"Lord Gwyn trembled at the Dark.
Clinging to his Age of Fire, and in dire fear of humans,
And the Dark Lord who would one day be born amongst them,
Lord Gwyn resisted the course of nature.
By sacrificing himself to link the Fire, and commanding his children to shepherd the humans,
Gwyn has blurred your past, to prevent the birth of the Dark Lord."
- Darkstalker Kaath
"Lord Gwyn trembled at the Dark
Other urls found in this thread:
go away you lousy snake
why has everything the abyss touched turned into a disaster?
Why switch one snake for another. This one is evil as shit but at least he's honest with you. Unless of course you're fine with setting yourself on fire and preventing humans from gaining power.
To be fair, we've never seen what happens when the Abyss truly evolves and grows. For all we know, Manus and the people of Oolacile would have one day become massive god like dragon people because humanity had done its own thing separate from the Flame and doesn't burn out like the flame
The Abyss is is to Dark as Cinder is to Fire. Abyss is corruption. The result of staving it off kindling the First Flame.
Because abyss is dark/humanity warped and mutated out of control. It's basically the corrupt version of dark, the bad evil version of what should be.
>Humans gain power
>in a black void
its probably best to light yourself on fire so everyone else can live decent enough for the next 1000 years or whatever. After theres a new group of asholes send out another guy to beat their asses and do it again.
>what is the difference between the abyss and dark
>what is the difference between turning out the lights and absolute nothingness
Abyss is to the Dark as Chaos is to the Fire, a corruption created through desperate acts to renew their respective ages. For Chaos, it was the Witch's desperate attempt to create a new First Flame. For the Abyss, it was disturbing the grave of Manus in a deceptive move by Kaathe to bring about the Age of Dark.
So if all of Gwyn's race just died off and humans ruled, there would be no sunlight (or light of any kind); people would just walk around in pitch black for the rest of eternity?
No wonder Gwyn hated humans.
I'll go find some more dudes to set on fire.
-Kingseeker Frampt
The Abyss didn't exist when the First Flame was discovered.
The Abyss was created by Manus and is an unnatural creation, it is not an "Age of Dark" although, its power is directly linked to the Dark.
Basically, the Abyss is the Dark's version of the Chaos Flame. Artificial creations that caused horrors to spawn.
So i told them i was an angel and that they should worship me and they actually did it, the absolute madmen.
Gwyn's race, the Lords, did die off. Fire's existence is not tied to their race, only that their souls were used to kindle it.
It's possible that, in an Age of Dark, humans would leave their physical forms behind and become ethereal in nature. Who knows what that would mean for humanity, but it's a huge change to the world and what it means for humanity.
Oh shit. This thing got ribs?
The "Dark" and the "Abyss" are literally communism.
I hope you guys didn't fell for that meme.
I imagine the statue-makers just invented all of that.
>posting pictures for ants
Kaathe created the abyss?
Indirectly. "A serpent", according to the game, instructed the people of Oolacile to exhume Manus, and in the process his pendant was taken from him which caused him to chimp out and make his "humanity go wild", resulting in the Abyss.
Since Kaathe is the serpent aligned with the Dark, or at least the one you meet, we can only assume it was him.
Dark age is just the most practical desu. Lighting yourself on fire for the jew establishment at Anor Londo is laughable.
anor londo has been shit for hundred of years dude, pretty much every cycle of rekindling the whole world goes to shit until some undead restores the status quo via rekindling.
Might as well let the world go dark already
>Oolacile fucks with the abyss and shit happens
>New Londo fucks with the abyss and shit happens
>Drangleic gets cucked by the abyss, shit happens
>Shulva gets cucked the abyss, and shit happens
>Londor is ruled by the Dark, and it's an awful place full of evil people
>The "angels" caused the religious instability in Lothric
>Aldritch is preparing for the "Age of the Deep" by being cannibal supreme.
Truly! The serpents are our greatest allies!
I don't get DaS3's plot.
Wasn't it exactly the same thing as the first one? Just rekindle the flame, but this time the world is "more fucked up"?
Dark Lord as in Lord of Hollows?
Are there any primordial serpent edits of the Jewish merchant maymay?
But it's a fucking cycle
>It all starts with the age of dark
>Suddenly, fire
>Age of dark gone
>Gotta keep kindling the fire or the age of dark is back again
>Don't kindle fire
>Age of dark again
>repeat ad infinitum
It's basically people preventing an apocalypse happening in just their lifetime, once they're dead couldn't manage to care, but it's still gonna happen sooner or later.
Yeah, back in the old days when people drew animals they only heard about the animals looks could vary wildly. The statue maker probably never met a primordial serpent.
Basically, ever since the first person canonically Linked the Fire. the world has been doing this for several "cycles", by committing several atrocities in the name of it. The problem is that Gwyn was a powerful god, and the successors were just mortals, so each cycle became considerably less and less lasting, and shit quickly deteriorated.
This is what I think confuses a lot of people, who think the cycles are centuries apart, while all of the Lords of Cinder in this game seemed to have gone in quick succession.
It's the last flame because you can create and actual way of Dark by Ursurping the Fire and end the cycle, just to create your own cycle.
The Ursurp Ending should also be cannon.
Before creation, must come destruction.
The old has to be torn down before the new can build.
And remember, the ages of Light aren't exactly bundles of fun. You get a period of prosperity and peace followed by everything going to complete shit.
Linking the fire simply keeps that cycle going forever rather than letting the shit times pass normally.
And the only reason things get so bad is because Gwyn extended the Age of fire in the First place.
In addition, the Abyss is NOT the same as the Dark.
The Abyss is like the Chaos Flame, a corrupted creation that perverts the original purpose.
Also, is Londor evil? The two people from it seem pleasant enough, and while the magic and the like is considered evil, it's written from the view of a puritanical society that doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.
I think the point is that between dark souls 2 and 1 the age lasted a long time. Then after 2 the ages lasted less and less.
>several "cycles"
The several cycles are all the players that play the game, creating millions of alternative realities, based on every little decision they make.
Like you can help Anri defeat Eldritch at her "world", but he is alive at yours.
That's some interesting grammar, mate.
Anyways from yours and 's post I still don't get it:
It's DaS' plot all over again. Either link the fire or make a dark age.
Some dude obviously meant to obfuscate the serpent's true plans while also mocking them as "deities", which led to angel worshiping heretics. If someone were to actually follow the serpents, either one, Kaathe or Frampt, the serpent's would tell their worshipers to do something about the fire or the dark and why those things are p cool.
Post your fucking face when this webm
Londor is the pre-abyss New Londo of Dark Souls 3. It's the land of humans, and accordingly seems to be host to people who believe the Age of Dark is the right way to go.
It's only evil if you're looking at it from the perspective of someone like Gwyn who feared the end of the age that gave him immortality and prosperity.
I remember that guy
>Witches fucks with the fire and shit happens
>Gwyn fucks with the fire and shit happens
>Yhorm fucks with the fire and shit happens
>Vendrick and Aldia didn't want to fuck with the fire because shit would happen
See? It goes both ways. The reason this series didn't end after 1 was because both choices are shit.
But Abyss is different from the Dark, its a form of corruption, created by Manus and the Four Kings, its corrupted dark, the dark Darkdiver Grandahl finds solace in isn't like the Abyss, which is why we do not find any grotesque abominations inside the dark chasms.
As the Dragon Chime, an item we get after defeating the Darklurker, says in its decription:
>This chime sat long in the Dark Chasm, but still one senses a sublime purity.
The true dark is peaceful and never changing, its static.
What happened to those snake dudes?
They literally disappeared in DaS 2 when they were dozens of them in the Dark Lord ending of the first game.
age of deep isn't age of dark
I feel like re-playing dark souls 1
anyone else? or have you gone back already?
Yep, recursion and Ages are common themes in mythology and Buddhism. The war against the stone dragons is pretty much the same as Zeus defeating the Titans and taking over.
The plot and tone of Dark Souls 3 takes a lot from with the Nordic Ragnarok and the book of Revelations.
Sorry for Grammar.
No it's three endings, Link fire, End Fire, Take Fire.
>The plot and tone of Dark Souls 3
You mean the plot and tone of Dark Souls 1.
Londor is not the land of humans, it's the land of hollows, the practically worship the condition and curse the living.
What's the difference?
Kaathe seems to be kicking about still, as Yuria refers to him by name in her death dialogue.
>No it's three endings, Link fire, End Fire, Take Fire
Oh I see, neat.
Oy vey! Yes don't let those fools at Anor Londo fool you. The Dark is your greatest ally.
Yeah, I do. I want to make a SL1 darkwraith again.
Dark Souls 3 won't run on my toaster anymore so I decided to do a sorcerer build. Its fun but really fucking easy although certain areas and bosses are difficult.
>hollows aren't human
Technically they're the truest form of human there is.
What exactly is so bad about the Age of Dark?
Is it not technically the age of humanity?
Why does Kaathe want it so bad?
How exactly did everything get so shitty? I know gwyn kindling the flame brought anout the curse of the undead, but that woukd only create undead. Why is everything so fucked and mutated?
Does kindling the flame bring about prosperity to the world? Or does it maintain it's current shittiness longer in order to not get fucked even harder by the Age of Dark?
AotA was suffering as a mage. Everything's magic and elemental defenses are fucking insane.
>What exactly is so bad about the Age of Dark?
everyone turns into beef jerky
>start new playthrough
>let's try magic this time, what could go wrong
>summon grapebro for fun time on high walls
>dakrwraith invades, switches between Rapier and Dark Sword
not fun
Take your serpent propaganda somewhere else.
No, Oolacile abominations and Manus are the purest form of humanity.
Hollows are lacking of any kind of soul or humanity, they were the original form of both humans and lords before the First Flame was discovered in the Age of Ancients.
I've still only played the first game but I get the impression the serpents existed before even dragons and therefore dwelled in darkness, so perhaps they want to return to an age of dark in which they can prosper and rule.
But I also believe Kaathe and Frampt are working together to play both sides and I'm not sure if that gets contradicted later on.
I didn't have too much trouble because I just hit up the Archives for that crystal spear. I can't manus now though because he's really fucking aggressive and his little ring of dark kills me in one hit.
But Anri is a true beef jerky hollow, and Anri is love.
Even Aldia acknowledged that the fleeting lives of humans in the Age of Fire was an unfortunate side effect of the Dark Soul's incompatibility with the First Flame, and that an Age of Dark would restore their true nature and lifespan.
>scifi reintepretation
>dystopic government occludes secret history of mankind
>selects specific magically inclined individuals to kill reincarnated lords and then slaughters them ritually to continue the age of fire while the world progresses on in ignorance
The undead aren't a result of Gwyn kindling the Flame, they are a result of the Flame fading.
Basically, at the start, everything was grey and boring.
The Flame happened and the Lords and the Humans they ruled over had an age of prosperity.
Human are the Dark Soul manifest in physical bodies.
Then, the First Flame started to die, the curse began affecting Humans and everything else started going wrong.
They tried to create a new Flame, which just made shit worse, so Gwyn, fearing an end to his Age, the Lord's power fading and to Humanity returning to its natural form and having its own age, used his insanely power Lord Soul to kindle the First Flame, extending the age of fire. However, this didn't undo the Curse, at least not for long, so while the Lords retained their powers, things just got worse.
>literally a story about fighting off the heat death of the universe
>implying you shouldn't just go with the dark and accept the inevitable
This guy was a troll, right?
Oolacile abominations and Manus are literally corruptions of humanity. There's nothing pure about them at all.
Dark didn't exist before the Dragons, it's an aspect of the Flame. Rewatch the DS1 intro.
While true dark would mean never ending peace, comfort and stillness, true light would mean never ending prosperity and continuously moving forward.
The world of Dark Souls doesn't have true light either, the age of fire is a deformed state like the abyss, it allows the civilization to have the prospect of being able to progress, but never lets it because the fire will soon fade, so for every step forward, they take one step back, its a never ending loop, a farce that ends up making everyone addicted to it, even through it will never amount to anything, countless eras after the first linking of the flame, and the world is still in the same state as always, people go through suffering to rebuild their civilization, and then it quickly crumbles away.
No, just an idiot.
Then just let the fire die, fuck your edgy Dark Lord ending.
I wonder if the Old Chaos will make another appearance in the DLC. I liked the idea that Izalith fucked up so badly she created an unstoppable, all-consuming fiery chaos.
>the age of humanity
There is no age of humanity.
"Humanity" as we know it only happens when the flame is alive.
When the flame dies, humans return to their true state, hollows.
In reality, it would be an age of hollows.
>"Humanity" as we know it only happens when the flame is alive.
>When the flame dies, humans return to their true state, hollows
That's not true, the Dark Souls is a counterpart to the Lord Souls that becomes stronger as the flame fades.
I'd worry about the loss of subtle narration, but it could be cool. Last thing I want in my Souls series is heavy handed exposition.
Did you visit the Smouldering Lake? The Chaos Flame is dying, and the demons are dying with it.
>you will never play a demon's souls game where you are a lesser chaos demon trying to rekindle the chaos flame
Strawman at it's finest
>no way to tell the direction
>only way you can go and haven't been
>fuck up anyway
I thought this was DSP for one second
So... did these things got explained or what?
>A silver ring depicting a snake that could have been, but never was, a dragon. Fallen foes yield more souls.
The two serpents are both ancient derivatives of dragons, who are trying to trick stupid undead into bringing back the age of dragon since they are still pissed that gwyn and his new fire genocided all their dragon relatives
both frampt and kaathe disagree on the method, kaathe wanted to let the chosen undead not link the fire so the dark would sink the world, and all that would be left would be the grey archtress of ash lake and such, and the dragons could be brought back. This is why areas like Oolacile are sinking down into the ground
Frampt seems smarter and knows 2 things. One, that as the firekeeper in 3 stated, if someone decides to not link the fire someone will come along and link it again eventually, and even in complete dark there will still be embers of the first flame. Second, since the first flame is the creator of all souls, we have been feeding the souls we got from the fire back into it to keep the fire alive, so eventually we just won't have enough souls to keep the fire going, and the first flame will run out permanently. No embers, no rekindling, just perma-dark, and eventually age of dragons. The age of dark is just a transition period as everything sinks back under the ash lake and dissapears
aldrichs age of deep is the only real solution, unless BotC or aldia show up in the DLC. Remember how the londo old people sealed off the abyss? They flooded it. Aldrich dreams of an age of deep "sea" to prevent spreading of dark, an endless ocean to protect the world as water seems to be the only thing dark can't handle
The four armed fluffy pyro caster dudes are also called 'demons' but I'm not sure what the distinction is
No, my friend. Hollows are just what is left after their Humanity leaves and becomes its true form.
Aldia said that Humans took physical form, that is, we were not original physical, but ethereal.
We needed bodies to survive in an Age of Fire. When an Age of Fire starts to fade, Humanity can return to its natural form, leaving physical bodies, now souless, behind.
The physical body, comforted by warmth and life is what Aldia is describing as a lie. It's a lie, because the physical, human form is not what Humanity truly is.
The Age of Humanity is an age that is free of the physical form.
Humanity (the thing) is pieces of the dark souls, which the furtive pygmy divided amongst a group of hollows to create humanity (the race)
In artorias of the abyss the giant humanity sprites found under oolacile and the soul descriptions of manus and artorias cover this
Do dragons have nightvision?
his voice in general is annoying me
Yet, the Profaned Flame seem to clearly be the Chaos Flame, what with it being found under Anor Londo and all that.
The Chaos Flame might be fading, the Demons might be dying, but I don't think it can die completely.
Its the age of Humanity not the age of humans, humans as we know them are a product of the Flame , in their "true" form consumed by dark they are mindless beasts.
>no dragon ending
>no locations with even half the atmosphere of ash lake
>no dragon covenant
>dragon head/body is anorexic
why is being an everlasting dragonfag suffering
In 2 they stated that the old chaos was growing on its own, but I guess that's more the fault of From pretending 2 never happened
That's a humanity. Literally, the soul of a human.
It's the soul like in a traditional biblical sense, that is, it's the mind in ethereal form.
Remove it and all that is left is a mindless body, aka, a Hollow.
>why is being an everlasting dragonfag suffering
there will have to be at least 1 item description in the DLC that explains what happened to the serpents and what exactly happens with you go Lord of Hollows
Humans themselves, as we see them on the games, are a result of the first flame, before it, everything was grey and boring, but peaceful. And then the flame happened and humans had an age of false prosperity, because everything was fated to crumble away and revert back to what it was before, and then Gwyn, who is afraid of the Dark, it has been said several times in item descriptions and by Kaathe (meaning he isn't some super hero, he is a man who would rather die than being in the dark), linked the first flame and perpetuated this cycle of fake prosperity, people would be born after the fire was linked, start their countries, but before they could even do anything, the curse would come back and undo everything they did.
This goes back to my previous post. while the Abyss isn't a true form of the dark, the fire isn't a true age of prosperity either, its a lie, as Aldia said, people get the illusion that they are living, moving forward, progressing, that their next generations will progress even more, but its a lie, the world will be forever taking one step back for each step forward, always staying in place, or you could say its walking in circles, never going anywhere, but still getting the illusion of movement.
Your level of understanding is almost the same as someone who only played Dark Souls 1 and nothing else.
Still hilarious
Nothing is returning to its pre-flame state. It's entropy in action; once the flame came into being, disparity irreversibly became an element of the world. As the fire fades, the dark soul gets stronger which leads to the true nature of humans, rather than their weakened Age of Fire form. We've already seen several times that it's possible to maintain a true, withered "hollow" form and remain sentient; as can be expected from an immortal being, the thing that triggers the mindless ferality in Hollows is a loss of any hope and purpose.
There's never going to be another age of the dragons. It literally states that in the dark souls 1 intro; with the introduction of the first flame there became the light/dark disparity. There was no "dark" in the age of dragons.
Also almost all the dragons are dead.
How can you fill the abyss, it's endless void, the water would literally do jack shit.
The major hole in this is that the original state of the world is clearly not an Age of Dark.
It worked in new londo