Can someone tell me why this has so many dislikes...

Can someone tell me why this has so many dislikes? I dont play Call of Duty games but this one looks just like all the other ones with some cool alien stuff. Whats wrong with it?

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People are tired of the same rehashed futurism shit.

So is disliking trailers just a meme now or is there good reason besides not wanting more of the same shit?

1) cod is so utterly played out and boring now. ten years of the same fucking thing. it doesn't matter how many times they change the setting, everyone is just burned out by this boring shit. we've played it all a million times.

2) codfags wanted ww2 or modern, but got another scifi game (i like scifi, but cod's take on scifi is so utterly dull and generic)

3) game looked like a rehash of cod:ghosts with some black ops 3 models added in

4) the big reveal is supposed to be the space battle but it looked boring and cod vehicle combat is on-rails and not fun at all

5) it's just a poorly made trailer. it looks like they slapped that thing together in 5 minutes and then posted it to YouTube.

6) they're trying to cash in on nostalgia by selling a remaster of cod4. but they're hiding the game behind an $90 dollar paywall.

Makes sense

7) battlefield 1 showing some innovation with a rarely used setting and having much better visuals

Because long time call of duty fans want MW or WW2 . MW3 doesn't count. it was good back then.

>Looks like all the other ones
There's your problem, right there.
Battlefield, on the other hand, is taking a relatively new direction. The Xbox One doesn't even have any World War Two shooters, or a modern-day shooter.
The whole "le future so kewl xddd" shit has gotten old and worn-out, and Cawwa Doody's made some absolutely FUCKTARDED decisions.
Like, for example, bundling the Call of Duty 4 remake with the new game for 80 dollars and not offering the remake as a stand-alone, AND only having the ten out of twenty multiplayer maps COD4 originally had.

>Can someone tell me why this has so many dislikes?
EA-paid bots


>showing that you are not cool with something and you don't plan on buying it is a meme now
Let me guess you live in California or New York

Script kiddies. I'm surprised you retards haven't figured this out yet.

Is that really the name they went with?
What's next Call of Duty: Infinity +1 warfare?

They're gonna buy it anyway.

It's mindboggling how stupid internet users are nowadays. Can't even tell when companies/ass pained fans use bots anymore.

i dont think so. every gaming nerd hates COD but even normies who normally love cod despised cod:ghosts. this is the sequel to cod:ghosts so i don't think they'll buy it.

Battlefield players who don't even play cod is raiding the trailer by disliking it

I hear Ghost was legit bad but COD is the cool thing to hate. Sales may have dwindled but devs wish they had the same numbers.

They need to release a full zombies game and then wash their hands of cod.

The CoD bubble has popped.

I think the legitimate explanation has to do with the Modern Warfare remake currently being exclusive to those who pre-order the special edition or something like that.

Honestly, how many of you guys actually give a video a like, let alone a dislike? TMS#FE doesn't even have dislike like this and a shit ton if anons despise that game with a burning passion.

What are people saying on the comments btw?

>fairly niche Japanese game has less dislikes than an annual AAA game
I wonder why.

They'll end up releasing COD4HD stand alone eventually. Same shit happened with COD Classic and MW2.

>shit ton
Please its a few hundred, maybe a thousand at most.

Because it's cool to hate CoD now. All the people that were 13 growing up and buying every game every year have gotten to a point where even if the game looks better than it's looked in years because it has CoD in the name they think it's epic or some shit to hate on it instead of forming their own educated opinion. Looks better than MW2/3, AW, Ghosts, Blops2/3. I won't be buying it but the amount of dislikes it has is completely ridiculous when the previous games were completely trash in comparison.

>battlefield at 1.2m likes
>cod at 1.5m dislikes

ea bots

Personally, I loathe the new game because it's just a paywall to get the content the players actually want I.E. cod4 remaster

I genuinely think it might be dislike bots.
Each of the other CoD trailers have about a 20:3 like/dislike ratio.

Viral marketing and call of duty versus battlefield fanboyism. I will admit the near future/futuristic setting is getting boring and a current gen WWI or WWII game would be nice to just have desu.

Infinite Warfare looks just as boring as the rest of the recent CODs.

I want COD4:Remastered, but they've put the game behind a giant paywall. What is it, like $80? $90?

And it only comes with HALF of the game. COD4 had 20 maps, this only comes with 10.

>paying $90 for HALF of a game from 2007, basically an entire decade ago
literally what.

That's just what people are telling themselves in order to justify their hate. Cod4 is pathetically overrated. The fact that people feel nostalgic for it is pretty sad.

The game's publisher, Activision, said the reaction was down to the passion of gamers for the franchise - and said the company had seen such a reaction before.

"The fact is, while it's very early, pre-orders are off to a very strong start," CEO Eric Hirshberg said in an earnings call with investors.

"Views of the reveal trailer that you referred to are up and, in fact, the number of likes per view on the Infinite Warfare reveal trailer are also the highest we've ever seen.

"We've seen this in the franchise before. The reveal trailer for Black Ops II, which took the franchise into the future for the first time, had the most dislikes of any reveal trailer we had ever made at that time. And that, of course, went on to become our most successful game ever," he said.

"What we know for sure is that if we always just did what worked in the past and never took any creative risks, we wouldn't have a franchise. The day to worry is the day we stop trying new things."

I guess that's true, I have fonder memories of MW2 than i do for MW1

>cod is so utterly played out and boring now. ten years of the same fucking thing. it doesn't matter how many times they change the setting, everyone is just burned out by this boring shit. we've played it all a million times.

then dont buy it? this game is obviously not for you

>codfags wanted ww2 or modern, but got another scifi game (i like scifi, but cod's take on scifi is so utterly dull and generic)

no one complained until the setting was announced

>game looked like a rehash of cod:ghosts with some black ops 3 models added in

so it's CoD? good to know!

the rest of your arguments are pretty bad

>no one complained until the setting was announced
that's not true, if you paid any attention to the normieverse, you'd know that normies are tired of future cod and want something different.

Normies are the supidest fucking people holy shit.
Do they really want another awful modern CoD that has been done to death?
Do they really want yet another WW2 one that has also been done to death?
What the fuck do these retards even want?

They strictly like modern

The pendulum of rabid fanbase has swung from CoD to Battlefield.

Because COD has been dead for half a decade and they've been shitting out the same game every year.

When has this happened before ?

>Whats wrong with it?
EA invested more in shills despite not offering a better product.

>falling for EA marketing


Just like battlefield then?

no jetpacks
no speed
no nothing

No. More like Sims.

Hardline was just an expansion of bf4 priced at full price and bf4 wasn't that much different to bf3


>The day to worry is the day we stop trying new things

top kek

Might have something to do with it.

Both battlefield and CoD are shit, the fact that they think battlefield cares more about them is hilarious, they are going to release a half baked piece of shit game just like battlefront and take all the money from the dumb fantards who never learn

Normies are the ones who have jobs and buy the games. Why should developers cater to your weeb fantasies?

Maybe the target audience (normalfags) got tired of playing/buying the same old same old

>less maps
>uninspired maps
>maps withheld by season passes/ day one dlc
>less weapons
>weapons withheld by season pass /day one dlc
>cod 4 remaster, held hostage by $80 legacy/deluxe edition

So is this a thread that Ill be seeing constantly up until IW's release I presume?

Maybe for another month. The occasional shitpost about it here and there after that.

>A lot of old school fans just want simple boots on the ground, gun on gun combat. Not special abilities such as hall hacks and semi-auto grenade launchers that grant you easy kills.
>Over 200K people signed a petition about a year ago to asking for MW remastered
>They made MW remastered but you can only play it if you buy the Future Warfare game

They spit in faces of their fans. The fact that they bundled MW with IW just shows they lack confidence in their new title and fail at marketing.

Yes, shills found it appropriate to force it even though nobody gives a single fuck about this.