Project DIVA X, however, that import button is gone. Instead, all regions of the game utilize a single Cross Save repository. This means not only can you transfer your JP save data to the EN version, but you can go English back to Japanese as well. It also works across platforms.
>So basically, if you own a JP VITA version, and you want the English PS4 version, you can transfer between the versions utilizing Cross Save.

Kind of surprised there was no DLC announced once the PS4 version was finally unveiled. I love the tracklist, but I wish there was more to it.

I'm excited for the new Miku games, I'm surprised the English versions are coming out so soon, pleasantly so.

It's shit

Cool, I had heard there wasn't going to be save importing this time, but I didn't know it was because it was going to be a cross region save.

That's good to hear. Though I'll be passing on this since I wanted a fresh start with quest mode and giving items. Hopefully I have better luck with duplicates the second time around.


Rin isn't for lewding.