Are you going to buy it again?

Are you going to buy it again?

I didn't buy it the first time, the second time and I'm not buying it now.
Only good thing to come out of it was Lulu

Are they adding something new?

I'll just pirate it and let the game sit in my backlog forever

New (worse) character models, I think? If you're talking about what's new with the PC ver, I reckon not. Maybe 60fps support, but even that is a stretch.

>remastered music
>game booster to speed up the battles
>Steamâ„¢ Trading Cards

I think that's it

Doubt it'd be 60fps. The animations are the reason the console versions were 30. At most, they'll probably add stuff like higher resolutions, texture filtering, anti aliasing and that sort of thing.

The art design and Lulu tiddies are gonna look good at 4K. Now, we wait for a FF12 Zodiac remaster.

No I already have it on PS4.

>Zodiac version, even
I don't want to hope, but I already do ;_;

The new models aren't actually bad. They're as far away from the CGI models as the originals though, so you still have a discrepancy there. So its more a case of nostalgia than anything else. Some people are posting old WIP images of models that weren't used in the game, so be careful not falling for that.


Remastered BATTLE music. Significant difference user.

There, there. It's all gonna be daijoubu.

I've played the Vita version, so maybe I'm wrong -- lower res and all that, but the new models seem to have less expression that the high-res model the original used in cutscenes (that are not CGI). It's nice to see higher-res models in battle, but in cutscene, I cringed all the time.

I'll buy it in the off cahnce we get XII or the kingdom hearts collections, yes I'm a faggot

Thank God you can turn it off.

But the original versions ran at 60 just fine.

Pretty sure it didn't run at 60.

I'm not sure, but it does on my emulator and works just fine.

I hear it emulates fine but the actual code was designed for 30fps or something. Dunno how, doubt it affect game speed or something like. Square are funny motherfuckers sometimes.

I sign from god, I just started doing my yearly ffx run a day ago.

But seriously I will probably stick to emulation, the new soundtrack is much worse than the original and that is a total buzzkill for me since iirc you can't swap back to the original in the options.

user, the entire soundtrack was done in FF10 HD, not just battle music, anyway it's optional in PS4 version (you can use original music if you so wish).

You can literally turn new music off in PS4 ver user, you will most definitely be able to turn it off here as well.
Only PS3 didn't have music swap because they had to give PS4 version some gimmick to actually make it sell as both PS3 and PS4 versions run at native 1080p with 30 FPS lock.
The only thing better in PS4 version is the ability to swap music and added 4x MSAA (PS3 has no AA).

Really XII is the only other remaster I'm waiting for after we got re-released IX. X and X-2 both aren't the most enjoyable games to replay. Dodging lighting, Chocobo races, and the drag that is the entire Blitzball tournament series ( not that Blitzball isn't fun, but the tournament takes far too long to clear ) are enough to make me forgo redoing that, and then X-2's entire "You need to replay the game 3 times to net everything" is pretty damn bullshit, including that game's got a lott of 'lost forever' moments on each route, so if you're not using a guide you can directly miss dresspheres or boards, till your next loop attempt, and then forced to do a route you already done just for that one. Also the 'final' area is just an 100 floor drag of "I'd rather fucking not if you don't mind".

I can bet you now that there will be a PC trainer for freezing Chocobo Timer and Autododge the Lightning or just count 1 dodge as 200.

PC is gonna be a blast for replaying this.

Everything you said is true but you can just not go for 100%. I mean it's not like you are missing all that much, dark aeons and penance aren't really worth doing more than once or twice.

Yes because I'm a PCuck only.

Think of all the lewd mods.

You can save-scum blitzball so you only have to play a single tournament for Wakka's celestial weapon.
People make way too big of a deal out of the chocobo race, it really isn't difficult at all.
The only really annoying thing is the lightning dodging, and only because it takes so long and requires most of your attention at all times.

I might think about it if there's a trainer to just get that stuff done, as I DO enjoy the combat of both games admittedly, but the busywork to get some of the best gear is very detached from the main game. IX's got the same issue as well in earnest, but given they had never ported that since it's debut I felt it was worth supporting.

YEAH...I could just 'beat' the game...I'll admit though I like the more slots the end game gear gives though, more less the Limitbreak factor.

Oh, I know about the save scumming, but it's still a lengthy ordeal regardless. Chocobo race is more in the fact that the only real way to beat it is to get every balloon, without delay, and thanks to how wonky the collision with the racer can be, you get a lot of moments where you should have nabbed it, but the AI gets it instead. It's just a lot of little BS factors.

No because I already have it on PS3/VITA/PS4 and 3 original copies on PS2.