I started to enjoy it more towards the end of the beta, not 100% sure if i'll purchase the game though.
What's everyone's opinion on Overwatch after the open beta week?
Absolute garbage.Zero skill ceiling, press Q to get play of the game, awful map balance. Will appeal to brain dead morons and millennials. I suspect it will have a lot of players on launch because BLIZZARD but then once people realize how fucking shallow it is (and how they're going to dirk you for real money transaction on loot boxes, like Hearthstone) it's going to die in the ass. Give it a year and it'll be f2p.
It's only redeeming feature is the porn.
Fucking adored it, pre-ordered it yesterday.
Has some really fun characters and gameplay mechanics which are completely ruined by awful map design and ultimates being to much bullshit. Ultimates seem to be Blizzards excuse to not give a shit about character balance and can dismiss it as "Use muh ults to change the tide of battle"
Fun game, shallow, not worth 40 dollars.
So basically, it's a shooter for girls with fan content for guys.
Blizzard effectively reversed the gender gameplay roles.
I think competitive will be a lot of fun, a lot like CSGO (I'd rather stick a nail my eyes than play casual, competitive is the only mode that doesn't make me sleep)
and it will be VERY different than this bullshit we've been seeing in the beta. I'm guessing a death will mean a lot, like in WoW arena and mobas, teams will probably back the fuck out once 1-2 players are dead and just play more coordinated. I'm thinking it should be fun to grind the rankings for a while.
You realize you are a millennial unless you are over the age of 40, in which case I say kill yourself for posting on Sup Forums.
It's exactly what I wanted: a game I can play for like an hour, maybe 2, whenever I feel like it. It's the same reason I got so many hours in TF2.
Now let's see if it can be anywhere as fun as tf2 in the long run. I hope the skill ceiling/average skill level gets a lot higher the longer it's out.
No real depth, barely any content, horrible map design. It's obviously buy to play in an attempt to recoup costs on the abandoned MMO project.
It's characters are the only thing that make it worth playing. Thankfully, for blizzard, they're pretty entertaining by themselves. I had fun with the beta, but its still not worth 60 fucking dollars.
>b-but it's actually 40 doll-
fuck off.
>huurrrr old fags are old
I've been playing vidya for 33 years. Anyone who owned a NES is around my age. Eat shit, faggot.
Well I never got to use 1/3 of the characters, so once I get it and play better at it then I'd start having complaints. I'm interested in it enough to buy it and see if it grows.
Yeah, rip 69.95 AUD
Not really for girls. It's more like the fps version of Heroes of the Storm.
Take a genre, remove depth, tell players exactly where to go and what to do at all times.
Fun as fuck and everything seems to be pretty well balanced
They're getting my money
Provides nothing new and games i already own cover anything it does offer. No reason to buy it. Probably wouldnt download it if it was free and this isnt cause i hate it i just dont care.
A simplified, casualized TF2 clone with bad characters and lore. Could be fun in short bursts in pub games. A lot of bullshit like instakill combos that make the game unfun. Bad game modes, meh maps. Not worth $40. I'd pay $20 at most.
Didn't find it that fun really. Not enough game modes and matches play out really similarly once everyone switches to the broken characters.
Would probably play it occassionally if it was F2P.
This. Game is so casual that it practically plays itself. I saw and did everything already in the beta for a couple dozen hours, no reason to ever buy it now.
Chill grandpa
>tell players exactly where to go and what to do at all times.
Oh god, you just reminded me the best places to stand on/best roofs won't let you stand on them for no goddamn reason. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
I think it's really fun and the majority of heroes are enjoyable to play. The only ones I haven't played are Bastion and Torbjorn because turret characters bore me. Engineer was my least played class in TF2
Wait, the game is no longer open beta?
Same, but i'm 100% sure not going to buy it.
It's hearthstone level of entertainment.
Didn't like it before the beta but changed my mind afterwards. Pretty sure I'll buy it.
>3 second respawn
>ult % stays
>deaths will matter a lot
High level players in this game are such cunts
What is it about getting to a high rank that makes someone such an insufferable cocklover?
>day 1
Not impressed, low skill ceiling on heroes, too simplistic but it's not bad. Bastion is stupidly OP.
>day 2
Playing with friends and having a good time, there's some strategy to things and people have found clever ways to handle some heroes.
>day 3
End up quitting early because I'm already feeling bored.
It's not really grabbing me so not purchasing.
>arguing with children after 30
Grow up and act your age.
I guess if you're defending that map in nepal where the second point is right next to the spawn you're right? but in every other caseihaving -1 in a 6v6 situation where everyone is decent at the game is a big deal at a higher level
Had a really fun time with my friend. Even being coordinated with one other person on your team makes a big difference. unless the rest of your team are widomakers and hanzos.
I played on PS4
Couldn't play the damn thing because it keeps crashing on startup.
>Premade of 5 plus a random
>We're all ~level 30
>Other team is a premade of 6
>Their lowest is 30, their highest is 60
>Win 4 maps in a row against them then they leave
I know ranks mean nothing but it felt so good.
Its a fun game, but it feels really shallow at the moment, I doubt I'll end up buying it unless it goes dirt cheap.
I have like 6+ friends to play with so i will probably get it in a while
it's pretty fun if you've got a team of lads going, playing alone just feels empty
Fun game, but not deep enough for me to put significant time into.
I put a little over 2,500 hours into TF2 (and no, I didn't idle for items). I regret about half that time because ultimately, TF2 wasn't as skillful as I was trying to convince myself it could be, wasn't deep enough to be worth that time investment. Overwatch is the same, but to an even greater degree.
One thing I can say in Overwatch's favor is that it generally feels less chokepointy than TF2, I guess due to map design, but possibly due to the fact that everyone has an ultimate, rather than just one class (Medic's uber in TF2 is pretty much an ult). In the end though, most of the heroes are slow with no movement tech, have too few things they can do, require too little manual dexterity to play optimally, and are too team-reliant. I know I could just limit myself to the few heroes who are more skill-oriented, but even those are more limited than their counterparts in TF2 (which, again, I'm not playing anymore because it's not good enough either).
It is a fun game though, and I won't say it doesn't deserve the success it will probably have.
>that one koth map where junkrats can spam nades through the window on to the point and get ult
I had a nes and I'm only 28.
I hope I grow out of this place soon.
But it is $40. Spending any more than that is your choice. If you live outside the US and have to pay more, you're a subhuman third-worlder who deserves it.
loved it, bought it, hoping bastion is fixed by release and would really love if they changed how play of the game is decided. Tired of bastion/reaper all the time and boring-to-watch ults the rest of the time.
If the beta has ended, then how come I can still play it?
When do Blizzard games usually go on sale? And how big are discounts?
they need to cut the magazine size for his play-of-the-game configuration mode to 50 or 75 or something
It feels like TF2 except considerably less shitty. That's probably what they were going for.
>One thing I can say in Overwatch's favor is that it generally feels less chokepointy than TF2
are you kidding, the game is chokepointy as hell, pretty much every map relies on them to a significant degree
TF2 can probably have more tough to crack chokepoints but the rounds are designed to be slower than in OW anyway
>It feels like TF2 except considerably MORE shitty.
You're low MMR.
Not as good as TF2, low skill ceiling, some very questionable map design, and the player base in the beta was absolute garbage of the highest order (you could wipe entire teams by playing tracer and just bouncing back and forth between two spots)
It was heavily addicting, though, and I've got no other good MP to play so I got it for 40. It'll satisfy me for a while. Don't really see the point in waiting until the 24th to release, that just seems like giving people time to lose interest.
>sweet this class lets me climb/jump/fly onto higher grounds
>half the higher grounds make you slide off (to your death) with no way to tell
Fuck these maps.
You can't fix my statement by having shit taste.
OW worse than TF2 in every single aspect.
I didn't actually find it fun or have any enjoyable feelings while playing it.
Yeah, it's well made and the art/characters look great but it doesn't actually feel that great to *play*
The 'gamefeel' just feels disconnected from the art style of the game. It plays too fast for what they're going to achieve.
All the art is big, chunky and has a lot of weight behind it but then when you get into combat it turns into quake.
90% of the time when I'd die I didn't actually realise I was being attacked, from where, by who or for how much damage. There's basically no feedback from the combat. I don't know if that's just something to do with the UI but I got pretty sick of being killed in less than a second from fucking nowhere.
Damage felt inconsistent. You either do 700 damage in a second or you do *no* damage. There's not really any inbetweens.
The maps are too small, too many chokepoints and too many useless areas that lead to nowhere.
Team imbalances are magnified exponentially if you're against a good team or you're on a good team. The enemy has a good tracer? You're literally never killing her. EVER. I honestly couldn't believe that the rewind was her fucking SECOND SKILL. A lot of the skills work that way. I'd often find myself wondering "why the fuck is that skill not an ult?" for almost all of the characters.
I like it
Nice and fun. A game I'll play when I want to unwind.
Nothing this game does justifies the price tag. 15$, eh maybe. 40 is just hilarious.
Also, this is literally hots - the fps.
Definitely not buying it
>TF2 can probably have more tough to crack chokepoints
So you agree with me?
I never said Overwatch didn't have that element, I said it was less so than TF2.
You're here forever.
>overwatch le moba meme
Preordered for the skins and am fucking ready to go.
The games fun and I enjoyed the beta. Itll be great to level up and learn all the maps.
Plus the paywall will keep out many of the shitters.
No, TF2 can have chokepoints that are tougher to crack, but OW constantly revolves around chokepoints to a much higher degree than TF2. Probably every single attack/defense map has two or three that the gameplay focus around.
>super easy to play, whether that is good or bad is up to you
>not much content, feel liked ive learned all the maps already
>not many heroes to pick from, even less considering some are shit on attack/defense
>eliminations are just glorified assists and dont feel satisfying
>dying is always frustrating because its usually instant and takes you out of the fight for a long time
>almost all of the ults are just free multikill buttons
>mei is an annoying bitch
it was decent with friends but I wont be buying it until they add a lot more content.
Welp, nevermind. Ended just now. Game is good.
Brawl is much more fun than reg mode.
High Noon needs a buff like removing the auto aim and lock on timer but making it so you have to manually select each target with your mouse.
Rework Visor somehow
>but then when you get into combat it turns into quake.
Are you saying that's a bad thing?
>90% of the time when I'd die I didn't actually realise I was being attacked, from where, by who or for how much damage. There's basically no feedback from the combat. I don't know if that's just something to do with the UI but I got pretty sick of being killed in less than a second from fucking nowhere.
Pretty sure there are hit indicators.
>The enemy has a good tracer? You're literally never killing her. EVER.
Lel. You're a complete shitter.
Mc Cree: Flash if she gets close, proceed to one-shot her
Hanzo: Use the wallhack and one-shot her
Genji: Press e to watch her drop in under a second.
That's at least three hard counters.
Why is everyone complaining about the $40 price tag? It doesn't have a single player but the multiplayer is pretty well balanced and there's plenty of characters so $40 seems like a good price. Anyone saying this game should be free or less than $20 is a whiny poorfag
Poorfags, children, etc.
>30+ y/o posting on 4chin still
lmao faggot
is the game 40usd for preorders in america
How come I can still playyy
TF2 cost $20 and then went f2p. TF2 > Overwatch
I have only one unanswered question that has been bothering me throughout the entirety of the beta. Does pharah really have no limbs?
What do you expect from pic related?
The PC version is 40 and the console versions are 60
I mostly played Zarya and Pharah, it was _fun
Ultimates are stupid though.
>no rocketjumping
>no stickyjumping (that junkrat jump is a joke)
>low skill ceiling
>servers at 20 tick
>forced esport
>maps are poorly balanced (looking at you Hanamura)
The only characters I could see being somewhat skillful are Zenyatta, Genji and Mei. Everyone else plays themselves.
I really wish it had rocket jumping.
I played it on Saturday and Sunday with some friends, experience went like this
first hour
>complete chaos, no idea what is what but slowly learning and having a good time because friends
hours 2-5
>quickly pick up the mechanics, still having a fun, play a bunch of different heroes
hours 6-7
maps are becoming a little stale, same heroes picked over and over so it's not quite as fun. >Teammates always pick flashy kill heroes
>Teammates seem to think it's TDM and rarely bother with the objective
go to bed
play next day
>did some reading about the game, learned some counters so bastion isn't the most op thing in the world
>fun for about 20 minutes
>get bored with the same-y-ness
Probably not going to pre-order. I'll get it in a year or so though when it's cheaper/F2P. Probably waiting some time will help too because it definitely gets old pretty quick when you play it for 7 hours straight like I did
And how goes playing TF2 today compared to when it first came out? Oh right, it's full of children since it's free that sit in the spawn room begging for hats.
Blizzard successfully created a fps where you don't have to aim. I didn't even know this level of casual existed and I'm actually kind of impressed
>Preordered for the skins
You are the cancer that's killing gaming.
Not him, but I agree that it's hard to tell how much damage you're taking. The screen flashes the same way whether you're getting bit by a flea or having your limbs torn off. It makes it hard to tell when you're in real danger or just hit by something stray.
>forced esport
I wouldn't say that just yet. It's not like when Turtlerock tried making Evolve an esport. Now that was forced
>Itll be great to level up
For what purpose? I really don't know what I'm leveling up for except to be rewarded with loot boxes which really don't affect the gameplay at all. I had a lot of fun with the beta but it felt shallow maybe, I don't know.
>you don't have to aim
Try playing Genji and then get back to me
But you can rocketjump.
I enjoyed it a lot and so did all my friends, definitely going to pick it up, really enjoyed playing Mercy, Lucio, and Zen.
Casual games have a habit of overinflating the ego.
>Play UT to this day
>People are sportsmanlike and say gg at the end
>Play Overwatch
>People talk down to you because they can press q faster
I mean continually rocketjump, but shooting rockets at your feet.
>being this old and angry
unironically kill yourself
Dude nice. Still you can rocket jump in OW.
You literally cant.
>Junkrat is the only fun character to play
>his design is one of the worst
Lucio is the most disgusting character hands down though.
Clocked in 40~ hours in beta with a 53% winrate (pubs so who cares) but
Mei ultimate needs to be smaller or the freeze needs to not last as long.
Bastion shouldn't be able to turn around almost instantly in turret form - that seems really contradictory of his purposed flaw.
Maps need more health packs - not every game is going to have a support and I think supports shouldn't be defined by "able to heal team mates". Symmetra is in a weird spot as well.
Choke points are way too obnoxious - that map with the cherry blossoms, Hanamura, is poorly made trying to push into Point A as an attacker - all the alternate routes besides the main gate are very cramped.
Ultimates are my biggest gripe - since heroes gain more charge for doing more damage (or healing in some cases), you can never reliably estimate when a hero has their ultimate ready. This is problematic when it all it takes is two ultimates at the last point to wipe 2-4 players.
>it's not a TF2 soldier roll out so it's not rocket jumping
kill yourself
S76 can helix jump too, so kill yourself again please
>double lucio
>double winston
>double mcree
>Rockets barely damage self
WOW. Talk about not needing to worry about close quarters.
Have you even tried? You literally can rocket jump. Then you can shift to jump even higher.
Pretty fun but I don't know if it's $40 worth of fun
Gr8 b8
>double winston
just pick le edgy shotgun man and make them regret going a cheese strat