Why do people desperately want Street Fighter V to fail?
Why do people desperately want Street Fighter V to fail?
because (insert fighter) is superior it should fail like my favorite
Casuals who are ass ravaged that Capcom didn't ship the game with a beefy SP mode like MKX
>Why do people desperately want Street Fighter V to fail?
I don't want it to fail, but for a big name like Street fighter to come out like it did compared to Xrd, it's kinda embarrassing.
you mean Capcom by releasing unfinished game no casual will play and fucking up their servers with each update to turn away competitive gamers as well?
They don't like fighting games in general.
They don't understand the genre well enough.
It's Sup Forums
There's a not-insignificant number of people who never forgave Capcom for MML3
They don't play games with other people on the couch
Take your pick
If all video games die and whither away I won't have to post here anymore
I wouldn't say it's a case people wanted it to fail so much as Capcom figured they could do whatever they wanted with it and not fail.
Because the Xbone exist.
>Haven't played SFV since DaS3 came out
Hold me senpai, all my points are gonna be gone when i boot is up today
Is there any way to get bearded ryu on pc if I didn't pre-order?
because nobody wins on the actual streets 2bh
In the FGC SF is the biggest game, it nearly always has been as well as being a big brand in general
Thus this makes it the prime target for shitposting and others feel the need to shit on it to prove that their game is the better one, if SF does bad that means my game can now be the big one! But really they like and want the underdog nature there game has, the only thing better than being on top is getting to shout that you aren't and the top is shit
Even if SFV didn't fuck up at launch people would still have shitted on it
Pretty much this.
>Why are you playing this instead of the 5th version of my $60 per year Kusoge? Fucking Crapcom drones.
Tekken(and other literally who fighting game)fag here, V is my first SF game and not disappointed with. Don't know why now but it did catch my attention and want it to succeed. Hope the cast becomes as big as USFIV has.
>want to fail
didn't need help to fail miserably.
>implying you post about video games here
Its simple. SF simply overshadows every other fg. They are salty as fuck. What they dont realize is that a lost sale for SF, is not a sale for KoF. Its simply a lost sale for FGs as genre.
No SF = No FCG.
Simple as that. If SF fails, it drags the rest with it, like it already happened. The mongs are expecting the rest of the FGs to get SF's part of the cake once it fails. But the missing piece just disappears, it doesnt go to other fgs.
Finally SFV has more potential than SFIV vanilla.
This motherfucker must be busy as fuck. Look at the amount of acronyms.
You wish.
You'll keep talking about twitter screencaps, e-celeb's hot opinions, engage in internet wars against the SJW, or move on to a meme board like Sup Forums.
Phil Spencer hinted that they turned down the offer Capcom later approached Sony with because they'd rather focus their resources on Killer Instinct, you can't really fault Capcom for that. They knew the game would be years away if they didn't get help with an exclusivity deal. They did what they needed to do to get the game out, and they also cut single player content (which will come out next month I think, for free) so the game would be out in time for the Capcom Pro Tour season. And you know what, I think they made the right call on both accounts. The FGC has had great growth lately, but who knows when it'd hit a point of stagnation with USF4. Capcom threw a gas can into the fire to keep it burning now rather than trying to rekindle it later.
Xbox One being left out is regrettable, but who knows what the terms of that exclusivity deal are. Maybe a year after launch it'll be allowed on Xbox One, when it comes to these things they never come out and say "nah dude just wait a little while and it won't be exclusive." Wishful thinking on my part but I'd love to see the community become more whole again.
>Why do people desperately want Street Fighter V to fail?
Some of it does. Look at the rise of 3d fighters during the "dark ages"
But you're right that most of it just vanishes (they're called the dark ages for a reason)
>Haven't played since I got Super Bronze
The dark age of fighting games is a really odd time, games still did sell well (very well for even the awful mk games) but the scene and general exposure of it just disappeared.
It was more a sort of limbo
>Phil Spencer hinted that they turned down the offer Capcom
No not quite. He gave a very tepid response in a tweet with the only statement he actually commits to is they support KI (despite not and SJ had to be crowd funded)
>Business deals happen. We won't do all of them. When we have a 1st party franchise in a genre I'd rather invest in ours.
Which you could take any way you want really, no where did he say they were approached first or turned it down and in fact that could just mean they were unable to get the deal
I'm surprised that people are still defending SF even though it's still in a buggy beta-release state today.
>servers are still shit
>lobby/friend system is trash
>horrible input delay
>inconsistent hitboxes
>moves that work depending on which side you're standing on
>glitched characters
Really did a good job forcing it out early Capcom.
You mean Capcom?
This. Someone who doesn't play a lot of fighting games might not understand this, but the death of Capcom will essentially destroy the community.
>wanted 2 mil by the end of March
I love reading these posts where retards claim only "casuals" dislike SF5
Many pros in the community have expressed disappointment or dislike. I for one, have been playing at tournaments and beaten a couple pros (im not hot shit, but I'm by far better than 90% of Sup Forums, because most of Sup Forums has never touched a stick).
SF5 is fucking insulting to people who've been supporting the SF and FGC community. They didn't even release the PC version with the sticks working without the use of software unrelated to capcom.
The game was unfinished and they streamlined a lot of it. Now, instead of any execution barrier, you can target combo people for 45% HP.
Yes, I know casuals will claim execution is "arbitrary", but it makes it boring to people who already have execution skills. It's like playing SMT3 and then playing persona 4. It's like playing CS1.6 and then playing CSGO. It's just not good.
I want them to fail because I want them to see the error in their ways. They went the e-sports route and it's failing miserably. the community was vocal about being happy NOT being e-sports.
At this point they kinda have to release a SSFV to make up for SFV
Because the way Capcom has been handling SFV has been shit, and it'd get those capcom dickriders to give something else a chance for once.
because the game is slightly better than SFxT-tier and every fucking character has the exact same gameplan.
The game is so watered down and simplistic yet the same people who love SFV are the same people who wouldn't shut the fuck up about SF4 because they sucked at it because it was a hard game to get into the higher tiers of skill (gootecks).
This game can be fixed but they really need to add more options for all the characters and more potential for subtle setup situations that aren't just close range RPS situations. Even SF2 Championship edition has more going on in the mid-range.
Also it would be nice if they added more link opportunities, I am not even saying get rid of the buffer system for casuals, but at LEAST give characters more fucking combo options so we don't see the same 3 combos every goddamn match. (inb4 MUH SF AINT ABOUT COMBOS DURR). SF has always been about combos, it's one of the main cores of fundamentals: execution. If you can't execute then you can't beat better players.
Because they are fucking casuals who whore about being bad and they are trying to justify sucking at fighting games with no single player content memes
Bad things often seem to happen to people that team up with Sony for promotion yet everybody seems to continue to think it's the thing they've gotta do 5 reach that next level of market penetration. It honestly baffles me and just seems like a sort of stubborn Keep it Japanese sort of thing where even if Sonys marketing packages have been at best hit or miss in recent years sue to a tendency to miss the point they're still seen as this icon of a Japanese media and marketing that everybody dreams of teaming up with.
I still think the game will be okay I the long run and have a good Evo showing but definitely not the launch people hoped for on either side of the consumer/developer fence
Yet another overly high goal set by a Japanese creator in association with Sony. Seriously Japanese content creators, stop teaming up with SONY for marketing and then expecting everything to magic itself into place for you if you're shits going to have obvious early problems
Mortal Kombat marketers.
confirmed never played a street fighter game
They only got America, even if I did shamelessly bought it too.
Nothing will ever be as bad as SFxT
If they wanted him to look ugly they could have at least make him look human.
I don't necessarily want SFV to fail so much as I want the absurd level of hype to stop because it is completely undeserved. When you compare SFV to every other fighter this gen, it's one of the of not the worst game on the market both in terms of gameplay and in terms of content. I hate KI, but I understand why people love that game. I do not understand why people love SFV at all besides the fact that it's Street Fighter. If it wasn't a Street Fighter game but everything else was exactly the same, same playstyles, same content, same no story mode, same color unlocks, same shake rollback netcode, same freemium model, would that game be the biggest fighting game in the FGC with over 4k entrants at EVO? No fucking way in hell. You know how I know that wouldn't happen? Because that game pretty much already fucking exists, it's called Koihime Enbu and it was doing SFV shit during SF4 and no one gives a fuck.
That's the problem. It doesn't matter how bad of a game it is, how botched the launch was and continues to be, how little content there is. SFV in my opinion is a fucking embarassment, I don't know how they thought this was okay, but in the end it is okay. It doesn't matter because it's Street Fighter, and not only can it be the worst game on the market and still be successful, the community will be the biggest and make sure you aren't allowed to say anything bad about the game because fuck you it's the best game ever and you're just a scrub. It's infuriating. I don't care if it fails or not but I wish people would stop being blatant blind fanboy hype monsters over the game when it is clear that the game has a massive level of unwarranted popularity.
> poor product should succeed
>WAHH stop liking what I don't like
kys faggot
I don't want it to fail.
I want to laugh at it when it does.
>le anime girl reaction image
Look who's talking, faggot.
I bought the game and I want it to fail.
Capcom shouldn't be allowed to release a product thats 35% complete for a full $60
Lol none of these sf5fags will ever have a legit response to this
Who here hopes Boxer isn't the next fighter in the DLC line up? Three charge fighters in a row is just tiring man.
>game was pushed out early for the hardcore audience
>trainingmode is perfect
>online is alright (at least way better than SFIV)
>playing the AI is boring as fuck
I could live without the story mode and shit, i already spend 300+ hours with it.
See you guys at Evo.
>Charge character
He's a grappler.
Literally half his specials are charge moves dude. For arguments sake he is technically a charge grapple hybrid.
Like Potemkin but with a huge love for McDonald's fries.
Capcom/SF dickriders who dont want to admit they fucked up and they absolutely refuse to play anything else.
I want to support NRS but god damn they are absolute shit with their patching and balancing policy. KI is much better off after being switched from Double Helix to Iron Galaxy
Muh arcade mode
The problem is SFV was missing basic ass shit. PC didnt even have native support for the stick and pads that were advertised with it for fucks sake. it doesnt even have an arcade more which basic ass functionality.
What do you get out of arcade mode that you can't get out of survival? It's just a bunch of fights with a shitty AI and thirty seconds of opening/ending cutscenes. The character stories have those anyway.