Tfw eating pizza and playing vidya after completing a successful semester of college

>tfw eating pizza and playing vidya after completing a successful semester of college

Is there a better feeling?
there isn't

Anyone else feeling this?
If so, whatcha playan?



but i'm employed

Ratchet and Clank and finally catching up on Tales of Zestiria

This is truly the best feeling

>Is there a better feeling?
completing college

Two more finals for me

then I can play all the vidya I want.

What should I play first? Tales of Zestiria or Nep Nep?

Finally sitting down and playing XCOM 2 as well as binge watching stuff on Netflix, truly feels amazing to get a chance to be a lazy asshole for three months

But do you have pizza? Or any other hot and cheesy food item? This is important, user

The feeling is even better during the winter.

this semester has been an absolute trainwreck for me tbqh

>tfw when i can't work up the motivation to play games during weekdays.

How do you guys do it? When im at work all i think of is playing games but im too exhausted when i get home and too tired when i wake up by the time im actually ready to play i only have and hour left and i think whats the point of even starting when i only have an hour to play?

And everyone lets you do it because "he's earned a few months off"

Fuck yeah I do

This is true.
Love the cold months

>math final tomorrow

I take night classes because I have a Monday thru Friday job so I don't know that feel of comfy OP, but I am done with finals tho

Eh, probably better that you don't play everyday. save it for the weekends when you can binge on it

>tfw you still got 3 weeks left to go


Completing college and getting a job in your field while your friends accept Shitty mcjobs to pay rent.

But I'm done with college

I have a job during school and the summer as well. School is so much more haunting than work (for me at least). With a job, you put your time in and work hard then you can go home and forget about it until the next time you go in. School always has some kind of assignment for you to do at home and it makes vidya during the semester not even that fun.

I have to work later this week, but still, no school for a while. Hell yeah

Willow is ugly! UGLY!

Just completed finals, got a 96 of my term paper, 81 on Bioinformatics final, and nothing to do for the next 2 weeks.

I might play a lot of Kerbal Space Program

Jesus, user. When was your starting day this semester?

>tfw quitting my shitty min wage fast food job and get a full time job at a warehouse paying double what i was earning plus benefits

I was kicked out of college for this semester because my grades were shit. I practically gave up on school last semester. I can't even remember if I bothered with finals. So now I have a year of time wasted and my family hates me because they had high hopes for me in life.

Now I'm taking summer classes so I can reapply and hopefully get a degree.

>everyone deserves a second chance
Don't waste it user

>my family hates me because they had high hopes for me in life.
>tfw whole family sees me as some kind of role model for my cousins
>Family members I've met for the first time last year think I'm smartest dude in the family
>Lost drive to do anything, even studying, since my dog died
>Slowly getting worse grades and becoming more forgetful
>tfw on the road from being smart to being a lazy NEET gradually
>Soon my family will realize this
>Will be kicked out of my house when I fail because I don't do anything else with my life other than uni
>Die from hunger on the street as a beggar
I don't even care anymore, I just want it to end.

feels smug.

This guy was right

I feel like the dumbest nigger on the planet but my wife and i's family think that I'm super smart because I'm going to college.
Felt wierd at first but then I started to listen to them. I thought "might as well believe what they say". So I did and I gain some confidence to go with it.

Don't tell yourself you're not smart and you're not capable of college.

As far as the dog goes, I got nothing. That sucks user...

Honestly it feels great. I'm going to college out of state, about 7 hours away, and a major reason for that is because I got sick of the people back home. In senior year of high school I stepped back and evaluated the people I had been hanging out with, and realized all my friends were complete assholes and being near them was ruining my life. I made better friends in one year of college than I did in the 12 years I knew them. Now they're working fast food and doing the minimum amount of work in community college while they try to be hardcore "metal" musicians

>last year was a train wreck and fucked up and failed 3 classes and withdrew from 1
>this year got my shit together and actually took it seriously and got all A's and B's
Feels really damn good. Just one more year and a semester to go for my EE degree.

I only have to show up for my final this term. I really don't even have to go to class anymore. Such a good feeling. So much free time though. Don't know what to do with it

Flyover detected

>EE senior
>run the numbers
>can't fail classes even with 0% on finals
>not motivated to study

This will bite me in the ass come 6:00 tonight.

Fuck you, you stupid prick.
Maybe you deserve to fucking fail. My mother died while I was in my undergrad. You know what I fucking did?
I didn't take a single goddamn minute off from college, didn't tell a single one of my friends or professors, and got straight A's. Fuck you.

Either you're a man or you're pathetic. The choice is yours.

>tfw just graduated with a 4.0 in an engineering degree
>tfw still just feels empty

I hate school so much. Hopefully it sets in at some point it's done.

If my family's complaints could fuel my motivation to study I would've been a renaissance man.
But right now I wouldn't be bothered to study for some subjects if you held me at gunpoint.

You sound like fun
Fuck off and meet your mom

>just got promoted
>ten times less work, just boss other people around
>income has doubled, first paycheck came in last week

Still can't seem to get into vidya though, only games I enjoy are Stardew, M&B:W, and Divinity OS.

Any suggestions senpai? I'm loaded now.

try another hobby


having sex with my girlfriend when we've been away from each other for three weeks.

The semester I just finished was my last one, so I have both feels right now.

I already have other hobbies, I just like some vidyas but it's hard to sift through all the garbage.

And you sound like a pathetic whiner who gives up just because he got a hangnail.

Fuck off and leave the planet for the big boys.

Jeez that wasnt very nice. Maybe you should stop posting for a bit

>not watching cooking shows instead

I felt exactly like you just a year ago. It was due to depression and I dealt with it by not going to exams, wandering around campus when I wasn't just zoning out during class and locking myself in my room asap to watch the office on netflix. It was all shit from begining to end. I took a few months to know myself better and hired a professionnal to help me figure out what I want to do in life. Now I'm at school again in a program that I love (which does not make it easy to get As). Take some time off man. Go to parks. Listen to the birds. Write down how you feel. Make some thing with your hands. You'll figure it out

>semester went well
>internship search did not
>may end up working in retail for another summer
I just want to be in a field related to my courses is this so much to ask

Happy for you man. All that work must feel great seeing those grades

>make 80k/year
>no 200k debt
ayyyy lmaowowowow

Good on you

enjoy that 200k debt faggot

Just finished a pepperoni pizza and my university work for the summer. Already completed Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 and now I'm moving on to Twilight Princess HD.
I'm going to play Dark Souls 3 when I beat TP it's just that I don't want to burn myself out on Souls games.

exams are next week. Almost there.

Same here user. I'm resigned to my fate.

Probably going to have to resit some exams/resubmit some coursework after the summer, I really do suck at writing lab reports.

On the other hand, I can learn all the other things I was interested in learning now that I have free time.

>tfw failing college because of vidya

>amerifat thinking everyone else has to pay obscene amounts of money for education

>neo Sup Forums is filled with kids still in college

>neo Sup Forums has frog posters

>tfw parents paid for college
>went to a relatively cheap but prestigious school anyway
Feels good. Can't imagine living THE AMERICAN DREAM by being in debt forever.

>he fell for the college meme


Not everyone is a sociopath like you, maybe you should keep shit like this to yourself so someone doesn't do the world a favor and crush your skull with a large object.

This semester was awful, I have no one else to blame but myself. I had no drive, it seriously made me consider joining the military or learning a trade in some sort of civil engineering. I'm a dumbass.

Enjoy being emotionally numb by 40.

Kinda was here, made A's and B's in every class but physics, fucked up early in the semester and got an F, mostly because my mental state was pretty bad at the time.

Shut up already

>learning a trade in some sort of civil engineering
Basically what I'm considering too. Shouldn't be that hard, r-right?

>wishing death on someone because they had enough willpower not to let the death of a loved one potentially ruin their life

this tbqh, desu

I'm a dummy, I meant to say construction trades. Civil engineering requires a degree I think. No, it's not easy but if you put effort into it you can make it.

>Wating on a final that could make or break a C
but overall this semester has been suffering, I felt little motivation to do anything, even had to audit a math class
so i'm going to take calc because I need it for my major

>tfw some group work questions, two four-day labs and an exam left

Calc isn't too bad honestly, I'm terrible at math and I found Cal 1 and 2 fairly easy, helps to have a good teacher though, my Cal 2 teacher was amazing.

Wow, same exact situation here

shit, meant pre-calc, decided on computer science, I just have to declare it.
I should really be studying for my Philosophy final, I skipped way too much homework to phone it in.

Just finished first year of law school. Gonna play so much vidya

I definitely think Calc 2 was the hardest of 1-3 and Diff Eq. 3 was actually pretty easy but it was also one of the most useful ones.

I stopped after finishing 2 because that's all I needed to take

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. All I can feel is the anxiety of getting a job worth a damn after college is done. Will it come? I hope so.

As a neet I find that very comfy, good for you user.

Ah yes, I'd almost forgotten the colossal amount of debt that i'll have to repay.
Living the good life, OP.

Got my master thesis back with a Pass and best grade. Outsourced it to china for 500 dollars. Have only been smoking weed and playing vidya all year long.

Hey max

Statistics aint that hard, the only thing you need is your parents money. Internship this summer at IBM


Yeah spending two hours on your ds in the bathroom instead of working. Then telling your boss to fuck off when he complains.

Would you stick your dick in crazy?

As long as it's not fat crazy

The Navy has a Civil Engineering Corps, if you're interested

I just got home from work
It's 21:40
I can play some Stellaris until 00:00 then it's bedtime because I must rest for tomorrow's work

>Is there a better feeling?

Yes, blowing coke and plowing hookers.

>finish semester in 2 weeks
>start internship straight away
No more summer vacations for me ever

>Be britbong.
>Don't take out student loan because fuck that.
>Work my ass off on part-time jobs to pay for accomodation and shit.
>Finish uni.
>Don't owe anyone anything.
Feels good man. I did an exchange semester in Canada too, guys there were outraged that I didn't pay tuition fees.

You'd have to be crazy to want to have sex with me, so yes.

>just got home from work
>tfw still have half my work day ahead of me

Are you enjoying Stellaris user?

i dropped out last year and have been a NEET for 5 months

no, constant relaxation is suffering

>not coming from a rich family
Poor people disgust me