New humble bundle

>new humble bundle
>no thread
Come the fuck on, guys.

Other urls found in this thread:

post codes


everyone owns all this shit already. even poor console peasants who eat bread and water 24/7

If anyone has a spare full Revelations code (not just Episode 1), I can trade System Shock 2 in return

First 15 people who post game, email
will get a code.

[email protected] (it's my spam account)

RE Revelations
[email protected]

Is DMC worth 6 bucks?

Bionic Commando: Rearmed
[email protected]

remember me

[email protected]

sent ;)

lol wtf this is basically the same bundle they did some time ago . fuck but I would get it if the more games that are coming are both REmake and RE Zero

Have all of them already from previous bundles!

>thinking they will put RE Zero in a bundle so soon

good bundle but it is mostly the same stuff as the last capcom bundle back in October. only new stuff is in top tier.

Newfags fall for the email shit again just to get the thread going. Always works

it's a fucking port :( they should do it those bastards.
man Square enix should do this fucking bundle , wouldnt a final fantasy humble bundle be great, now that all FF are on steam

Putting your best selling franchise on sale isn't a good idea.

What a shit bundle, every one of these had been bundled before.

>completely re-done
>new costumes, items, and modes that weren't in the original

I don't think you know what that word means


mostarda42 (at) gmail (dot) com

Pretty good. Now I can delete more pirated stuff off my HDD.

>new humble bundle

>buying discounts

HIB shill please open a vein and give us peace.

I literally got every single one of these from the last Capcom bundle. Wtf

When and why did HB become shit

I'm not talking about one or two bad bundles, I'm talking about reliably horrible bundles which sell you fucking coupons in the place of games

[email protected]

The eye candy one didn't get another game(s) added? What a shame.

As much as I love BCR and think Strider was nice, that's kind of a bottom of the barrel tier bundle.

All I want is RE6 (because of everyone changing their mind about it and it looks fun-ish) but not 15$ fun.

>buying games

Are you fucking stupid?

I don't think you did.

>because of everyone changing their mind about it and it looks fun-ish
Nobody every changed their mind about it and everybody knows it's utter fucking trash, because that's very clearly what it looks like.

lurk more

Gotta use all this disposable income somehow

>no hype for shit games thread
gee senpai I wonder why

>now that all FF are on steam
I think you have problems with counting.

Strider pls
[email protected]

actually, a lot of people outright hated the shit out of it and it bombed hard. Now Sup Forums, amongst others, have basically changed their tune to "its a fun co-op shooter but a bad RE game", which was far better than it was when it came out.

I never tried it or Op. Racoon and both looked like cheap fun, but not at the 60$ AAA price they wanted.

Either way, its the only one I want out of the bundle and kinguin has RE6 for 4$

wee i wonder why

Fuck off.

If you liked DMC it would be worth it for those two.

are tier 1 dollar same as in the other capcom humble bundle.

I own DMC3, 4 and SE. Theres no point in paying the 15 tier for 1 game when its 11$ cheaper elsewhere.


>Humble Re-Bundle

>Terrible games for $1
That's why nobody cares.

remember me
[email protected]

oh, good I missed strider for a buck last time around


>six bucks for Remember Me
that seems a reasonable price for something I'm merely curious about.

shame my computer is a shitbox and probably can't run it

So this is basically just an $8 off for dragons dogma.

>buying discounts
well between humbles not being worth buying for more than a year
and now this, its time to stop

Dragon's Dogma

[email protected]


[email protected]


It's a capcom game in Unreal 3/MTFramework; you can surely run it on your shitbox

funny ememe.

Only complete memefagets would insist that RE6 is complete shit. Its gameplay and raid mode are liked.

>but muh horror
Face it lad, RE4 was already action game.

Then just wait for RE6 sale, it's going to be 6 bucks tops. Who knows, it might still appear on the humble bundle spring sale.

strider senpai

[email protected]

There's 9 games in the bundle, not counting Revelations 2 episode 1. And more coming.
It's not shit. You just think it's shit because you already have all of them or at least the ones that would interest you.

HB probably has slim pickens at this point, and has to make due with what the companies give them.

Strider is pretty bad, don't bother.

>Color coded enemies up the ass
>Easy bosses
>Tedious movement from one place to another because fast travel is limited garbage
>Really tedious mash combat

>live in Japan
>not available in your area
Not really interested in any of them but fuck Capcom, it's like they want me to pirate

>Face it lad, RE4 was already action game.
No shit; thats why you avoid 4, 5 and 6 altogether.

That's quite the nice meme you got there dude. May I repost it?

again, its 4$ on g2a and kinguin. ill just buy that and be done with it.

Only thing of value is RE4 which everyone already has.

The rest is wowitsfuckingnothing tier, as usual.

All I wanted was REmake

Codes in pic cause fuck bots


Contrarian to the bitter end, huh?

huh. well if you say so, user

>Lost Planet 3 for $1
God damn it, I'm going to have to buy this just because of how much I loved the first two, aren't I?

thanks for FUCK YOU user

>disliking 5 and 6 is contrarian
Even outside of Sup Forums, most RE fans shit on those two. I'll admit to being in the minority about 4 though.

>Got a Bionic Arm

Thanks bro

dunno what are you calling a meme but go ahead reddit

Devil May Cry 4 SE

>product already owned
>product already owned
Having 700+ games in backlog is suffering

>most RE fans shit on those two

Nope. They're both Capcom's highest selling titles. If anything, it's contrarian to shit on them.

capcom and konami for that matter have a tendency to inflate their system requirements.

No but re4 and rev are. Strider is also worth it for the dollar.

Except that 5 is generally liked for its co-op.
So no, it's still only hated by those who cry about how it's not about horror anymore while still praising RE4.

6 is something that people just shit on just because everyone does. Meanwhile you have people saying that the gameplay is good and raid mode is great.

Did you leave your projector on?

This exact same bundle AGAIN?

It's also worth it for Bionic Commando and Strider, if you don't have them already

>taking steam keys when you dont touch the massive pile of games you own

Let the poorfags have them you fucking faggot

hey what the fuck this was NOT devil may cry

is strider good?

revelations has co-op right?

best bundle in a long time


and Lord of Shadow is the best selling Castlevania game to date. High sales doesn't neccesairly mean it was well received well by the fanbase.

Get fucked, now you own it
It's not bad really

Resident Evil 4


Then maybe stop trying to take free shit so others can enjoy stuff you're obviously not going to play faggot.

>product already owned
Whatever it is
It's not RE4

Alright you've sold me Mr.Humble, you have parted me with my one American dollar and zero American cents

Get a job.

>Product Already Owned
>Viking ba...
oh you dastardly bastard.

Strider pls
[email protected]

>You are installing -

What the hell is this shit?

I'm the guy giving away codes you fucking sperg

>Vikings: Battle for Asgard
