Should we just make a fucking Blizzard/Overwatch board?
If I use a filter for Sup Forums half the threads disappear.
Should we just make a fucking Blizzard/Overwatch board?
If I use a filter for Sup Forums half the threads disappear.
What a wonderful idea, OP!
I'll ask Nagasaki-kun immediately.
I know, right? How dare do these people discuss video games in a video game board!
>flavor of the month gets threads
im in for a blizzard board
>wow how dare you discuss new game
Your first month on Sup Forums?
>I love paid and unpaid shills shitting up my board
This why /vg/ was created.To contain reckless faggotry like this. And you.
Might as well make a dark souls board
Yeah we are close to that, too.
Maybe it's time I stopped coming to Sup Forums. When you get more varied discussion from fucking Kotaku you know it's fucked.
Its better than undertale and endless fucking Fashion Souls threads.
Is it really?
Is le shill the worst meme created on Sup Forums?
I'm a shill. Your a shill. WE ARE SHILLS.
I was buttblasted with MGSV, but back then it wasn't half of the threads, but ALL of them. So just do yourself a kindness and disappear for some weeks, newfag.
It's funny how the jannies and mods are meant to remove massive overspill but they never do
Their rationale is 'oh its new' or 'oh its popular' so they don't have to spend effort clicking a few more times
Useless cunts
It's the worst with Dark Shit though, they never fucking go away, and with their CoD style yearly releases they have the justification to flood the board for most of the year
If you don't think companies pay people to shill their games on networks like this you are literally bottom-tier retarded.
That said, it has become a meme word.
>companies pay people to shill their games on networks
>like this
>new popular game comes out
>generates traffic on Sup Forums
>/virgins/ demand ANOTHER video game-themed board because they don't like it
>every 2 years they're taken seriously
>within two weeks the hype dies down anyway
actual fucking manchildren. gaming is my worst hobby
Yes, you obviously fit right into them, generic anime shitposter.
>I'm ignorant and contrarian: the post
Avatarfagging is against the rules
>comes out
Nigga it's not even out yet. It's been like this since the open beta and probably will be through release.
This is next level, literal Avatar fagging.
Make your own Sup Forums
>I Don't Understand Marketing Or Punctuation: The Post
Anonymous imageboards can't have hub-mavens by design. No hub-mavens means weak message propagation as each post need to build ethos. Why advertise in a market averse to your message when more fertile ones are available?
>new game comes out
>dumb 12 year olds like you flood the board
>people get pissed off and ask for containment
YOU are the problem