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New promo art.
3 but with the stockings of 1
Black stripes look uncomfortable. I'll go with three.
2 with 3's shoes.
3 but with 2's poofy shorts
2 has hands down the most neat shorts. So 2 all the way. So much 2.
If only I had actually backed it enabling me to vote.
What do we know about the mermaid
I want to cuddle with Giga mermaid.
1 but with a thong
She's a gigantess.
2 or 1
3 is shit
Giant mermaid boss that is chained up. Maybe will fight you against her own will
because of the techno baron guy that is making fake mermaids for some reason.
In her cleavage.
Oh this is gonna generate some weird porn
Threadly reminder that we'll never ever get animated Shantae, Nega Shantae's return or cool, surreal space level.
>tfw no fully voice acted Shantae
They are all shit, just like Shantae, Risky and every other pathetic piece of character design in this series with literally 0 good games.
I'm just glad we got hero mode, that shit was close.
Mighty Blunder Nien stole the money.
How can we get the funding to get them to do fully voice acted?
I need more risky voice. She had like one line in pirates curse and it was "ahahahaha"
still enough to make me hard tho
Poofy shorts are a must, the other combinations I don't care about.
It was already decided yesterday by supermajority that the perfect combination is
1's top
2's shorts (without the black strap)
3's shoes
1's hair
2's shorts
3's top and shoes
So like this?
Bretty good
2 but with stockings would be the best one
2 overawll looks more genie like
I'm not sure this looks good but here
>people actually like this shitty IP
Yes it's pretty good
The best transformation still.
Orange is a good contrast to purple
Agreed. Monkey was always my favorite transformation too
Perfect for cuddles.
>big mermaid is chained up like an Alien queen
>lays eggs that hatch out as giant fish which parasitically attach to cute girls to make more mermaids
>Techno Baron adds in some kind of mind-control ray for a personal army
1 because 2 looks shit and 3 looks like a slut
That's what they get for ending the backer period before Pirate's Curse hit most platforms.
The best
>I got late into Shantae, so I couldn't back it
Goddamn, vote 2, people!
>Risky Boots boobs size has been reduced
Dropped! No thank you, I don't need that SJW cuckold garbage.
>new content still being made for shantae
>still have characters with huge tits
god bless wayforward.
None because you have to pledge $60 to vote.
You think this bitch hates Wayforward with a burning passion?
1 for sure
>he didn't pledge
What kind of retard pledges more than the game price?
nah. lots of people have already replaced anita. shes a nobody now.
WF isn't mainstream enough for her to give a shit.
Kill yourself
She doesn't even know about WF or Shantae.
>backed MN9 instead of Shantae
Your game looks pretty good. Congrats.
I wanted the game to succeed, plain and simple. I've seen shitty kikestarters before, I knew it was a risk, I knew what I was getting myself into. But hell, I trust WF. I guess that makes me dumb.
I'm really sorry user..
Believe me when I say I'm sorry for your loss. I really am, no one deserved that.
The game itself will probably be just as good as, if not better than, SatPC. The question is whether or not it'll sell, but apparently SatPC sold decently enough for "top-tier" publishers to be interested in publishing HGH.
There'll probably be more solid info given around E3.
I find that really hard to believe. She addresses damn near everything in games to make it look sexist. I mean the way patricia wagon said "it's sooo hot!" in MSF2 seductively as well as the 2 girls bathing and the freaking space princess outfits in Pirates's Curse. That boner inducing shit didn't catch her attention?
Oh fuck, threads are moving insanely fast. Damn pokemon video.
wearing bones like that must be kinda painful and pinchy
Personal attachment.
I hope it wasn't too much, user.
You get used to it eventually.
I wonder if this one will get released in Japan. It seems to have gained solid enough audience among nips with Pirate's Curse.
WF has a publishing deal with Intergrow for Japanese releases.
Post the picture of the pot full of Shantae's pudding.
Nah, she's in for the normalfaggy AAA games and better known Nintendo franchises for maximum profit.
Niche stuff like that is flying through right under her radar. Even the Wu has more credibility than her about being a video game fan/actually knowing shit.
I don't know why but I was thinking it was Inticreates.
Twintails are blowjob handlebars.
Also, 1 by far. Thighhighs, more detailed hair accessories, more midriff.
So Wayforward is immune to 3rd wave feminist/sjw complaints?
3's shoes
2's pants
3's torso
1's hair
They're like Roscoe Patterson, they just don't GIVE a fuck.
They aren't immune so much that they just aren't a target. If HGH becomes Memegame 2016 by some miracle then you get bet your ass the there'll be a lot more bickering.
Sky best girl.
>Sky's mom
fixed that for you
This is the only correct answer.
you know, as much as I've campaigned for Shantae being in smash, I've never really liked WayForward games that much. They seem like they could be good if everything was as stylized as the characters but they aren't, and the gameplay just never seems that fun.
maybe this one'll change my mind, though.
Should I dump...
a) Shantae only;
b) assorted Shantae girls;
c) assorted WayForward girls;
d) or another specific WF character?
didn't one of the whos tweet about being bummed about that princess/dancer outfit(golden top) in a tweet but then basically said since it's shantae they can't be too mad because shantae a cute and the games are good?
shantae games aren't bad enough to outright hate on or something.
I'm in an A) kind of mood but you're free to do as you please.
patty wagon and Switch Force in general, please
Oh shit HGH is getting a physical release?
Shantae only, then. But here's one picture of Patty for
I heard someone mention this last thread. Is someone just making shit up?
>Due to the success of Half-Genie Hero's Kickstarter campaign - and the positive support from fans and press - we’ve been able to enter into discussions with top tier publishers to do the same for Half-Genie Hero. We’re extremely excited about this, but we also recognize that this might raise some questions from our Backers. So, here’s what you need to know!
>WayForward is the game’s primary publisher, same as always. You’ll still receive your download codes from WayForward, along with all of the Backer Exclusive content.
>The game’s content will not be impacted by this. Partners will be given a license to distribute the finished game as-is.
>Any extra work required for these ports will be covered by the distribution partners, not taken from your pledges.
>Please understand that WayForward is not the distributor of the physical versions, so we can't offer backers any boxed copies.
Bam! Made her perfect.
you literally cut off her top half and pasted it on another bottom half without even editing the midriff