I'll start with an easy one.
ITT: Forgotten games
>he posted it again
kys sonygger
kill yourself you fat manlet nerd
I can taste the PCuck tears
still play it
shit bait 2bh
>zero replay value
>only 15 weapons
>50 second loading screens
>20 fps
>shit level design
>shitty questlines
>no poise
>no weight
I always love the theme of these threads
going from purely shitposting(BB ever being forgotten) to actual truth (the mediocrity that was XCOM2, who no one cares about anymore)
>souls game
>no replay value
Choose one.
Skyrim has more replay value than every Souls game combined, sonygger.
Is this what Skyrim babies tell themselves to help them sleep at night?
>zero replay value
ive run bout 600 hours of low level depth 5 chalice coop
>only 15 weapons
more movesets than all other modern fromsoft games
>50 second loading screens
try 10 to 20 secs
>20 fps
mostly 30, infact i can beat every boss without getting hit, and ive run 4 layer depth 5 chalices at level 50 without returning to hunters dream
>shit level design
>no poise
hyper armor is objectivly better, bloodborne wouldnt work with poise
>no weight
adds to build variety, base endurance builds allow you to sneak in points elsewhere, locked and unlocked dodge speeds give alot of variety
>50 second loading screens
When? I finished the game the last week and never had a single loading screen.
Go to bed, sonygger. Better wake up early, you gotta work for that PS+ account.
When the game was released, every time you died you were "rewarded" with a 50 seconds "BLOODBORNE" screen. They solved that after some patches. Now you get a 10 second screen with some tips.
You must be really fucking stupid if you actually spent 600 hours in such a bland shitty game.
>it's been more than 1 year
>pcucks are still salty over Bloodborne
Even Bayonetta 2 didn't produce so much salt
closer to 2k
>"stop liking what i dont like!"
>g-g-g-guys b-believe me i-it's not a bad game i-it doesn't have 50 second loading screens
the state of neo-Sup Forums
holy shit
Well yea it's only on the wii u
N____ E___ !!!!!
The fuck are you even on about? You can't even shitpost right at this stage, stop making a retard out of yourself
Anyone remember this TF2 killer?
Is this our newest meme?
>tfw dying to play this but have everything but PS4
>PS4 is also getting NiYOOOOOOO
I want to kill myself for buying a fucking shitty ass wiiu. Should have just bought this and an xbone.
At least sonybros are getting good shit ;-;
I'm over 1.5k m8 and still playing, I got bored of dark souls 1 at 1k and I got bored of dark souls 3 at 150h (probably I'm going to pick it up when the dlc comes out).
Will we get a 60 fps Bloodborne on PS4.5?
>falling for the wiiu meme
you deserved it
>an xbone
why the fuck would anyone own a scab box one?
>giving the company who wanted 24 hour check ins on console bargining chips by being a user
>censoring the usernames
There are like three threads about that game right now on Sup Forums.
>sonygger spends his entire life in front of the screen while pcbro fucks his oneitis
Can't say I'm surprised desu.
>choosing real life experience over gaming
I'm literally playing right now
>/r9k/ memes
You can't post it here if it's really forgotten OP
I can see through your web of lies
>being this much in denial
enjoy the QTEs
>asian """"""""""""""""""""women"""""""""""""""""""""
>/r9k/fag is racist and hates women
like pottery
>creating three threads just to defend a shitty game
literally kill yourself
>he is so beta that he can't get european women
please lose weight
Dude, you're on Sup Forums, you're a beta by default.
Enjoy your roasties, PCcuck.
I'm not even white
Why on Earth are you begging me to fuck your white women?
OP here
I'm 6'5", faggot.
Post photographic scientific proof of your height.
Yeah replaying all those radiant quests sure is fun.
>lanklet things that by being tall he is auto Chad
ok lol
How many people have you killed?
If your body count is below 5, you're a beta.
>it's ANOTHER "my height is the only thing i have" post
Enjoy your fucked up spine, lanklet
>little manlet is angry again
ahahahaha fucking kek
Go buy some shoelifts, manlet.
Still haven't answered what your body count is
This board is for 18+, please leave.
and no gains
seriously how come lanky fucks spend 8 hours in the gym every day and still look like dirty spaghetti
Face is the only thing that matters, retard.
>manlet is so insecure about himself that he spends his days lifting heavy objects and putting them back for no reason
Sup Forums - Video Games
Japanese/Chinese/S.Korean chicks are superior, tho.
nice gaming """"discussion""""
Roll roll attack
How can this game be forgotten when every other day there's threads about it?
This is bait isn't it
Wew lad
>10 seconds
I agreement
kill yourself leafy fan
>Casual shitter who spends 400$ for a console somehow is worse than a neckbeard spending 2000$+ for MUH GRAPHICS
I'll only give you no weight and no poise points but they're not necessairly bad since they don't fit with the game standalone universe
This post is a solid 1/10 though