What's the worst fanbase on Sup Forums?

What's the worst fanbase on Sup Forums?

shit thread making fans

Nintendo ones, they have the most autistic too:


Time goes fast.

Sonyggers by far

Gotta be Sonyggers



A better question would be:

>What's the best fanbase on Sup Forums?

The fanbase that keeps making threads like these and spend more time shitposting about stuff they don't like instead of discussing stuff they do.


Silent Hill awful fanbase.


Souls Fans


Got the bracket for CoD?


Activision-Blizzard drones

Git gud

>Anyone who is critical of Nintendo is a sonygger
looks like the mods and "Jewt" were just a tiny bit butt-tingled


t. sonygger

the only Nintendo game I like is Melee

Blizzard fans are the cancer that kills gaming

Pretty much this.

Go cure you autism, soulsfag.


it isn't that special
stop posting 10 DS3 threads at a time


>tfw no more comfy Metal Gear Solid threads after V came out

Video games fans.


In terms of cancerous - ness


A bunch of autists who play tech-support for their favourite game when they do not play it.

>being this bad

Soulsfags aren't really that bad

Pokefags, Sonyggers (I don't mean people who own PS3/PS4/PSV - I'm talking about the shitposting retards), reddit (shitters who use reviews and goty awards as arguments), Blizzardfags, ASSFAGGOTS

Way to prove his point bub

Id say the veekend generals

This happens all the time after a new release for a widely known anticipated game, it'll die down after a month or two.

I bet.

Elitisits who think they are better than someone else, based of the hardware they one.

>inb4 it isn't e-peen stop bullying mah mustard gas race

Idort or nothing, if you don't do that, you are the cancer that already killed Sup Forums and is slowly infesting it's whole rotting corpse

>being this autistic
That emotionless reaction image fits you well.

Even mods are retarded

Yeah yeah, I know. I just want it to end already.

People that assume that a fanbase is automatically the source of all evil plaguing vidya, that's the problem. If you honestly believe that people who happen to like different games by different companies are "the cancer killing games", YOU'RE the cancer and you should kill yourself.

medic-mercy comparison can be taken further

5 letter name starting with m, both are from europe, both can either boost damage of their targets or invuln, both dress in white, heal beam makes little floaty things appear around target, overheals, both have a small but surprisingly decent sidearm, both played by women

Nintendo babies

The fuck
Fifth generation was always allowed on /vr/
Was that rule only on the first day or something, because I honestly can't remember when it wasn't

Shit, even the Dreamcast is allowed now, and a lot of people are pushing for GBA inclusion for the next one

You and me both.


The people who support ecelebs and spam twitter posts. So I guess the lp fanbase?

SMTcucks by far

All they ever do is bitch about persona, circlejerk nocturne, and then post demon girls like a bunch of waifufags

And when they aren't doing that, they shitpost JRPG threads and act like smug cunts, along with shitposting about how the artist is shit compared to their faggot hack Hashino, who hasn't drawn anything worth a shit since the turn of the millennium

t. mobile game ASSFAGGOTS CoD Uncharted fan

Quick Catch on that, Sherlok.

Only acceptable people are Janitors.

I was baiting, but how is my amazing kamiya reaction image "emotionless"?

>tfw no more comfy Metal Gear Solid threads after MGR came out
Fixed that for you.

I can't believe we're still having these threads are you all fucking 12 years old

PCfats are unrivaled in their elitism and constantly ruin the board with their unrelated opinions.
Every other fanbase is at the very least tolerable, but PCfats are by far the least in that regard, and shit up any thread featuring an exclusive title.
They mostly target Sonyfans and pretend to be them (Then again it's not like falseflagging is rare on Sup Forums, you're all shitposters.) to try and get some kind of sympathy.


What's wrong about Soulsfags? They can't take criticism, that's all. Git gud is a meme.

If you made a thread like "The Witcher 3 is shit" or "Nocturne is shit" there would be much more shit than in souls threads


All of them.
Prove me wrong

I can't narrow it down to any one thing, but generally speaking, if the front page has three or more threads up on tiny details of the same topic, that's a fanbase that needs to learn to shut up.

These, I wouldn't be surprised if PCucks are smtfags as well

The Counter Strike community is right up there with the MOBA community. One of these is the absolute worst.

Three is a charm they say?

I like how it's even the same OP's like "Fashion Souls" "OH WOW OLD THREAD GOT DELETED, DIDNT EXPECT THAT, ITS VIDYA, MODZ!"

Totally not DSP

>Only acceptable people are Janitors.
How so?
I was just referring to the misspelling of his name.

Well yes I liked the 2d Super Mario games, but who didn't


I can't

Persona butthurt

>The Souls fanbase after Dark Souls went to PC

worst fanbase on Sup Forums is simply Sup Forums

They aren't overpowered.

Every fanbase that bitches about other fanbases.

Yeah PC players sure are the ones posting all the metacritic score and review threads saying Sony won you cancerous fuck

SMT and Persona fags are not even in Top 10 of Sup Forums worst fanbases.

anyone who supports Electronic Arts

EA is fucking satan





>old DICE vs hardline DICE

>old bioware vs cisquisition/me3 bioware




>danger close

>black box


>workers worked to the bone on long hours of unpaid overtime and few breaks, bonuses withheld, studios shut down even when they were doing well

>releasing sequels with less features than their predecessors which are often utterly broken in many ways

if you support any EA product congrats, you're part of the worst fanbase on Sup Forums

What's worse is that these faggots organized a literal circlejerk on /vg/

The Kawata shojo fags have nothing on these retarded autists

>implying the Souls fanbase wasn't vastly enriched by the presence of PCbrs and the massive amount of culture and OC they brought along

What is false flagging?

I just don't understand why the dark souls community is what it is. They're not very good games and they aren't very hard. Why does it draw in all these people?

Well PCfats really don't have anything other than indieshit and the occasional moba

If you say any popular game is shit you'll get a bunch of bullshit. Soulsfags refuse to accept that it's the same game that's been rehased four times over. They also praise this shit nonstop spamming "get gud" to any and all criticism to their precious series while failing to realize that everyone's experience will be different due to build, entry point etc.

>PCfats are unrivaled in their elitism
what elitism? at most now they shit on Sony threads designed to piss off PC users with order and uncharted graphics

>reaper masked

>dark souls isn't hard

Congrats on babbys first meme

Activision babies, cause they don't even know that their precious blizzard is just a puppet in their hands.


Yeah every sonynigger shitpost is a false falg, my sides



But I'm really looking forward to the new Mirror's Edge (loved the first one). And the first two Dead Space titles were good before EA buttfucked it with 3.

EA is an awful parent with decent children.

Funny thing is that moot is a sonygger himself (and a casual on top of that).

>the souls fanbase post-demon's souls
fixed that for you. demon's souls threads were some the comfiest, most enjoyable threads on this site. around when generals were first appearing and people didn't hate them. same goes for monster hunter.

it isn't
death isn't punishing and the gameplay is 100% based on roll timings

It's the illusion of difficulty.

>"Sega" or "Sonic"
>0 Results

Feels good knowing that the autism drained out of the sonic fandom and the sega brand is making a comeback

Yes they are




3.Dark souls

4.Top 100 Sup Forums approved games

5.Neogaf rejects

I don't know how those retarded fashion souls threads stay up and get hundreds of replies. Just circlejerks of what their character is wearing ingame, wish those faggots would just take it to /vg/.

>DeS/DaS community is rather small
>PCfats cry, bitch, and whine for DaS to come to the PC
>They turn the fanbase into what it is today and refuse to acknowledge DeS and BB because they can't look past their pathetic bias
PCfats ruin communities.

>>what elitism?
That's hilarious.

what's a recent more difficult AAA series?

at best we get Capcom action games and hopefully Nioh ends up being worth a fuck


u wot