I just finished Pharaoh Rebirth+ (the full non-freeware Steam version) yesterday; flawed yet still very worthwhile game that deserves more attention.
ITT recommend overlooked indie games from outside of the anglosphere's indie clique
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I read it as Phaiat.
Post-SoTN Castlevania-inspired platformer, but with a more streamlined level structure as opposed to a single world. Streamlined doesn't mean "hand-holding" however; the secrets are for you to find and if you're not paying attention and looking for fake walls and whatnot you can miss out on some pretty major things.
First, the bad:
-It had the same issue that Aria of Sorrow did, where upgrading your character too much before the final few boss encounters will render you hugely overpowered (in Aria it's through soul-collection, here it's through finding secrets). I recommend keeping the 100% completion for the post-game if you don't want the last 2 bosses to be a piece of cake. Especially don't get all the gold pieces in every level because if you do, you unlock a super-attack that completely breaks the game. This was obviously intended as a post-game thing but I trudged through it and gathered everything before the final battles.
-This fucking shit happened to me, but only me; nonetheless, backup your save at that level steamcommunity.com
The good:
-The game just feels fun to play around with a fundamental level; it controls well and the visual feedback for every move is great. I found the hammer-swinging motions in Rabi-Ribi pretty weak-feeling but there's none of that here.
-Level design and enemy placement can make for some challenging, non-bullshit moments
-The sprite-work is really impressive especially given it was all done by one guy.
-You get to control a Jojo stand in Cairo, using it to beat up Egyptian hotel clerks while a satellite is firing at you from outer space. You can also drink too much wine and get drunk, causing weird on-screen effects and slowdown. And then you can go drunk-driving and run over birds. Not making this shit up.
-Story & characters are charming and the translators did a good job at making everything flow well.
After I got 100% item completion and defeating the super-secret hardest boss in the second level, I decided to check out Krobon's past work so now I'm playing which is only available in freeware form on his website (unlike Pharaoh Rebirth, whose Steam version has difficulty settings, a boss-rush mode, upgraded graphics, an English translation and a time-attack mode for the car stage). I went for Action Mogura based on one Youtube video.
It's... surprisingly good. I expected it to be really cheap compared to the game he's asking money for, but it pleasantly surprised me. The soundtrack kicks ass and it's more focused on challenging platforming and combat than exploration; more Megaman than Castlevania. I'd pay around 5-7 bucks for an updated Steam release if it happened (and it might, seeing as there's a translation in the works).
Later on it also gets some side-scrolling shmup stages with bullet hell elements; it's not Cave-caliber but it's a fun way of adding variety.
Download it here along with the freeware Pharaoh Rebirth:
It's fully Japanese, so every time I get stuck I use this Let's Play where one of the people talking knows Japanese to get a hint of where to go next youtube.com
no I don't have moonrunes installed shut up
From a different developer: Astebreed. Some might find it overrated because the few reviewers that DID touch upon it gave it a super-high score, but it's still practically ignored compared to clique-approved things like The Witness, Fez and Her Story.
It also received some bad rep from bullet hell fans seeing as it was wrongly tagged as a bullet hell game. It's not; it has more in common with Sin & Punishment than Dodonpachi. It's, putting it simply, an anime mecha game and does a pretty good job at that. Manages to have very cinematic presentation while not sacrificing its status as a game.
Meanwhile I bought Fairy Bloom Freesia from the same devs and returned it because it was kinda shit. The same super-basic arena-based combat as Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae, but playing more like single-player Smash Bros with no items with less-cool enemies and just not as fun to play. Not worth it.
Speaking of which, Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae is pretty fun, though I recommend getting it for cheap during a sale. It's to DMC-style action games what ChoRenSha is to shmups.
I also played Pharaoh Rebirth and it's really fun. Never went out and 100% it so I never got the gold piece attack though. Insanely impressive for being made mostly by one guy, as well. Will check out Action Mogura.
Legend of Dark Witch is also overlooked as hell. There are some annoying design decisions that make it clear the developers are not veterans (the worst example being the fact that the camera isn't always centered on your character and you have to wait it to scroll the direction you're facing a few seconds; this can REALLY fuck you up once or twice given that some of the enemies respawn endlessly) but overall it's a fun game with nice boss battles and cute sprite-work.
Betrayer is pretty damn cool.
It's really cool to watch, but it also completely breaks the game and drains the health out of all the bosses except the super-secret post-game stage 2 one (for that one I had to use up all my items because the fucker was INSANE).
Well I'm interested in any suggestions you guys can throw at me. Having a fucking bad time here and I could use any game that is so good that I'll at least get touched somehow.
>blackpowder games indie game studio making Betrayer. From the creators of No One Lives Forever, F.E.A.R. and Gotham City Impostors.
>Most of the founders began this quest together over 15 years ago at Monolith Productions and have continued to refine and improve our craft as a team ever since.
>Monolith Productions (or simply Monolith) is a Kirkland, Washington-based computer game developer known for their games Blood, the No One Lives Forever series, F.E.A.R and more recently, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.
Not really "outside of the anglosphere" but it does look like an ambitious project that I've never heard of so I guess I can change the rule and just say "overlooked indie games in general".
Just nothing shilled by the indie clique with The Guardian reviews like Sunset and that dumb sausage game. Stuff that doesn't have the privilege of exposure.
Not out yet, but the demo for this game is great. If you like Cave SHMUPs, it will appeal to you as it's obviously really inspired by their titles. In addition to the gameplay, it has nice art and music. There are a lot of indie SHMUPs, but most of them are Japanese and this didn't get any coverage at all outside of like two articles.
Anyone know any obscure first person point-and-click games?
Looking for shit like:
Scratches: Director's Cut
Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness
Dark Fall: The Journal
Dark Fall II: Lights Out
Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder
Corrosion: Cold Winter Waiting
Barrow Hill
Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches
Okay the platforming gets significantly harder than Pharaoh Rebirth's around this area.
I've been really enjoying Rebel Galaxy. A comfy space exploration game that has Black Flag ship combat and whole galaxies to explore.
Try Starship Titanic and Cryo Interactive games like the Atlantis series if you haven't.
I've played this too up to the chapter where you switch character and it's really good, definitely recomended
Apparently this isn't the author first wannabevania either
Dustforce is not obscure but it never really got the love it deserves
Super Trench Attack!
A top down shooter set during not-WWI.
It's cool.
Still have to play the sequel though
This looks ugly as shit to be honest. Dude's way better at animating cute animal characters.
I hugely recommend Action Mogura the more I play it the more I like it. Presentation's cheapter but the gameplay's more consistently engaging to me.
>all these shittys 2d platformers
At least try Sup Forums
Please, recommend me some good indie android games. No microtransaction.
Seriously play Action Mogura, it's fun as shit and you don't even need to pay for it. hp.vector.co.jp
You get a Jojo-like stand in this one too!
Choice of Robots
The Jojo stand you get in Pharaoh Rebirth is cooler though youtube.com
2D sidescrollers are my favorite type of game though.
I guess I could have said "get Crimzon Clover" but whoever was gonna get that already did.
Well that and I kinda picked Krobon as my new underrated indie dev to shill after Konjak disappointed me by acting like a scummy ass kissing faggot on Twitter
+1 Recommendation for Pharaoh Rebith+. Picked it up a few weeks back and had a blast playing it. Stockpiling carrots can make the lest few bosses a real cheese, but there's plenty of fun gameplay to be had.
Anyway, I'll always recommend Valdis Story: Abyssal City. Fun combo based metroidvania with a damn beautiful environment and soundtrack. The combat is very skill based, though you can make it too easy or impossible to progress if you don't know how to build your skill tree. I would recommend looking something up before starting.
And no pixelshit.
Nigger there is nothing inherently wrong with pixel art, games like Street Fighter 3 and Metal Slug 3 are some of the most visually impressive games of all time to this day. Meanwhile a 2D game using say vector graphics can look like total shit.
The problem is the obnoxious "minimalist" look that a lot of cliquey indies go with. Stuff I've been recommending ITT like Pharaoh Rebirth has screen-filling bosses and proper sprites that acknowledge the principles of animation, none of that Sword & Sworcery ripoff-style shit.
I honestly want to replay it without getting all the items so I can have a fairer fight against Anubis and Sehur.
The secret stage 2 boss was... bizarre. I can't even imagine beating him without items, the difficulty spike between Anubis and him is insane.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can respec in Valdis Story.
ok correction: you have a stand AND you can stop time
Anything by Foxeye
>hurr is dat furry shit
Hahaha, no. Not at all.
Is Valdis made in Game Maker or is that one Metacritic reviewer trolling?
good freeware game
Desktop Dungeons (and there is a better paid version if you like what you are playing)
Battle For Wesnoth
Guardian of Paradise
Within A Deep Forest
Lyle in cube Sector
>rec-ing western stuff
Read the OP, dipshits.
This dev has a lot of shit. Where do I start?
With whatever panders to your dick the hardest.
Read the thread, I'm the OP and I changed the rule and said "you can rec western too stuff if it's not part of the pink hair poz clique and is under-represented". The initial rule was too weeaboo in retrospect.
It was really made with game maker
Expect repost city then.
So given the 'western stuff allowed' thing:
Recommending things like They Bleed Pixels or Hotline Miami is out because regardless of quality both are part of the anglosphere indie clique.
Recommending things like HuniePop is out because, while not clique-approved, it's still very popular
was meant for
I'm fine as long as it keeps the thread up. There's already some stuff for me to try out ITT.
I like Fairy Bloom Freesia, it takes a while to unlock cool shit but once you do, is less Smash Bros and more 2D DMC
Rokko Chan is a nice megaman clone with megaman swapped with a loli
also if you are into the mood for more megaman play these demakes of megaman 7 and megaman 8
here is another megaman clone, rosenkrautzstilette
Maybe I didn't play it enough, but what really bored me was the lack of enemy variety. Kamui gets SO much shit for that but I actually think the few enemy types it does have are stylish and cool while the golems in Freesia were just boring as hell.