What is Sup Forums opinion on Dragon's Crown?

What is Sup Forums opinion on Dragon's Crown?

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It's good but we forgot about it

Like every vanillaware game besides grim grimoire it's a repetitive button masher with rpg elements that mainly exist to make the combat take way longer and amazing visuals

They really pigeonholed themselves

I like it and I have it for vita but it is pretty sexist, but I enjoy big tits swinging in my face anyway so its alright.

It's a bad game but I thought it pretty repetitive and I got bored fast. I fell for the Sup Forums meme.

An okay beat 'em up with a great artstyle. My biggest gripe with it is that sometimes it's just too much shit on the screen and you just can't see anything. Also the fact that you can't change character classes is a huge downside, after 8 hours of playing the knight or whatever he's called I got bored and stopped playing. I should pick the game up again some time.

Kill yourself

>It's a bad game
It's not*

I love it, replay it constantly, and have only ever played dwarf.

>for portrating women as sexy


people who say x is sexist usually have no idea what the word means, as demonstrated here

Fun with local friends.

Big tiddies.

Just for that Sean I'll have your mother have dreams so vivid and horrible that she can't distinguish real from unconscious nightmares. Eventually she will take her life out of shear anguish and madness. Enjoy the rest of your life.

Its Sup Forums man, theyre gonna hate it.

Great game, a bit repetitive, biggest flaw is that the multiplayer is dead.

It's a lot of fun, especially when you're playing it with some friends.

The online is pretty bad because each individual dungeon is so short. I feel like it takes forever to join a game and then 2 screens later I'm searching for another group.
Co-op is much better since you can run 4-5 dungeons consecutively but it's kind of a pain to get started because everyone needs to beat the first half of the game individually before they can use bags, everyone has to go through the shop/level menus one at a time, and the same person has to be the leader each time because everyone also needs to beat the game individually for it to count.

You can feel a lot more care was put into this game than a lot of games these days. It feels like they made it because they wanted to, not to cater to bandwagons or corporate agendas.

My name is Ron

Would buy if Atlus would release it on PC.

boring shit

Post art.

great art+awesome local co-op

Sorry, but all my art is not SFW


Every time I try to play it I get really sleepy. It's weird


it's an amazing game if albeit a little repetitive, the graphics are top notch, the variety is incredible there is even a really obvious monty phyton reference, which is pretty amusing to find in a japanese videogame and even solo it's a lot of fun to play (as long as you play as the amazon/dwarf/warrior at least)

>caring about Sup Forums's opinion
Fuck off.

Why is Elf the most lewd?

I only bought it to piss off feminists and sjw's.

Aside from that its a decent beat'em up arcade game. I enjoyed playing it every now and then when friends would come over

Cool concept great animation and artwork

extremely shitty combat for a beat em up game. Feels super unsatisfying to hit things which is what beat em ups are all about, hitting things.

They should have took notes from Capcom beat-em-ups and Streets of Rage.

That right there? Best damn part of the game. The titty monsters get old pretty quick, but the cooking minigame - comfy as fuck.

Who did you play as?