I really want to git gud with her but I can't do it. I die so quickly and easily. What do?
I really want to git gud with her but I can't do it. I die so quickly and easily. What do?
play UT for 8 years
go back into the 90's, if you cant, play Soldier76 and you should be alright
i play her and i consistently get a ton of kills as her
basically this, and quake 3 arena
Spam chokes and play safe till you have jets.
spend most of your time in the air, as soon as you see trouble jump and use the hover sparingly to stay in the air. aim your rockets directly at the target since splash damage is pitiful and don't ult too high in the air, use it as an ambush tool.
On another note,I'm really good at this game and I don't know why.
I don't play a lot of games,the last game I played was 3 months ago,but I always end up with ~23/3 or something like that.
Is it that this game is too easy ?
I don't think i'm that good desu
Point and click, it's supremely easy compared to tf2.
the game is more about knowing when to use your cooldown abilities and which heros counter which, twitch reactions and to a degree aiming skills aren't too heavily relied on by most classes.
i've played thousands of hours as soldier on tf2, outside of learning how long it takes a rocket to travel theres nothing else to it, press shift and shoot
theres nothing you can do about dying quickly, 200 hp is 200 hp no matter how good you are
>only boosting with shift
>not knowing you can rocket jump
>claiming to have experience with the rocket jumping soldier
I have over 2000+ hours with the Soldier in TF2 and I just rekt the shit out of everybody with Pharah. Shit was fun.
Just learn how to use the rocket jump and aim to enemies while you're in the air. Try to predict where they will be when your rocket hits.
is it confirmed she has no limbs?
It's not that you're really good at this game, it's that everyone you're playing with is really bad at it.
Same shit happened to me
You want to get directly above people, only ever use JUSTICE if you are above and close to a group that isn't looking at you.
Your main responsibility is using your concussion rockets to split up the team, particularly Reinhardts.
Not this shit
youre not a soldier youre a scout with a rocket launcher
jump over buildings, drop in behind them, hover over heads to fuck up aim, dont just walk up shooting rockets thinking you can get away with it
Yeah,it seems like it,i can get really good scores with almost every heroes,I ended up being level 20,so I thought that maybe some good players will come but nah
Please respond. I can't stand my waifu having no limbs. I need some actual evidence but noone ever posts proof regardless of what they say
Is there a widowmaker, Soldier 76 or hanzo on the enemy team? If there is dont jump jet like an idiot. You are a stupidly easy target in the air.
Only use your ult when you are behind or literally above them. Otherwise they will drop you like a sack.
Besides that just shoot your rockets. While they have a small splash radius, people are still afraid to advance when they see a volley coming at them.
>tfw no pharah gf
>tfw you're not white so even if you had a child with Pharah they wouldn't be at least half white to prevent the bullying
The ground is your enemy.
The higher, the better.
You have to learn to predict their movement when facing fast opponents; you are Reinhardt's worst nightmare on the other hand, so abuse that by dropping rockets on him from above or behind.
Pharah is not a proper roamer, but when done properly, she is very good.
Forget about her ult, use it defensively, it's utter trash.
Once a Bastion/Widow kills you from afar in a good spot, DON'T FLY, they proved they have enough aiming to take you down from the sky, so flank them or go full spam-mode on choke points till your mates kills those fuckers.
Once Tracer is on you, hit the sky, you're NEVER hitting her.
Leran to rocket jump and use the concussion skill as a "get of me" move and for enviromental kills.
Pull knees close to chest
Wish you were Junkrat
Cry yourself to sleep and hope the enemy team is a bunch of retards whenever you Q
pls show nipples
Channel your inner /m/eister and spam rockets everywhere.
Also dart around like a it's a mecha animu.
How the fuck does she suddenly have arms?
1. Jump Up
2. Shoot ground
3. Die
4. Respawn
5a. See 1.
5b. Sometimes you press Q
This or Quake 3 Rocket Arena, or its modern equivalent Warsow.
You're not as durable as TF2 soldier, you need to move in and out of cover against hitscan enemies or flank them. At close range/in buildings boost and concussion can be used as a panic button to disorient the enemy. On some maps you can throw people off the edge with concussion, and it fires really quick in between rocket shots.
She kinda sucks at sniper chokepoints, really needs to be able to flank the enemy, either use distractions from the team to get in fast with the jump boost or just peek over high walls nobody is watching to fire harassment shots.
Her ulti is pretty balanced, that is to say it's situational and has a drawback. It's weak compared to some of the OP shit other heroes have. Don't be afraid to ulti in a 1v1 if you think it will save you. Best ultis are usually on control points - jump in through a high window and stay near the ceiling before unleashing. Snipers WILL fuck you asap as you're a free kill to anyone with long range hitscan.
he always did
look at her hands, they aren't Genji tier fingers
yeah now look at the arm joints
Look at her elbows. See how they have giant pins through the hinges and fully separate on the model.
She most likely has limbs. In the story the suit was only recently given to her.
>Once a Bastion/Widow kills you from afar in a good spot, DON'T FLY, they proved they have enough aiming to take you down from the sky, so flank them or go full spam-mode on choke points till your mates kills those fuckers.
I hate that it took me until reading this to learn my lesson. God do I hate a proficient Widow. I will always try to stomp Bastion though.
What is this meme? I avoided v for like a week and now i want to know if my waifu really has no limbs
it's just an advance combat suit
you think Halo is a robot too?
every non armored part of Pharah's body clearly shows a female figure that's naturally part of a human body.
is this what being delusional is?
I really hope this is the last interaction I have with you. I already hate myself for spoon feeding your ass this hard.
Pay attention to the joints. Master Chief has flexible rubber suit on under his armor. Try to think about -why- this might be.
Next, pay attention to Pharah's. See how the joint uses a round disc in a socket? Like a toy's? Apply this to a real live human elbow. What happens when that disc rotates with the elbow? If you were the engineer of this armor, what guarantee would you have in place that bending her squishy human elbow wouldn't press the disc into her joint causing extreme pain? How do you propose she move her arm at any angle other than along that rigid pivot?
Please use your head before replying.
Explain what this rocket jump is
Aim down, press lmb, jump just as you fire.
With Pharah you do left shift for maximum height or jump forward/backwards then concussion blast to your feet to get propelled.
so she's just a head straped into a powerarmor?
She is badreaper, just play reaper nigga.
So she has no hands at all? Damn. What the hell? She lost them or decided to amputee them just to use the armor?
Stay behind cover and on top of buildings. If you're going to attack, try to be airborne as much as possible to become a harder target to hit. Aim at everyone's feet so you get splash damage in case you miss a direct hit. You're most vulnerable with her Ult, so try your best to coordinate that with your team, or stay as covered as possible when using it.
play tribes quake and unreal tournament for a few years then come back
fuck I'm glad these are the first comments, Sup Forums still got it
Solider 76 is just a better Pharah, Pharah is a highly niche character.
Pharah had a hard, hard life.
Not really comparable, really.
Soldier doesn't have the verticality of Pharah.
Junkrat is basically a better Pharah. Faster ult charge, better splash and damage potential, and his ult is harder to counter than Pharah's.
Christ, even his concussion mine has a faster cooldown than Pharah's jumpjets.
Pharah's best weapon is her concussion rocket, it's used to split up enemy teams and even send people falling to their deaths
I'm pretty sure her best weapon are the 120 damage direct hit rockets that also knockback
The concussion rockets and JUSTICE are the ones that turn the tide more often than not when used intelligently.
She's a good 100% fully organic Egyptian girl
Would take her out for Shawermas to celebrate
Good fucking taste brother
>tfw never got off a zarya and pharah combo in open beta
>Something seems to be bothering Pharah. Maybe you should speak to her and see if you can get her to open up about it.
>Tattoo on the wrong eye
Fly in the air and laugh at all the shitters who suck at aiming
Anyone know who Pharah's JP voice actress is
Sounds like romi park
>tfw unlocked that spray by pressing Q at an entire enemy team from behind
>tfw everything gets reset now
>Pharah has smooth, silky hair
>Tracer looks like a fucking anime
>Pharah knows her place and would never talk back and would always make din-dins
>Tracer would only care about herself and probably order a fucking pizza
>Pharah always smells nice and has soft skin
>Tracer's breath smell like shit and her teeth are busted
I truly pity some of you who chose the wrong waifu.
I will never get D.va's spray back now that even the most retarded shitters know how to hide from her mech
>good with RL at Q3
>discovered Pharah
I know, I'll tell her a joke!
"Your look of concern has caught my attention. Or maybe it was your pharaohmones."
mirror it then
>grew up with quake, uneral tournament tribes and other fps games
>everybody's getting bodied
> mfw 99% of pharah players don't know they have a push-back rocket
Jumpjet above enemy, shoot your handrocket to either put enemy out of cover or put them in a corner, then left click them to death.
I hit level 29 in the open beta and saw not one single pharah except me that figured that simple shit out.
>not launching them in air with the rocket
>not midairing them like a blue plate
git gud shazbot
No need to shit on the other grills m8
>Pharah is my favorite
>friends want to get it on PS4
Trying to rocket on a controller is like trying to sign my name with my toes. I want to die.
>She's like a Pharaoh
>but female
Man her alts are all so cool looking
Game runs fine even on toasters, don't waste 60 bucks on the objectively inferior version
Her real name is Fareeha
her rocket is like the liberty launcher with the damage of the direct hit and the splash damage of the regular launcher
and she gets 6 rockets
she's fucking incredible
I don't know why blizzard thinks egyptians have that of a dark skin complexion. Egyptian woman have a lighter skin color on average.
I'd say she has the best overall selection although Reinhardt's are pretty great as well.
There were female Pharoahs you sperg
I don't know why you americans care so much about skin, egyptians vary in all kinds of skincolor
stop looking for validaiton
>Appropriating native american culture
Fuck Blizzard, seriously.
Anyone have the picture of pharah wearing a tank top with jeans?
her splash damage is ass though, it does like 80 max which doesnt even two-shot tracer
you will lose every single 1v1 trying to splash people to death
except you can't relly rocket "jump", you can rocket "boost" to go faster, but no go higher.
Well, fuck. That artists depiction perfectly validates your lack of evidence or facts. Don't I look stupid?
You can't
She needs 50 more hp
Fucking Mei has more durability and damage.
It's just her head bolted on to Hitomi from DOA5's body
You can use your wrist rocket on a wall to get higher
id settle for 25 and her e cooldown dropped to 8s
She doesn't need HP because she has great mobility, you should always be moving unseen and sneak attacking and always be at distance, meaning only a few classes can get you
Nah, just give her 100 health 100 armour. Makes it a bit harder for Bastion to shoot her out of the sky.
That drawing of a fictional character really makes your argument airtight.
>has a giant suit of armor
>no armor to be found
just what the fuck