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What's the biggest cock you've ever sucked?

Does your anus hurt?

your mom's



I regret playing McMeme so much

im so sad that i played bastion the first day
what a waste that was




Could played more but somehow it didn't feel that amazing.

sorry but shes fun as fuck


>not posting total game played so we can't see your sub 50% winrate

stay class Sup Forums

It isn't maining. I just get stuck playing support a lot and Lucio was the only one I didn't have to babysit retards constantly with

I play to win! ;)

knew someone would say that, OP here, nothing to hide

nothing impressive either

This.No one wants to play support and then people get mad when the team is losing hard because no healer.

A lot more mains than I thought there'd be


ayy lmao


My nigger.

Didn't play that much sadly but I'm in love with Lucio and Symmetra. Torb was fun for a while but he's easy to counter. Wish I was better with McCree, Mei and Junkrat but oh well.

Hook, line and sinker.

Didn't get to play as much as I would have liked, unfortunately

At the same time, the netcode was really, really bad to where I would just get angry and stop playing a lot

tracer's not cancer just because of the fact that she's a relatively skillful hero