Is this our last hope for a decent class based FPS?
Is this our last hope for a decent class based FPS?
Literally who?
Not with Nexon in the picture
But it's not f2p.
They will find a way to jew it up user
A new game from cliffyb. PC exclusive.
>women in combat
It's already yoking itself in that respect, it'll never live up to the paragon of video games that was TF2. But it may be decent.
Looks generic as fuck. Even Dirty Bomb was more creative.
Actually Overwatch made me want to play Dirty Bomb again, is that game still alive? Or is it past the freshness?
>why my videogame no realistic!?!? wtf!?!?
You may not care but the rest of us have taste
Do you just refuse to play any game that lets you play as a woman? Great taste friend
No, I don't, actually. But this is crossing the line into retardation.
>I'm a strong woman soldier! I can do everything the men can! Don't hit on me you silly boys!~
I'm glad I'll never have to miss out on videogames because of MRA bullshit
Apparently it's plagued by cheaters.
Don't be a petty bitch
>refuses to play a game because of gender politics
>calls others petty
>gender politics
I just don't play as a game where women are portrayed as powerful soldiers because it's immersion breaking, not to mention pandering
Yeah, fantasy has no place in a videogame
It's not fantasy, it's barely science fiction.
Game looks fun, very interesting ideas and gameplay looks fresh. Definitely looking forward to it.
Why would you think I was talking about fantasy the genre?