Giant difficulty spike halfway through the game

>Giant difficulty spike halfway through the game

>Giant difficulty spike halfway up my ass

>Lothric Castle

>the game gets easier from that point onward

>easy difficulty is called "normal"

Its meant to be the final area, so enemies have inflated stats.

I've got you senpai

>beating levels and chapters in game in around 15 minutes or less
>suddenly a 40 minute slogfest

>game's main selling point is difficulty and marketed accordingly
>its easy as fuck

>Easy is more hard than normal
>Normal is harder
>Hard is impossible
>The next difficulty level is made for making you cry.

X-com terror from the deep, lobster men ruined my childhood, I never beat that game, never got gud.

is that a leaf on that flag morph suit? LMAO

That isnt even the hardest part of hard mode

>It wasn't difficult at all

Fuck off, I did hard mode again recently the boat is still the hardest part of the game, flamethrower still makes all the soldier levels easy mode

>Reaching the final boss of your standard JRPG
>Need more grinding

>giant difficulty spike right after tutorial

Understandable, and although you can go there pretty early, I agree with you. But that spike is still there, I was killing shit in one swing prior to and then all of a sudden, every fucking encounter was Bloodborne DLC levels

nice description of wasteland 2

>Increase difficulty
>Enemies can take more dmg, still easy af

Shit why did you have to post that pic

Every schmup ever.

that uggo nigga shoulda been a boxer

>get really far in a level, playing cautiously
>go back to last save point, impatient to get back to where i died
>impatience leads to me rushing through and dying carelessly before i recover my progress
>repeat 2-3 times
>frustration compounds on desire to get further than i did the first time, causing me to get sloppy and die even more
>i still haven't gotten back to the point where i first died

Every. Fucking. Time.

>get somewhat far and lucky in a game
>lose all progress because no save system
>quit game, come back half an hour later

>Save after point of no return
>Can't beat final boss

>the hidden optional enemy in the tutorial is harder than the entire first half of the game

i never passed trough this stage.
What is the secret?

>Oh hey I might as well check out Bitterblack Isle before seeing the Duke.

>Enemies get more hp and damage halfway through the game
>Their AI is still bumfuck retarded

>Get to a part you can't figure out the puzzle
>Drop the game
>7 years later you play the game again for no reason
>Solves the puzzle on the first try

It was not even a puzzle, i just had to open a hatch and go down with the box instead of falling down. I don't know why i was so retarded back them.

I also do this a lot, recently on Table Top RAcing WT

>finally beat a boss after losing several times

>Devs make the game harder by adding more enemies
I'm looking at you, DS2 NG+

>manageable battles and enemies for first tower areas
>get to second tower
>vicious difficulty and high HP all around

What game?

>just beat a chapter that took an hour to beat
>automatically loads the next chapter which is even harder than the one before
>don't get to save


>nomal is easy
>hard is normal

That goes for every fucking game on 360 and PS3, I think San Andreas was that made the gaming scene mainstream cause of the sales then someone got the idea of get rid of hard mode to get the wider audiences for the next gen which was 360/PS3

>hardest part of the game is the very beginning
>afterwards the game just gets easier and easier until it's not engaging anymore

Isn't this DMC3? But it doesn't get boring afterwards

>playing L4D campaign
>you only really like the first couple of chapters of this map

>almost every map

WHY. The first parts of the maps are fucking choice. The rest are good too, they just don't compare.

>easy is babby mode
>normal is piss easy
>hard is easy
>very hard is impossible

>Easy mode is harder than Hard mode during the final boss

What is Diablo 3 on release?

>L4D difficulties

>highest difficulty
>enemies are damage sponges while you are made of glass
>their AI is still braindead retarded as it is on easy mode
It's just lazy when they do this

>game changes entire genres halfway through the game

I still haven't beaten Final Fantasy 3 because of that shit. Fuck going through that giant palace to find the inn again.

I just lured them all by shooting the walls.
Once they all came running, I mowed them down with gunfire.

>difficult giant boss armed with a spike


>all the difficulty comes from trying to comprehend the arcane interface

>beat forest temple in Majora's Mask
>decide to take break so I turn the n64
>what the fuck did I just do

Happens to me on at least one thing every playthrough.

Not that user but that happened to me in Chrono Trigger.

you stupid?

>party members ask for a weapon
>once you give it to them, you can never get it back
>party members ask to learn certain skills not pertaining to their specialization
>they become useless permanently
>party member asks for your rarest item
>dies and is immediately removed after a scripted fight

>game has no difficulty settings
>you can still play it easy or very hard

Actually I think the interface is much much user friendly compared to Dwarf fortress

Also the game is very easy to get the hang of compared to most autism simulators

Only a fucking underage can't comprehend Auroras interface in less than a day of playing

>People complain the game is too easy despite only playing a few areas

Fucking Brutal Legend.



>game has no difficulty settings
>you are thrown into an arena with harder enemy types spawning as you survive
>beating a slightly scaled back version of the final boss grants you the hardest difficulty

what game is that?

>the said game also has a notorious glitch that sets the difficulty to hardest if you picked easy

That had to be intentional

>compared to Dwarf Fortress
I'm not sure, but even if that's so, it's not much of an achievement. I guess where DF takes its user interface from roguelikes, this game borrows from Microsoft Excel. There's a shitton of information, all presented in endless spreadsheets, and it isn't really obvious at first glance how much of it is relevant, or what I should be doing about it.
Like, what are civilian mining colonies for? I see them spawn occasionally, but they don't seem to do any mining on account of humans being unable to live on an asteroid. Do I need to send them automated mines? If yes, what's even the point of there being a "civilian colony"?