pic related
What you guys think?
pic related
What you guys think?
>inb4 another RE5-like scandal
I can already imagine normal swedes letting themselves turn into zombies in order to be inclusive.
Damn it OP I was excited for a second.
A horror game set in the deep Swedish/Norwegian woods would be great.
Instead of black people I'll get to kill brown people.
>He transformed swedish kids into zombies
>He rapes them every day
>Swedish kids enjoy it
funny how "full-scale resident evil" sounds more like a threat than a promise nowadays
i jest. while the re6 campaigns were complete bollocks, the mercenaries mode was really fucking fun, especially with a friend, and revelations 2 was a pretty good single player game
So it will basically be a remake of Resident Evil 5.
Sick of this meme.
Thanks for helping George Soros
>The lord of marijuana fields
I don't care. Come back when they show us RE2 remake.
you weed retards got trudeau elected, and he's putting rapefugees ahead of weed so you dumbasses got double cucked
good goy, fight for legalization!
no one should take away your right to be a lazy bum!
>everyone who smokes weed is exactly the same
This is why you're retarded.
>merchant hangs out in cuck sheds across the map
>even larger horde of blacks than RE5
I had my fill of niggerslaying after RE5.
Marijuana encourages degeneracy and makes you apathetic to the destruction of your national culture and heritage.
It also causes schizophrenia.
>final boss is Jimmie Åkesson
I think ascribing to alt-right thought like yours induces schizophrenia
Marijuana isn't really all that bad and it actually has some legitimate uses. I'd take it before 99% of prescription drugs.
Don't get me wrong, it's subject to abuse, but so are delicious steaks dipped in butter.
I laughed.
How did Sweden fuck itself over that bad? Where did it all start?
>that Doom 3 fat zombie
The silent majority here in swedland absolutely hate niggers, only the dumb loud fucking big city jews act all angelic and tolerant.
Stockholm is an absolute circlejerk of beyond retarded shitstains.
but in skåne and småland you can expect most people to be racist.
>niggers, in my africa?
Germany is the new Sweden so if anything it will take place there.
>in skåne
Probably because malmö is literally a self-governing muslim micronation. There are dozens of no-go areas where they have free reign to commit crime because the police is a bunch of pussies.
>Sup Forums is leaking
This is everyone hates this website.
Not because of the pedos, or the perverts, or the edgy fucktards, it's you redneck, back water, bible thumping, shotgun polishing, nigger fearing, shitheel trailer trash conservatives leaking out of your containment board like shit leaks out of your MLP diapers.
Kill yourselves you fucking faggots.
>racists are worse than pedos
the leftist indoctrination is strong
would you say they have
Stockholm's Syndrome?
says the muslim sympathizing faggot
I've never been in Sweden: the post
>obvious problems
Your schizophrenic Alex Jones diatribes don't account for real world issues you tin foil wrapped turd.
Go back to fucking your sister you toothless faggot.
>I know everything about Sweden I read about it in a Sup Forums thread once: the post
Pretty sure you're the one who seems mad.
>rape capital of europe
sweden is great guys!
You know, I'm about at the point where id be ok for alt-right internment camps. Wouldn't miss out on a whole lot.
Once that's done we can throw the far left in there, too.
Would not object to it at all.
I live in Stockholm.
>not a unique IP
We get Johan, but why don't you go smoke some pot to chill out? You could also sign this petition to turn trans into an official gender while you're at it. And please don't forget about our new race mixing campaign.
What's funny is this is actually happening and you are so impotent in life that you cannot stop it.
That's America though. Why do you deflect your own problems onto us?
>it's a "I'm above everyone else and I am the only smart person in this thread" post
Spotted the jew
>I don't know how to defend my train of thought. Hey I know, better call them rednecks!
You are a disgrace to actual liberals.
Is Sup Forums that quick to anger that they just insult anyone even when they're on that persons side, or are people from Sup Forums too stupid to understand what people are saying?
More of an "OK with eliminating the idiots post" but went over your head as you would be one of the targeted individuals.
It's coming, you know.
Is it good there? Asking sincerely. It surely must be better than the 3rd world shithole I live in.