Is the expensive desire for realistic graphics the reason there's so much cut content sold as DLC and transaction and why games aren't always that great anymore?
Is the expensive desire for realistic graphics the reason there's so much cut content sold as DLC and transaction and...
>It Ain't Sheev starts playing
next question.
No, the reason for those things is that people buy it anyway and they make more money
They aim for realistic graphics because it's easy to market and it also lets them make more money
Partly. The main reason is fucktards actually buy that shit. Expect to see $100 games with $100 dollar season passes soon. It's not going to get any better.
I don't know, I haven't paid for DLC since I bought an extra map on Skate 2.
Y'all are dumb as fuck if you think it's worth while to spend more than the title price for playerbase splitting content, I learned my lesson in 2009, what can you all say for yourselves?
>Being this retarded
No. It's a pretty nifty business model that allows them to squeeze more money out of the people who play these games.
Pretty much. The plebeian masses are the most vain fucking people I've ever heard of. They care more about shiny graphics than a game being fun, worthwhile or in any way thought provoking.
We live in an age where the average gamer literally cringes at the word complexity and cares more about the graphical presets of a game when they don't even fucking understand anything about what graphics are.
The reason there's so much cut content being sold as DLC is because you have ten times larger teams making games being sold for the same cost as they used to
Even if they take shorter time to get games out now that nowhere near accounts for the increase in man hours that results from having so many people working on the game
>mfw play RB6 siege with a friend all the time
>mfw all DLC content is free
>mfw he's a season pass owner, and always buys every new gun skin as soon as it comes out with real money
>mfw I just rock the skins you can pay for with ingame currency
No. The graphic designers will get paid the same amount of money regardless of whether it is realistic or looks like a PS1 game. On the contrary, nowadays making more and more realistic graphics is becoming cheaper than stylized graphics with the help of new scanning technology.
I remember in the MGS5 behind the scenes videos they mentioned that making a normal model takes only an hour or so while a high quality one (main characters etc.) takes just a few hours more.
Games don't need to look better than FEAR, Ninja Gaiden Black or Final Fantasy 12.
There is one and only one reason why DLC and microtransactions are a thing: because people pay for them.
Oblivion sold fucking horse armor and people bought it.
After that every fucking publisher in the industry had the revelation that they can charge like 20% of a new games price tag for shit that takes about a week to make and people will give them money for it.
Only normies and retards want more realistic graphics instead of actually fun games and interesting art direction.
The main reason for cut content, DLC and microtransactions is greedy publishers and their shareholders.
Of course not but good graphics are one of the biggest selling points for the average consumer
Forgot my post.
No, realistic graphics isn't difficult to attain if you have the team necessairy.
The cause for things being cut up is that games are very expensive to make.
It is entirely possible that the "dlc which hasn't come out yet" is only a couple of concept pieces when announced.
I know Sup Forums doesn't like that idea but its true.
I don't see why there has to be one concrete answer to that base question. It is more than likely multiple reasons for a perceived lower quality in modern games, and almost every answer in this thead is probably going to be partially right.
I think the real question we should be asking is why do people keep buying it if so many people say the hate it?
Yeah, that applies to the games I mentioned too. Shame really. Assuming everything was affordable and optimised, I wouldn't mind everything looking like Crysis 3. That being said, Black Desert Online and the Monster Hunter MMO look amazing and I'm pretty sure they're well optimised so I have no clue why no one else wants to optimise properly and have high end graphics.
shit example
because Arma 3 runs like shit even on PCs that do Arkham Knight and Unity at 4k60fps
>I think the real question we should be asking is why do people keep buying it if so many people say the hate it?
Something to play perhaps? The new COD has over a million dislikes on the YouTube reveal but atleast half of those people will buy it still. I dunno, man.
[unpopular opinion here]
It depends on your setup
I get 40-60 frames on a 550ti, because I have a 4770k and it installed on an SSD
yeah now try that in multiplayer
>cringes at complexity
You just described my best friend for 12 years.
So fucking hard to play games with him.
Literally only 3 games he will play.
Halo MCC
Will not even look at:
Witcher 3
Dark souls/BB series
Fallout series
Anything pre 2013
It sucks because he's a cool dude and we've been like brothers since grade school.
Yeah, it is in MP senpai
The rising cost of game development (for AAA at least) is part of the reason. I think it also has to do with the internet and social media. Consoles probably helped DLC become more mainstream because the Xbox 360/PS3 have online stores which make it way easier to distribute DLC, it was no longer a PC exclusive thing. Especially now that social media is so huge and it's easier to inform people of DLC. That makes marketing way more profitable.
Are you trying to post the worst looking pics of arma?
Holy fuck that is awful. It ACTUALLY looks like an upscaled PS2 game
now go to a server that also has players playng
Arma is optimized worse than Arkham Knight and Unity combined
If its vanilla and not CUP A2 and A1 maps it will run even better
We run a 10gb mod pack so there is some performance issues.
call me when we no longer need to use normal maps. fine micro detail is fine but everything else is not even close to realistic
No, companies found that the retards like pretty pictures and will pay out to get scraps.
Most of the stuff like models werent even made by hand and hence actually way easier to make.
The reason content was cut because it makes more money and they can drastically reduce the time until they have a version ready for release, which means more money too.