If you had to side with a terrorist or racist who do you choose?

If you had to side with a terrorist or racist who do you choose?

No you can't be neutral for this thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


Racist might have some funny jokes, I pick him.

You can be a law abiding racist that doesn't want to genocide an entire race

The racist, at least he's not killing innocents for his "cause".

Racist. Easy

Only retarded sjw's think this is even a choice.

And butthurt niggers maybe.

Racist since only white people can be racist, I can be assured I'll be safe.

>No you can't be neutral for this thread.
Fuck your shit. I am this thread. Neutral path is the Witcher path.
I sided with elves

>siding with elves
w e w l a d

I'll pick the "racist".

Are the elves and dwarves in the witcher world like the niggers in real life?

terrors are too chaotic and retarded
at least racists have a more proper structure and hierarchy

That game made neutral choice the only fucking viable option.

>Scoia'tael are complete cunts for the whole damn game, literally no reason to sympathize with them unless you're a hippie tree hugger
>Order starts out okay except Siegfried suddenly starts taking retard pills and goes full Ben Garrison

I'd still go for Order, though, fuck elves in Witcher games. Fuck them all. Dwarves are cool but elves are disgusting.

It depends on:

Which will be the least harmful.
Which will leave behind the least permanent damage.
How able are the victims to defend themselves.
Many other factors.

Knowing absolutely nothing, but still having to choose, I would pick racist since the terrorist by definition will physically harm people whereas the racist may or may not physically harm people.

probably terrorist

but if the terrorist is also a racist, this thing is rigged

>but if the terrorist is also a racist, this thing is rigged

>Order starts out okay except Siegfried suddenly starts taking retard pills and goes full Ben Garrison
We need elf variations of Ben Garrison's nickname now.

Ben "Making Shelves out of Baby Elves" Garrison

Being racist is fine, as long as you don't go the genocidal supremacist route.
Being terrorist is kind of eh, but against a totalitarian asshole regime, what are you gonna do when you've exhausted all other options.
I'm gonna be neutral because fuck you, OP, I won't do what you tell me and because fuck you, OP, your question lacks essential context.

What are their beliefs? Who are we attacking? What would I have to do?

They weren't really racist. Just People Of Oppression who were also smug and fine with killing.

Ben "Spear the Long Ear Queers" Garrison


Siegfried was a great guy who helped you out at the sewers. The elfs are just mad because humans are superior to them in everyway. I killed elf every chance I got and jumped on those little midget dwarfs aswell. Fucking non humans need to stay the fuck out Vizima.

>siding with literal shitskins

racist a best

It's a common thing in vidya now.

Elves once had a great civilization

>murdering people because LOL YOU ARE BULLYING ME STOP IT
>robbing a bank
you just fucked up
+ siegfried is a total bro

>Dwarves are cool but elves are disgusting
Gnomes are ok too.

It's probably because they both accept the fact that humans are superior species due to how fast they breed, and decided to adapt and even befriend non-dick humans instead of being stuck-up assholes.


Not really, elves are actually pretty smart.

It's just they breed very slowly so humans outnumber them greatly, and they are stuck up their asses to admit that their species are actually inferior as a whole.

They are basically Eldar from W40k while humans are orks.

Siegfried stays based if you actually pick the Order path though

TRUMP 2016

>[Athens’] title to possession is not based upon the eviction of others or the acquisition of an untenanted wilderness, nor on forming a mixed collection of races. The distinction and purity of our line has enabled us to remain in unaltered possession of the land of our birth. We sprang from its soil, and can use the same names for it as for our own blood. We are the only Greek state which can properly call our land by the names of nurse, fatherland and mother.


Racism is the essence of civilization itself, anti-racism is the essence of chaos (see contemporary Europe).

I'll pick the racist.


Terrorist. There's nothing wrong with using fear as a weapon. Batman does it.

Okay, harder question.


Terrorist: I think it's OK to murder civilians to incur fear to reach political ends.

Racist: I think some people are worth less than others based on their race.

Truly, two equals.

The racist maybe a faggot who secretly loves black dick so I chose him.

Fuck you, I'm witcher neutral.

Ben "Scoia'tael Belong In Hell" Garrison

>thinking someone is a subhuman is just as bad as being a murderer

>Implying humans aren't the shitskins
Breed faster, more muscular, more crude, not as smart.

Interesting you mention that, since I've seen videos where some guy gets hit for being "racist" and a lot of tumblr types will say he deserved it.

Yet these same people would be against say, corporal punishment for thieves, or the execution of recidivist rapists and murderers.

In their hierarchy of moral evils, "saying mean things about blacks and other non-whites" quite literally ranks above "raping and killing people".

It's almost surreal that we've created a culture so poisonous it can in turn create people so utterly dysfunctional.

They are both racists. You begging the question here doesn't hide your intent.


>Elves act shitty all the time kill peseants because they think it will make them free
>If you don't like them then you're a racist

Yeah except the flaming rose is well down the path of committing genocide.

That's an easier question.


At least the elf you could go gay for

The difference being humans are not as narcissistic.

I mean they are narcissistic as fuck, but elves take it to a whole different level.

It literally doesn't matter.
It had no impact on the following games.
The faction you didn't pick goes full retard.

However, you can talk elves out of being dicks. You can't talk Order out of creating unholy abominations.

>comparing barbaric murderers to people who prefer their own kind over others


I despise both terrorists and organized religion, so I picked the only non-retarded path and told them both to fuck off.

Funny, in my playthrough Yaevinn backed off, but Sigfried sicced his monster buddies on innocent civilians.

I ran him through. Good riddance.

Even Iorveth said Yaevinn was retarded, and Scoia'tael in TW1 fought for literally nothing.
Sigfried was a bro, but he's still a member of The Order of Retards, so he had to go too.

Racist, of course. Terrorist is fine too, but judging by your picture, the "terrorist" option is a knife-ear. Fuck that.

Yeah, I bet.

Racist. Because I am one so we'll get along.

It's like the race war; right or wrong, you'd side with your own, or whichever one is going to win.

>Quoting the Greeks who thought everyone who wasn't living on their city state was a nigger

The Greeks had great stuff to say about the Ethiopians.

>tfw it's 2016 and humanity still haven't changed in that we subconsciously make all of our decisions based on the most basic instincts rather than intelligence

>having "their own"
Witchers are outcasts. All other humans hate them. As a witcher, you have the same amount of motivation to side with either of those factions.

>an outcast like Geralt gets more pussy than you ever could

Isn't he seen as a human more often than whatever elves would hold symphony for?
And even then, humans are winning, so default to the winning side.

Is this a witcher 2 or witcher 3 thread


Started playing witcher 2 on dark mode (The hardest that actually let you saves) And the mainstory is such rubbish

I don't give a fuck about all this politics, all the side quests have been much more interesting

Does it get better?

Also the sword combat is garbage, so I went into the alchemist tree and am destroying shit left and right with crafted deathballs

>Isn't he seen as a human more often than whatever elves would hold symphony for?
Not really. Humans consider him inhuman, nonhumans consider him human.

He's seen as a tool. Better than be seen as filth like elves generally are I guess.

Git gud.
Alchemy is easymode, but you're gonna be crying when you reach story sections that force you to fight without potions.

I dunno depends on what part of the game you are on. The last chapter is mainly about politics so you might as well stop now.



Nigger the final boss is a test to see whether you've been paying attention to the main story and politics at play. If you invest yourself in them it's a pretty great moment.

It's not even that complex you lazy cunt.

thanks god game let's me to choose no one
they both suck

There is a lot of politics in TW2, much more than in 1 and 3 actually, but hey, politics is one of the main topics of both books and games, so it's nothing unexpected. And the story is pretty good, especially late game, it's just that it is mainly about politics.

And this is The Witcher 1 thread by the way.

I'm more interested in actual witcher things like monster hunting and alchemy

Play Witcher 1 or get out
Witcher 2 is objectively the worst of the series.

witcher 1 has even more unfun combat, why must you subject people to your shit taste

Then play TW3, but politics is still an important part of The Witcher books.

The combat was totally fine. W2 has its own set of problems with combat and imo they cripple the game even more than w1's combat did. You know something is very very wrong when the hardest part of the game is the tutorial.

Hitler give that guy his hand back

>You know something is very very wrong when the hardest part of the game is the tutorial.

I'm not the only one that thought that?

>The combat was totally fine.
Fuck no, it wasn't. It's boring as shit. TW2 had a lot of problems, but at least it kept you on your toes.

Yeah, the reverse difficulty curve was certainly a problem. People exaggerate about the tutorial though, and of course it's gonna be difficult if you don't know how the combat works yet.

Of course not. The castle siege foltest is legitimately balls to the walls hard. Then the game opens up in flotsam with tools that are too OP for the game to handle.

>an elf greets me

>with tools that are too OP for the game to handle.
I'm currently in chapter one, just got ambushed by Malenas friends and killed all 6-7 elves and 5 drowners with 2 dragons dream bombs

god I love alchemy

Hate fucking up and getting oneshot by shit though because I'm not abusing quen

>Then the game opens up in flotsam with tools that are too OP for the game to handle.
Well, disposing of the extra silver sword helped in my book. And the nekkers will fuck you up easy if you're not careful. But yeah, eventually your tools and skills outpace the game's challenge. Makes for some amazing moments though, like storming the embassies on the third act.

Siegfried was full chivalrous and a good friend to Geralt in the first two games, and in W3 Geralt even evokes his name to the fallen knights manufacturing drugs to emphasis what a disgrace they are in comparison. What fucking tree-hugging sjw faggot wouldn't side with him?

>Racism is exclusivly nationalsocialistic
Stop appropriating my political views you shit. I bet you aren't even half german.

>let malena live hoping for some elf pussy
>never see her again

Seigfried isn't racist at all though

Every witcher game totally fails on this front because the squirrels ALWAYS come across as having a terrible disregard for life, doing proper evil shit like killing innocents constantly AND being racist and hostile to the protagonist while the worst you get with the 'human' side is a well meaning side with some bad eggs

It's worst in 2 where in universe Geralt would have to be absolutely retarded to go with the elves who literally tried to kill him like 20 minutes prior

Oh yea, storming that place with roche was extremely satisfying I agree. The tentactle bossfight at the end of flotsam wasn't too shabby either.

Not like this problem didn't persist to 3 as well. Which is a fucking shame because it would have been a much better game if the combat didn't become a chore / bore around the 1/3 mark like it did in 2.

It makes more sense given the revelations in 3, they're descended from the Aen Aelle who view humans (along with everything else from Geralt's universe) as inferior.

Well, TW2 isn't about taking the elves' side as much as going with whoever suits your needs the most. Roche is a bro, but he wanted to stay for a bit, and you needed to go as soon as possible, so the Squirrels are a viable option.
And what they were building with Saskia was certainly a cause worth considering supporting.

But in TW1, neither side is worth joining regardless.

I don't think I've ever played anything with such a frustrating combat system

I will never join the side of a faggot with a hipster socialist-feminist haircut


Wraiths were the most bullshit enemy in TW2, bar none. I might be wrong but they seemed to be the only enemy that could straight-up hit through your rolls.

I just can't beat them right now
they one shot me and take nearly no damage

I'll come back later I guess

I thought Sup Forums hated level scaling

Depends on the circumstances, OP.

What is this "terrorist" fighting for?
Who does this "racist" hate and why?