So, why aren't you working the video game industry, Sup Forums?
So, why aren't you working the video game industry, Sup Forums?
Because I'm not retarded
the jury's still out
I want to, but first I have to git gud at art. I´m just not ready yet.
Also I have to get a chronic illness/problem out of the way because I feel fucking sick 24/7 and it gnaws heavily on my motivation
Because they only want bullshitting sjw's.
I think because only losers do that
I dont like the industry, at least not on these days. Also, what im supposed to do?
I can only write, not really helpful when making a game unfortunately.
>"I'm a sheltered faggot that only reads and believes what Sup Forums and Sup Forums spoonfeeds me!"
And let me guess, every female outside is a man hating feminist and trump never lies. Get the fuck out of here
Looks highly unfun and polluted/controlled by idealism rather a need or want to make fun and interesting games.
All the motherfuckers I'd even want to make a game with are either dead or completely disappeared from the public eye to work on mobile shit.
Why would I want any part of that?
Because I'm not passionate enough about it. I just like playing games from time to time, that's it. I don't care about making games or being part of the 'gaymer community'.
Because don't want to hate video games more than I already do
Because I am a Chemist.
I don't have any talents
Youre qualified then.
>thread didn't turn into ayyy lmao spam immediately
The dream is dead.
>came here for ayy lmao
>no ayy lmao
what happened to this place?
i have literally no skills that are relevant to video games including playing them ;___;
I don't know how to program or draw
I make thrice the money working in web dev
Supreme Commander Thor
I plan on it. 2 years at my current college then transferring to University of Utah. Let's pray it's everything I hope it is.
I´m a white men.
it´s literally impossible to get a job since they will always choose a under-qualified women or black guy over me just for the sack of "diversity"
thanks liberals
did he even say that?
no, he did not
sjws will fuck this medium just like they did with the bdsm community and then they'll move onto tabletop and comics
You can earn more with much better hours in any other industry. Gaming is for idealists who are willing to sacrifice themselves.
All those dank assumptions. Did that user really trigger you just by bringing up SJWs?
You need to chill out nigga.
I decided to live off of blood plasma donations so I can focus on my youtube channel that will never go anywhere, instead.
Have you even tried getting a job lately? The only qualification you need is to bullshit as much as you can since HR are mentally retarded women.
I will sacrifice myself for you so you can inevitably shit on my game user.
I have to get a degree first
The industry is shit. There's few job openings. When you do get one you're expected to put in ridiculous hours and the threat of "well if you're not going to put in the effort we can easily find someone who will" always looms. Nepotism runs strong, the best way to advance your career is to know someone higher up in the company personally. The money is shit.
Because it's a really fucking shit industry unless you're in a high position, and you won't ever be because you're not one of the chosen people.
There's your problem. You are only looking at big corporations.
Small companies offer way better opportunities to beginners when it comes to software related jobs.
I don't work in the industry but I make games and have made enough money to buy a house in cash.
I am
Nothing amazing but it's a pretty big company.
ever considered to cook meth?
I bet you get this question every fucking time you talk about your job, after Breaking Bad came out
I am, years of computer engineering leads me to this. I must say most of the time I don't know what I'm doing, but it works. Might quit soon though, it's no easy work and the pay's horrible.
who do you work for?
>unironically openly defending SJWs
I work in the vidya industry.
I make less than my friend who works at Mcdonalds.
I am, I like doing it but there's no money in it so far. Progress just also feels slow in general just because you fucks want your 20+ hour games.
>who do you work for?
Well where's the fun in that?
It's a big one and I'm just one of the few code farmers. That said we've calmed down a bit lately. My department at least.
Well, McDonald's IS McDonald's...
What do you do?
And yet, it'll inevitably come out to 8-10 hours won't it?
This is a depressingly real thread. Game developers work a shit ton for shit pay only to get shit on. We love video games as much (even probably more) than you do, but shit's hard to make, man. Blame the suits for fucking it all up.
And fuck tutorials, those shits are usually the worst to manage and people incessantly shit on it.
Other people in this post say the pay is horrible but by my country standards I take a lot.
Other people my age envy me and at 24 I already gain more than my father after 40 years of work.
This said,wages in my country are relatively low (but I live in Europe so I've got free healthcare and stuff)
I can't do math to any extent, so it's not really a field for me.
ayy lmao
I can't either
and I'm a game designer
even though I admit I was mildly made fun of when I needed help to understand the ELO system used in online matches
I was in the process, but after a couple of years I realised that the industry itself just isn't all that great. I'll continue making games as a hobby, I find it fun, but now I have no idea what I wanna do with my life and I'm scared. IT seems like the logical option, but I don't wanna be the "IT guy" /goon working in some boring ol' office for the rest of my days. What do.
I can't get a job at all.
Much less one that doesn't pay poverty level an hour.
I want to move to Japan and be a programmer for cheap mobile games. I wanna work with a small team just trying to make good, simple games and earn a living.
>Do Comp sci or Computer Engineering
>Try working at game companies
>If it sucks you have a ton of different options
Just don't fucking do game design.
You don't really need to understand anything above high school level math unless you're writing a game engine from scratch
I studied translation and I sort of know 5 languages. I was thinking of maybe applying for Ubisoft in Shanghai, since I plan to move there next year, hopefully. Should I apply? It's just a remote idea though.
Did all your coworkers have lisps and snort while they laughed at you?
>I want to move to Japan
Fucking why?
Life is short. Chase you dreams, user.
Honestly I never thought of working for the game industry, but since my plan is moving to Shanghai and there are Ubisoft offices, I thought why not, it could be nice. I might end up trying.
magical anime wondeland
one doesn't just aboard a sinking boat.
I have no talent
I have no drive
I have no funds
But most of all
I have no support from friends.
You kinda do. There's optimisation, computer logic, data analysis, and other crap that requires a deeper understanding of math.
Math in high school are just them explaining to us about the tools we'll be using. Learning to use said tools is a lot harder.
At least I don't do fucking trigonometry anymore
I love video games but never one in my life have I wanted to make one.
Video games are "muh passion". But work is work, and if video games were work I'd grow to hate them.
Because I want to have a job.
>that guy just jumping out instead of doing anything
ayy lmao is more useful on /x/, considering that it pisses off the retards who actually think ayyliums are real.
I'd rather it be a hobby that I don't grow to hate.
No. I don't even like anime.
I like how people are very insular, I like big, crowded cities, I like small living spaces, I love asian food, I like banging asian women, my favorite games are MonHun and Dragon Quest, there's lots of jobs for code monkeys, the weather is cooler and rainier, it just seems like the kind of place I'd feel at home in.
One of the best things about adulthood is getting to live wherever you want.
The chance of aliens existing is probably higher than the chance of them not existing
Actual aliens and not shitty movie aliens that like buttplay
Even if we are the most advanced species in this universe there should be lower life forms on some other planet
No because I would rather play them.
Because I've done programming in my degree and I would hate to do it for a living.
I swear if I get one more memory leak I'm going to lose my shit.
Literally have no knowledge about how to make games
>ayy video games are the shit, I'm going to be a game designer when I grow up t.little user '95
>first programming courses on middle school
>what the fuck is this autistic shit?
>more programming in high school
>jesus christ this is awful whoever the fuck wants to work on something like this dear god
All for the better, I hear the programmer's salary is worse than shit these days and working conditions are almost on par with telemarketers. Not to mention recently they polled companies around here on which jobs are most likely to be moved overseas and programmers were part of the top of the list. It's the age of poo in loos now.
>So, why aren't you sucking cock, Sup Forums?
because I'm not a cocksucker
>memory leak
use a garbage collecting language then (read: use c#)
like, you can't just not give a shit about memory, but you don't have to wonder if you forgot a delete somewhere
Because I research video games instead.
>I prefer when someone else wipes my ass for me
if you can't wipe your own ass, it's pretty much what you need to do :^)
>>sjws will fuck this medium just like they did with the bdsm community
How can SJWs fuck something that's literally "we're perverted degenerates rolling in our own filth"?
>weather is cooler
Well I guess if you live in Kuala Lumpur and are moving to Sapporo. Japanese cities aren't especially crowded either (not even Tokyo), if you want that sort of shit, your best bet is China. Not to mention that big Japanese cities like Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka are ugly and boring with copypasted concrete box architecture.
The countryside and mountains are what Japan is all about.
Not him, but so far i haven't really seen a way to cook meth, is like really simple stuff but the equipment if you want to make it right is kinda costy.
>I bet you get this question every fucking time you talk about your job, after Breaking Bad came out
I am studying chemistry and I want to kill every person that makes that joke
If you actually know your chemistry there are way better ways to make money than making meth
Because I'm useless at everything, especially interviews
I live in Texas, I can't fucking stand the weather here.
I could probably live somewhere where I just commute to the city.
China has shitty Nazi government and even worse pollution so fuck that.
but I am. :v